classdef Phase < handle properties MeanIntensity = []; Video = []; IMFs = []; Values = []; WorkLoad = ''; end properties % (GetAccess = private) should become private nFrames = uint32(0); xImageSize = uint16(0); yImageSize = uint16(0); end properties(Constant) InitialDirectory = 'C:\Uss\Jero�o\Desktop\Tese\Data'; end methods %constructor function obj=Phase(varargin) if nargin==0;return;end end end methods %set methods function set.WorkLoad(obj,str) obj.WorkLoad = str; % if indx == 1 % obj.WorkLoad = 'Rest'; % else if indx == 2 % obj.WorkLoad = 'Exercise'; % else % obj.WorkLoad = 'Continuous Acquisition'; % end end end methods % Extracts the image sequence from the folder function GetData(obj) directory = uigetdir(obj.InitialDirectory); % Choose the cineMRI folder dicomFiles = dir(fullfile(directory, '*.dcm' )); obj.nFrames = length(dicomFiles); % Number of frames of the cineMRI info = dicominfo(fullfile(directory,dicomFiles(1).name)); obj.xImageSize = info.Width; % Image width obj.yImageSize = info.Height; % Image height obj.Video = zeros(obj.xImageSize, obj.yImageSize, 1, obj.nFrames, 'uint8'); for p=1:obj.nFrames filename = fullfile(directory, dicomFiles(p).name ); Info=dicominfo(filename); if Info.Width~=obj.xImageSize || Info.Height~=obj.yImageSize error('invalid image dimensions') end obj.Video(:,:,1,p) = dicomread(filename); % Read the DICOM files in the folder end end % Gets the mean intensity value of the image sequence usin the % central point in k-space for all the images function GetSignal(obj) d2IFT = ifft2(obj.Video); % performs Inverse Fourier Transform d2IFT_shifted = fftshift(d2IFT); for i=1:obj.nFrames obj.MeanIntensity(:,i) = d2IFT_shifted(floor(obj.yImageSize/2),floor(obj.xImageSize/2),i); % extracts intensity of the central point in k-space for every frame end obj.MeanIntensity = abs(obj.MeanIntensity); end % Perfomrs Empirical Mode Decomposition function GetEMD(obj) obj.IMFs = rParabEmd__L(obj.MeanIntensity,40,40,1); obj.IMFs = obj.IMFs.'; end % Apply Hilber Transform to all the IMFs and extract the % instantneous phase from each one of them function GetPhase(obj) [number_imf lenght] = size(obj.IMFs); analytic_EMD = zeros(number_imf,lenght); for i=1:1:number_imf analytic_EMD(i,:) = hilbert(obj.IMFs(i,:)); %Apply Hilbert Transform obj.Values(i,:) = angle(analytic_EMD(i,:))/pi; % Get instataneous phase end end % Shows the frames of the original image sequence specified in the % array 'positions' function ShowFrames(obj,positions,title) triggered = []; triggered = cat(2,triggered,obj.Video(:,:,positions)); video = implay(triggered,3); set(video.Parent, 'Name', title); end end end