function rParabEmd = rParabEmd__L (x, qResol, qResid, qAlfa) dbstop if warning if(nargin~=4), error('rParabEmd__L: Use with 4 inputs.'), end if(nargout>1), error('rParabEmd__L: Use with just one output.'), end ArgCheck_s(x, qResol, qResid, qAlfa) % Actual computation ------------------------------------- kc = x(:); % ket copy of the input signal Wx= kc'*kc; % Original signal energy quntN = length(kc); % Signal length % loop to decompose the input signal into successive IMFs rParabEmd= []; % Matrix which will contain the successive IMFs, and the residue rParabEmdCnt= 0; qDbResid= 0; %Equal energies at start quntOscCnt= quntNOsc_s(kc); while ((qDbResid2) ) % c has some energy and oscilates kImf = kc; % at the beginning of the sifting process, kImf is the signal rPMOri= rGetPMaxs_s(kImf); % rPM= [xM(M), yM(M)]; rPmOri= rGetPMins_s(kImf); % rPm= [xm(m), ym(m)]; rPM= rPMaxExtrapol_s(rPMOri, rPmOri, quntN); rPm= rPMinExtrapol_s(rPMOri, rPmOri, quntN); quntLM= length(rPM); quntLm= length(rPm); % if (abs(quntLM-quntLm)>2), disp('Debug: Max-Min count mismatch.'),keyboard,end; if (abs(quntLM-quntLm)>2), disp('Debug: Max-Min count mismatch.'),end; if(sum(abs(diff(sign(rPM(1:min(quntLM,quntLm),1)- rPm(1:min(quntLM,quntLm),1)))))>0) % disp('Debug: Max-Min sequence mismatch.'),keyboard; disp('Debug: Max-Min sequence mismatch.'); end if(sum(abs(diff(sign(rPm(1:min(quntLM,quntLm),1)- rPM(1:min(quntLM,quntLm),1)))))>0) % disp('Debug: Max-Min reverse sequence mismatch.'),keyboard; disp('Debug: Max-Min reverse sequence mismatch.'); end bTenv= spline(rPM(:,1), rPM(:,2), 1:quntN); % Top envelop: bTenv[n]; bDenv= spline(rPm(:,1), rPm(:,2), 1:quntN); % Down envelop: bDenv[n]; bBias= (bTenv+bDenv)/2; % first bias estimate while true(1) % inner loop to find each IMF WImf= kImf'*kImf; %current IMF energy WBias= bBias*bBias'; %bias energy if WBias*WImf<0 , warning('rParabEmd__L: Ooops, negative energy detected.'), end if WBias> 0, DbqResol= 10*log10(WImf/WBias); else DbqResol= Inf; end if (DbqResol>qResol), break, end %Resolution reached %Resolution not reached. More work is needed kImf = kImf- qAlfa*bBias'; % subtract qAlfa bias from kImf rPMOri= rGetPMaxs_s(kImf); % rPM= [xM(M), yM(M)]; rPmOri= rGetPMins_s(kImf); % rPm= [xm(m), ym(m)]; rPM= rPMaxExtrapol_s(rPMOri, rPmOri, quntN); rPm= rPMinExtrapol_s(rPMOri, rPmOri, quntN); bTenv= spline(rPM(:,1), rPM(:,2), 1:quntN); % Top envelop: bTenv[n]; bDenv= spline(rPm(:,1), rPm(:,2), 1:quntN); % Down envelop: bDenv[n]; bBias= (bTenv+bDenv)/2; % new bias estimate end % Wend true % rParabEmd = [rParabEmd; kImf']; % store the extracted rParabEmd in the matrix rParabEmd kc = kc - kImf; % subtract the extracted rParabEmd from the signal quntOscCnt= quntNOsc_s(kc); rParabEmdCnt=rParabEmdCnt+1; if (kc'*kc)>0 qDbResid= 10*log10(Wx/(kc'*kc)); else qDbResid = Inf end % end % Wend ((DbR... )) if ((kc'*kc)/Wx)>(10^-12) rParabEmd=[rParabEmd; kc']; %The residual is the last IMF rParabEmdCnt=rParabEmdCnt+1; NumOscqResiduais= quntNOsc_s(kc); end rParabEmd= rParabEmd'; end %main function %SubFunctions ------------------------------------------------------------ %------------------------------------------------------------------------- function ArgCheck_s(x, qResol, qResid, qAlfa) [qL, qC] = size(x); if ((qL*qC)~= max(qL,qC)), error('rParabEmd__L: Input signal must be a one dim vector.'), end if ((qL*qC)<= 1), error('rParabEmd__L: Input signal must be a vector.'), end [qL,qC] = size(qResol); if ( ~((qL==1)&(qC==1)) ), error('rParabEmd__L: Input resolution must be a scalar.'), end if ( qResol<=0 ), error('rParabEmd__L: Input resolution must strictly positive.'), end [qL,qC] = size(qResid); if ( ~((qL==1)&(qC==1)) ), error('rParabEmd__L: Input residual must be a scalar.'), end if ( qResid<=0 ), error('rParabEmd__L: Input residual must strictly positive.'), end [qL,qC] = size(qAlfa); if ( ~((qL==1)&(qC==1)) ), error('rParabEmd__L: qAlfa step must be a scalar.'), end if ( qAlfa<=0 ), error('rParabEmd__L: qAlfa step must be strictly positive.'), end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------- make at 17-Jul-07 10:16:59.44 % quntNOsc_s v1.01 % build 20070409001 % Returns the oscilation count, no steps function quntNOsc = quntNOsc_s (x) y=0; qisTop= false; qisDown= false; for i=2:(length(x)-1) if( ((x(i-1)) < (x(i))) && ((x(i+1))< (x(i))) ) %Max /-\ y=y+1; end if( ((x(i-1)) > (x(i))) && ((x(i+1))> (x(i))) ) %min \_/ y=y+1; end %Top if( ((x(i-1)) < (x(i))) && ((x(i+1))== (x(i))) ) %StepL /- qisTop= true; qisDown= false; end if( ((x(i-1)) == (x(i))) && ((x(i+1))< (x(i))) ) %stepR -\ if qisTop; y=y+1; end; qisTop= false; end %Downs if( ((x(i-1)) > (x(i))) && ((x(i+1))== (x(i))) ) %stepL \_ qisTop= false; qisDown= true; end if( ((x(i-1)) == (x(i))) && ((x(i+1))> (x(i))) ) %StepR _/ if qisDown; y=y+1; end qisDown=false; end end % for i=2:(length(x)-1) quntNOsc= y; end % function y = quntNOsc_s (x) %---------- make at 17-Jul-07 10:16:59.44 function rPMaxExtrapol= rPMaxExtrapol_s(rPM, rPm, quntL) %rPMaxExtrapol_s V1.00 % build 2007407001 % Time-mirrored top extrema (Parabolic Maxs) extrapolation %Init ------------------------------------ rPM= sortrows(rPM); %assumes nothing on rPM sort order rPm= sortrows(rPm); %assumes nothing on rPm sort order kTopTim1= rPM(:,1); kTopVal= rPM(:,2); kDwnTim1= rPm(:,1); kDwnVal= rPm(:,2); %Start extrapolation --------------------- if ( (kTopTim1(1)== 1) && (kDwnTim1(1)== 1) ) disp ('rPMaxExtrapol_s: Poliextrema at signal''s start'); elseif ( (kTopTim1(1)<1) || (kDwnTim1(1)< 1) ) disp ('rPMaxExtrapol_s: Invalid extrema at signal''s start'); else kTopTim1=[2-kDwnTim1(1); kTopTim1]; % New first Top at the (one based) specular Min kTopVal=[kTopVal(1); kTopVal]; % Same Val as old first Top end % End extrapolation ----------------------- if ( (kTopTim1(end)== quntL) && (kDwnTim1(end)== quntL) ) disp ('rPMaxExtrapol_s: Poliextrema at signal''s end'); elseif ( (kTopTim1(end)> quntL) || (kDwnTim1(end)> quntL) ) disp ('rPMaxExtrapol_s: Invalid extrema at signal''s end'); else kTopTim1=[kTopTim1; (2*quntL - kDwnTim1(end))]; % New last Top at the specular Min kTopVal=[ kTopVal; kTopVal(end)]; % Same Val as old last Top end % return value ------------------------ rPMaxExtrapol= sortrows([kTopTim1, kTopVal]); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------- make at 17-Jul-07 10:16:59.44 function rPMinExtrapol= rPMinExtrapol_s(rPM, rPm, quntL) %rPMinExtrapol_s V1.00 % build 2007407001 % Time-mirrored down extrema (Parabolic Mins) extrapolation %Init ------------------------------------ rPM= sortrows(rPM); %assumes nothing on rPM sort order rPm= sortrows(rPm); %assumes nothing on rPm sort order kTopTim1= rPM(:,1); kTopVal= rPM(:,2); kDwnTim1= rPm(:,1); kDwnVal= rPm(:,2); %Start extrapolation --------------------- if ( (kTopTim1(1)== 1) && (kDwnTim1(1)== 1) ) disp ('rPMinExtrapol_s: Poliextrema at signal''s start'); elseif ( (kTopTim1(1)<1) || (kDwnTim1(1)< 1) ) disp ('rPMinExtrapol_s: Invalid extrema at signal''s start'); else kDwnTim1=[2-kTopTim1(1); kDwnTim1]; % New first Dwn at the (one based) specular Max kDwnVal=[kDwnVal(1); kDwnVal]; % Same Val as old first Dwn end % End extrapolation ----------------------- if ( (kTopTim1(end)== quntL) && (kDwnTim1(end)== quntL) ) disp ('rPMinExtrapol_s: Poliextrema at signal''s end'); elseif ( (kTopTim1(end)> quntL) || (kDwnTim1(end)> quntL) ) disp ('rPMinExtrapol_s: Invalid extrema at signal''s end'); else kDwnTim1=[kDwnTim1; (2*quntL - kTopTim1(end))]; % New last Dwn at the specular Max kDwnVal=[ kDwnVal; kDwnVal(end)]; % Same Val as old last Dwn end % return value ------------------------ rPMinExtrapol= sortrows([kDwnTim1, kDwnVal]); end %------------------------------------------------------------------------- %---------- make at 17-Jul-07 10:16:59.44 function rPMax= rGetPMaxs_s(aS) %Get Parabolic Maxs, plateaus out % build 20070612001 kS= aS(:); quntLenS=length(kS); quntMaxCnt=0; kSMNdx1= []; kSMVal=[]; %signal S Maxima indices and values kSPMTim1= []; kSPMVal=[]; %signal S Parabolic Maxima times and values if (quntLenS>2) %if signal has enough length for Cnt=2:(quntLenS-1) %search the Maxs if ( ((kS(Cnt) > kS(Cnt+1))) && ((kS(Cnt) >= kS(Cnt-1))) || ((kS(Cnt) >= kS(Cnt+1))) && ((kS(Cnt) > kS(Cnt-1))) ) quntMaxCnt=quntMaxCnt+1; kSMNdx1= [kSMNdx1; Cnt]; kSMVal=[kSMVal; kS(Cnt)]; end end end % Now we have the Maxs, lets get the Parabolic Maxs oldxv= -Inf; oldyv= -Inf; intGapMax= max(kS)-min(kS); for jj=1:quntMaxCnt %for all Maxs %xa= -1; xb= 0; xc= 1; ya= kS(kSMNdx1(jj)-1); % Sample point before yb= kS(kSMNdx1(jj)); % Sample point, == kSMVal(jj) yc= kS(kSMNdx1(jj)+1); % Sample point after D= (-4*yb+2*ya+2*yc); if (D==0), xv= kSMNdx1(jj); else xv= kSMNdx1(jj)+(ya-yc)/D; end; % Vertix abscissa D= (-16*yb+ 8*ya+ 8*yc); if (D==0), yv= yb; else yv= yb+ (2*yc*ya- ya*ya- yc*yc)/D; end; % Lets check for double maxima if ( (xv==oldxv)||(abs(yv-oldyv)/abs(xv-oldxv))> (2*intGapMax) ) xv= (xv+ oldxv)/2; yv= max(yv,oldyv); %Double found kSPMTim1(length(kSPMTim1))= xv; kSPMVal(length(kSPMVal))= yv; else kSPMTim1= [kSPMTim1; xv]; kSPMVal=[kSPMVal; yv]; end oldxv= xv; oldyv= yv; end % for jj=1:quntMaxCnt if quntMaxCnt>0 if ( kS(1) >= kSPMVal(1) ) kSPMTim1= [1; kSPMTim1]; kSPMVal=[kS(1); kSPMVal ]; %Start must be included as a Max end if ( kS(end) >= kSPMVal(end)) kSPMTim1= [kSPMTim1; quntLenS]; kSPMVal=[kSPMVal; kS(end)]; %End must be included as a Max end end if quntMaxCnt==0 if ( kS(1) > kS(2) ) kSPMTim1= [1; kSPMTim1]; kSPMVal=[kS(1); kSPMVal ]; %Start must be included as a Max end if ( kS(end) > kS(end-1)) kSPMTim1= [kSPMTim1; quntLenS]; kSPMVal=[kSPMVal; kS(end)]; %End must be included as a Max end end if quntMaxCnt<0 error('rGetPMaxs_s: Invalid MaxCnt value'); end rPMax= sortrows([kSPMTim1, kSPMVal]); end %---------- make at 17-Jul-07 10:16:59.44 function rPMin= rGetPMins_s(aS) %Get Parabolic Mins, plateaus out % build 20070612001 kS= aS(:); quntLenS=length(kS); quntMinCnt=0; kSMNdx1= []; kSMVal=[]; %signal S Minima indices and values kSPMTim1= []; kSPMVal=[]; %signal S Parabolic Minima times and values if (quntLenS>2) %if signal has enough length for Cnt=2:(quntLenS-1) %search the Mins if ( ((kS(Cnt) < kS(Cnt+1))) && ((kS(Cnt) <= kS(Cnt-1))) || ((kS(Cnt) <= kS(Cnt+1))) && ((kS(Cnt) < kS(Cnt-1))) ) quntMinCnt=quntMinCnt+1; kSMNdx1= [kSMNdx1; Cnt]; kSMVal=[kSMVal; kS(Cnt)]; end end end % Now we have the Mins, lets get the Parabolic Mins oldxv= -Inf; oldyv= -Inf; intGapMax= max(kS)-min(kS); for jj=1:quntMinCnt %for all Mins %xa= -1; xb= 0; xc= 1; ya= kS(kSMNdx1(jj)-1); % Sample point before yb= kS(kSMNdx1(jj)); % Sample point, == kSMVal(jj) yc= kS(kSMNdx1(jj)+1); % Sample point after D= (-4*yb+2*ya+2*yc); if (D==0), xv= kSMNdx1(jj); else xv= kSMNdx1(jj)+(ya-yc)/D; end; % Vertix abscissa D= (-16*yb+ 8*ya+ 8*yc); if (D==0), yv= yb; else yv= yb+ (2*yc*ya- ya*ya- yc*yc)/D; end; % Lets check for double minima if ( (xv==oldxv)||(abs(yv-oldyv)/abs(xv-oldxv))> (2*intGapMax) ) xv= (xv+ oldxv)/2; yv= min(yv,oldyv); %Double found kSPMTim1(length(kSPMTim1))= xv; kSPMVal(length(kSPMVal))= yv; else kSPMTim1= [kSPMTim1; xv]; kSPMVal=[kSPMVal; yv]; end oldxv= xv; oldyv= yv; end % for jj=1:quntMinCnt if quntMinCnt>0 if ( kS(1) <= kSPMVal(1) ) kSPMTim1= [1; kSPMTim1]; kSPMVal=[kS(1); kSPMVal ]; %Start must be included as a Min end if ( kS(end) <= kSPMVal(end)) kSPMTim1= [kSPMTim1; quntLenS]; kSPMVal=[kSPMVal; kS(end)]; %End must be included as a Min end end if quntMinCnt==0 if ( kS(1) < kS(2) ) kSPMTim1= [1; kSPMTim1]; kSPMVal=[kS(1); kSPMVal]; %Start must be included as a Min end if ( kS(end) < kS(end-1)) kSPMTim1= [kSPMTim1; quntLenS]; kSPMVal=[kSPMVal; kS(end)]; %End must be included as a Min end end if quntMinCnt<0 error('rGetPMins_s: Invalid MinCnt value'); end rPMin= sortrows([kSPMTim1, kSPMVal]); end %---------- make at 17-Jul-07 10:16:59.44