git midx [--pack-dir <pack_dir>]


Write or verify a MIDX file.


--pack-dir <pack_dir>

Use given directory for the location of packfiles, pack-indexes, and MIDX files.


If specified, delete the midx file specified by midx-head, and midx-head. (Cannot be combined with --write, --read, or --verify.)


If specified, check the midx file specified by midx-head for corruption or invalid data. (Cannot be combined with --write, --read, or --clear.)


If specified, read a midx file specified by the midx-head file and output basic details about the midx file. (Cannot be combined with --write, --clear, or --verify.)

--midx-id <oid>

If specified with --read, use the given oid to read midx-[oid].midx instead of using midx-head.


If specified, write a new midx file to the pack directory using the packfiles present. Outputs the hash of the result midx file. (Cannot be combined with --read, --clear, or --verify.)


If specified with --write, update the midx-head file to point to the written midx file.


If specified with --write and --update-head, delete the midx file previously pointed to by midx-head (if changed).


  • Read the midx-head file and output the OID of the head MIDX file.

    $ git midx
  • Write a MIDX file for the packfiles in your local .git folder.

    $ git midx --write
  • Write a MIDX file for the packfiles in your local .git folder and

  • update the midx-head file.

    $ git midx --write --update-head
  • Write a MIDX file for the packfiles in a different folder

    $ git midx --write --pack-dir ../../.gitObjectCache/pack/
  • Read a MIDX file in the local .git folder.

    $ git midx --read --midx-id 3e50d982a2257168c7fd0ff12ffe5cf6af38c74e



The midx command will fail if core.midx is false. Also, the written MIDX files will be ignored by other commands unless core.midx is true.


Part of the git(1) suite