#!/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME binhex.pl - use Convert::BinHex to encode files as BinHex =head1 USAGE Usage: binhex.pl [options] file ... file Where the options are: -o dir Output in given directory (default outputs in file's directory) -v Verbose output (normally just one line per file is shown) =head1 DESCRIPTION Each file is converted to file.hqx. =head1 WARNINGS Largely untested. =head1 AUTHOR Paul J. Schinder (NASA/GSFC) mostly, though Eryq can't seem to keep his grubby paws off anything... =cut use lib "./lib"; use Getopt::Std; use Convert::BinHex; use POSIX; use Fcntl; use File::Basename; use Carp; require Mac::Files if (($^O||'') eq "MacOS"); our $VERSION = '1.125'; # VERSION use strict; use vars qw( $opt_o $opt_v ); my $DEBUG = 0; #------------------------------------------------------------ # main #------------------------------------------------------------ sub main { # What usage? @ARGV or usage(); getopts('o:v'); $DEBUG = $opt_v; # Process files: my $file; foreach $file (@ARGV) { binhex($file); } } exit(&main ? 0 : -1); #------------------------------------------------------------ # usage #------------------------------------------------------------ # Get usage from me. sub usage { my $msg = shift || ''; my $usage = ''; if (open(USAGE, "<$0")) { while ($_ = and !/^=head1 USAGE/) {}; while ($_ = and !/^=head1/) {$usage .= $_}; close USAGE; } else { $usage = "Usage unavailable; please see the script itself."; } print STDERR "\n$msg$usage"; exit -1; } #------------------------------------------------------------ # binhex FILE #------------------------------------------------------------ # Encode the given FILE. # sub binhex { my $inpath = shift || die "No filename given $!"; local *BHEX; my ($has, $dlength, $rlength, $finfo, $flags); # Create new BinHex interface: my $hqx = Convert::BinHex->new; # Get input directory/filename: my ($inname, $indir) = fileparse($inpath); die "filename $inname too long!" if ((length($inname)+4) > 31); $hqx->filename($inname); # Set up output directory/filename: my $outname = "$inname.hqx"; my $outdir = $opt_o || $indir; my $outpath = "$outdir/$outname"; $outpath =~ s{/+}{/}g; # If we're on a Mac, we can get the real resource info: if ($^O||'' eq "MacOS") { # Get and set up type, creator, flags: $has = Mac::Files::FSpGetCatInfo($inpath); $finfo = $has->{ioFlFndrInfo}; $dlength = $has->{ioFlLgLen}; $rlength = $has->{ioFlRLgLen}; $hqx->type($finfo->{fdType}); $hqx->creator($finfo->{fdCreator}); $hqx->flags($finfo->{fdFlags} & 0xfeff); # turn off inited bit # Set up data fork: $hqx->data(Path=>$inpath); $hqx->data->length($dlength); # Set up resource fork: $hqx->resource(Path=>$inpath, Fork => "RSRC"); $hqx->resource->length($rlength); } else { # not a Mac: fake it... # Set up data fork: $hqx->data(Path => $inpath); $dlength = (-s $inpath); # Set up resource fork: if (-e "$inpath.rsrc") { $hqx->resource(Path => "$inpath.rsrc"); $rlength = (-s "$inpath.rsrc"); } else { $hqx->resource(Data => ''); $rlength = 0; } } # Ready! print "BinHexing: $inpath\n"; if ($DEBUG) { print " Resource size: $rlength\n" if defined($rlength); print " Data size: $dlength\n" if defined($dlength); } open BHEX, ">$outpath" or croak("Unable to open $outpath"); $hqx->encode(\*BHEX); close BHEX; print "Wrote: $outpath\n"; } #------------------------------------------------------------ 1;