classdef CardiacPhase < Phase properties FullPhase = Phase; IMF = uint32(0); SystolePositions = []; DiastolePositions = []; end properties % (GetAccess = private) should become private SystoleTreshold = double(0); DiastoleTreshold = double(0); end methods %constructor function obj=CardiacPhase(Phase) if nargin==0;return;end % gets properties of superclass obj.FullPhase = Phase.ModePhases; obj.Video = Phase.Video; end % Choose the correct IMF depending on the work load function SelectPhase(obj) prompt = {'Choose the IMF representing cardiac phase:','Combine with additional IMF:'}; dlgtitle = 'Cardiac Phase'; dims = [1 60]; definput = {'3',''}; opts.Interpreter = 'tex'; answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlgtitle,dims,definput,opts); obj.IMF = str2num(answer{1}); if length(answer{2}) > 0. new_imf = obj.FullPhase(obj.IMF,:) + obj.FullPhase(str2num(answer{2}),:); % if the IMFs are unorthogonal combine them into one IMF obj.FullPhase(obj.IMF,:) = new_imf; obj.FullPhase(str2num(answer{2}),:) = []; Complot(obj.FullPhase); end % SHOULD TRY TO USE GETPHASE FUNCTION % obj.IMF = imf_number; % GetPhase@Phase(obj.FullPhase,obj.IMF); obj.Values = obj.FullPhase(obj.IMF,:); %Phase corresponding to respiratory phase end % Detects the frame's positions of diastolic events function Diastole(obj) max_heart_phase = max(obj.Values); % cardiac phase maxima obj.DiastoleTreshold = 0.8*max_heart_phase; % diastole treshold index1 = obj.Values > obj.DiastoleTreshold; % frames with phase above the diastolic treshold indexNumeric1 = find(index1); values1 = obj.Values(indexNumeric1); [ordered_values1 oredered_index1] = sort(values1); obj.DiastolePositions = indexNumeric1(oredered_index1); % sorts the frames in ascending cardiac phase end % Detects the frame's positions of systolic events function Systole(obj) min_heart_phase = min(obj.Values); % cardiac phase minima obj.SystoleTreshold = 0.8*min_heart_phase; % systole treshold index2 = obj.Values < obj.SystoleTreshold; % frames with phase below the systolic treshold indexNumeric2 = find(index2); values2 = obj.Values(indexNumeric2); [ordered_values2 oredered_index2] = sort(values2); obj.SystolePositions = indexNumeric2(oredered_index2); % sorts the frames in ascending cardiac phase end end end