2019-05-06 16:34:28 +02:00

722 lines
21 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# docx2txt, a command-line utility to convert Docx documents to text format.
# Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Sandeep Kumar
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# This script extracts text from document.xml contained inside .docx file.
# Perl v5.10.1 was used for testing this script.
# Author : Sandeep Kumar (shimple0 -AT- Yahoo .DOT. COM)
# ChangeLog :
# 10/08/2008 - Initial version (v0.1)
# 15/08/2008 - Script takes two arguments [second optional] now and can be
# used independently to extract text from docx file. It accepts
# docx file directly, instead of xml file.
# 18/08/2008 - Added support for center and right justification of text that
# fits in a line 80 characters wide (adjustable).
# 03/09/2008 - Fixed the slip in usage message.
# 12/09/2008 - Slightly changed the script invocation and argument handling
# to incorporate some of the shell script functionality here.
# Added support to handle embedded urls in docx document.
# 23/09/2008 - Changed #! line to use /usr/bin/env - good suggestion from
# Rene Maroufi (info>AT<maroufi>DOT<net) to reduce user work
# during installation.
# 31/08/2009 - Added support for handling more escape characters.
# Using OS specific null device to redirect stderr.
# Saving text file in binary mode.
# 03/09/2009 - Updations based on feedback/suggestions from Sergei Kulakov
# (sergei>AT<dewia>DOT<com).
# - removal of non-document text in between TOC related tags.
# - display of hyperlink alongside linked text user controlled.
# - some character conversion updates
# 05/09/2009 - Merged cjustify and rjustify into single subroutine justify.
# Added more character conversions.
# Organised conversion mappings in tabular form for speedup and
# easy maintenance.
# Tweaked code to reduce number of passes over document content.
# 10/09/2009 - For leaner text experience, hyperlink is not displayed if
# hyperlink and hyperlinked text are same, even if user has
# enabled hyperlink display.
# Improved handling of short line justification. Many
# justification tag patterns were not captured earlier.
# 11/09/2009 - A directory holding the unzipped content of .docx file can
# also be specified as argument to the script, in place of file.
# 17/09/2009 - Removed trailing slashes from input directory name.
# Updated unzip command invocations to handle path names
# containing spaces.
# 01/10/2009 - Added support for configuration file.
# 02/10/2009 - Using single quotes to specify path for unzip command.
# 04/10/2009 - Corrected configuration option name lineIndent to listIndent.
# 11/12/2011 - Configuration variables now begin with config_ .
# Configuration file is looked for in HOME directory as well.
# Added a check for existence of unzip command.
# Superscripted cross-references are placed within [...] now.
# Fixed bugs #3003903, #3082018 and #3082035.
# Fixed nullDevice for Cygwin.
# 12/12/2011 - Configuration file is also looked for in /etc, default
# location for Unix-ish systems.
# 22/12/2011 - Added &apos; and &quot; to docx specific escape characters
# conversions. [Bug #3463033]
# 24/12/2011 - Improved handling of special (non-text) characters, along with
# support for more non-text characters.
# 05/01/2012 - Configuration file is now looked for in current directory,
# user configuration directory and system configuration
# directory (in the specified order). This streamlining allows
# for per user configuration file even on Windows.
# 14/01/2012 - Wrong code was committed during earlier fixing of nullDevice
# for Cygwin, fixed that.
# Usage is extended to accept docx file from standard input.
# "-h" has to be given as the first argument to get usage help.
# Added new configuration variable "config_tempDir".
# 14/03/2014 - Remove deleted text from output. This effects in case changes
# are being tracked in docx document. Patch was contributed by
# William Parsons (wbparsons>AT<cshore>DOT<com).
# Removed experimental config option config_exp_extra_deEscape.
# 27/03/2014 - Remove non-document_text content marked by wp/wp14 tags.
# 07/04/2014 - Added support for handling lists (bullet, decimal, letter,
# roman) along with (attempt at) indentation.
# Added new configuration variable config_twipsPerChar.
# Removed configuration variable config_listIndent.
# 14/04/2014 - Fixed list numbering - lvl start value needs to be considered.
# Improved list indentation and corresponding code.
# 27/04/2014 - Improved paragraph content layout/indentation.
# 13/05/2014 - Added new configuration variable config_unzip_opts. Users can
# now use unzipping programs like 7z, pkzipc, winzip as well.
# The default settings below can be overridden via docx2txt.config in current
# directory/ user configuration directory/ system configuration directory.
our $config_unzip = '/usr/bin/unzip'; # Windows path like 'C:/path/to/unzip.exe'
our $config_unzip_opts = '-p'; # To extract file on standard output
our $config_newLine = "\n"; # Alternative is "\r\n".
our $config_lineWidth = 80; # Line width, used for short line justification.
our $config_showHyperLink = "N"; # Show hyperlink alongside linked text.
our $config_tempDir; # Directory for temporary file creation.
our $config_twipsPerChar = 120; # Approx mapping for layout purpose.
# Windows/Non-Windows specific settings. Adjust these here, if needed.
if ($ENV{OS} =~ /^Windows/ && !(exists $ENV{OSTYPE} || exists $ENV{HOME})) {
$nullDevice = "nul";
$userConfigDir = $ENV{APPDATA};
# On Windows, configuration file is installed in same folder as this script.
$0 =~ m%^(.*[/\\])[^/\\]*?$%;
$systemConfigDir = $1;
$config_tempDir = "$ENV{TEMP}";
} else {
$nullDevice = "/dev/null";
$userConfigDir = $ENV{HOME};
$systemConfigDir = "/etc";
$config_tempDir = "/tmp";
# Character conversion tables
# Only (amp, apos, gt, lt and quot) are the required reserved characters in HTML
# and XHTML, others are used for better text experience.
my %escChrs = ( amp => '&', apos => '\'', gt => '>', lt => '<', quot => '"',
acute => '\'', brvbar => '|', copy => '(C)', divide => '/',
laquo => '<<', macr => '-', nbsp => ' ', raquo => '>>',
reg => '(R)', shy => '-', times => 'x'
my %splchars = (
"\xC2" => {
"\xA0" => ' ', # <nbsp> non-breaking space
"\xA2" => 'cent', # <cent>
"\xA3" => 'Pound', # <pound>
"\xA5" => 'Yen', # <yen>
"\xA6" => '|', # <brvbar> broken vertical bar
# "\xA7" => '', # <sect> section
"\xA9" => '(C)', # <copy> copyright
"\xAB" => '<<', # <laquo> angle quotation mark (left)
"\xAC" => '-', # <not> negation
"\xAE" => '(R)', # <reg> registered trademark
"\xB1" => '+-', # <plusmn> plus-or-minus
"\xB4" => '\'', # <acute>
"\xB5" => 'u', # <micro>
# "\xB6" => '', # <para> paragraph
"\xBB" => '>>', # <raquo> angle quotation mark (right)
"\xBC" => '(1/4)', # <frac14> fraction 1/4
"\xBD" => '(1/2)', # <frac12> fraction 1/2
"\xBE" => '(3/4)', # <frac34> fraction 3/4
"\xC3" => {
"\x97" => 'x', # <times> multiplication
"\xB7" => '/', # <divide> division
"\xCF" => {
"\x80" => 'PI', # <pi>
"\xE2\x80" => {
"\x82" => ' ', # <ensp> en space
"\x83" => ' ', # <emsp> em space
"\x85" => ' ', # <qemsp>
"\x93" => ' - ', # <ndash> en dash
"\x94" => ' -- ', # <mdash> em dash
"\x95" => '--', # <horizontal bar>
"\x98" => '`', # <soq>
"\x99" => '\'', # <scq>
"\x9C" => '"', # <doq>
"\x9D" => '"', # <dcq>
"\xA2" => '::', # <diamond symbol>
"\xA6" => '...', # <hellip> horizontal ellipsis
"\xB0" => '%.', # <permil> per mille
"\xE2\x82" => {
"\xAC" => 'Euro' # <euro>
"\xE2\x84" => {
"\x85" => 'c/o', # <care/of>
"\x97" => '(P)', # <sound recording copyright>
"\xA0" => '(SM)', # <servicemark>
"\xA2" => '(TM)', # <trade> trademark
"\xA6" => 'Ohm', # <Ohm>
"\xE2\x85" => {
"\x93" => '(1/3)',
"\x94" => '(2/3)',
"\x95" => '(1/5)',
"\x96" => '(2/5)',
"\x97" => '(3/5)',
"\x98" => '(4/5)',
"\x99" => '(1/6)',
"\x9B" => '(1/8)',
"\x9C" => '(3/8)',
"\x9D" => '(5/8)',
"\x9E" => '(7/8)',
"\x9F" => '1/',
"\xE2\x86" => {
"\x90" => '<--', # <larr> left arrow
"\x92" => '-->', # <rarr> right arrow
"\x94" => '<-->', # <harr> left right arrow
"\xE2\x88" => {
"\x82" => 'd', # partial differential
"\x9E" => 'infinity',
"\xE2\x89" => {
"\xA0" => '!=', # <neq>
"\xA4" => '<=', # <leq>
"\xA5" => '>=', # <geq>
"\xEF\x82" => {
"\xB7" => '*' # small white square
# Check argument(s) sanity.
my $usage = <<USAGE;
Usage: $0 [infile.docx|-|-h] [outfile.txt|-]
$0 < infile.docx
$0 < infile.docx > outfile.txt
In second usage, output is dumped on STDOUT.
Use '-h' as the first argument to get this usage information.
Use '-' as the infile name to read the docx file from STDIN.
Use '-' as the outfile name to dump the text on STDOUT.
Output is saved in infile.txt if second argument is omitted.
Note: infile.docx can also be a directory name holding the unzipped content
of concerned .docx file.
die $usage if (@ARGV > 2 || $ARGV[0] eq '-h');
# Look for configuration file in current directory/ user configuration
# directory/ system configuration directory - in the given order.
my %config;
if (-f "docx2txt.config") {
%config = do 'docx2txt.config';
} elsif (-f "$userConfigDir/docx2txt.config") {
%config = do "$userConfigDir/docx2txt.config";
} elsif (-f "$systemConfigDir/docx2txt.config") {
%config = do "$systemConfigDir/docx2txt.config";
if (%config) {
foreach my $var (keys %config) {
$$var = $config{$var};
# Check for unzip utility, before proceeding further.
die "Failed to locate unzip command '$config_unzip'!\n" if ! -f $config_unzip;
# Handle cases where this script reads docx file from STDIN.
if (@ARGV == 0) {
$ARGV[0] = '-';
$ARGV[1] = '-';
$inputFileName = "STDIN";
} elsif (@ARGV == 1 && $ARGV[0] eq '-') {
$ARGV[1] = '-';
$inputFileName = "STDIN";
} else {
$inputFileName = $ARGV[0];
if ($ARGV[0] eq '-') {
$tempFile = "${config_tempDir}/dx2tTemp_${$}_" . time() . ".docx";
open my $fhTemp, "> $tempFile" or die "Can't create temporary file for storing docx file read from STDIN!\n";
binmode $fhTemp;
local $/ = undef;
my $docxFileContent = <STDIN>;
print $fhTemp $docxFileContent;
close $fhTemp;
$ARGV[0] = $tempFile;
# Check for existence and readability of required file in specified directory,
# and whether it is a text file.
sub check_for_required_file_in_folder {
die "Can't read <$_[0]> in <$_[1]>!\n" if ! (-f _ && -r _);
die "<$_[1]/$_[0]> does not seem to be a text file!\n" if ! -T _;
sub readFileInto {
local $/ = undef;
open my $fh, "$_[0]" or die "Couldn't read file <$_[0]>!\n";
binmode $fh;
$_[1] = <$fh>;
close $fh;
sub readOptionalFileInto {
local $/ = undef;
if (-f _) {
if (-r _ && -T _) {
open my $fh, "$_[0]" or die "Couldn't read file <$_[0]>!\n";
binmode $fh;
$_[1] = <$fh>;
close $fh;
else {
die "Invalid <$_[0]>!\n";
# Check whether first argument is specifying a directory holding extracted
# content of .docx file, or .docx file itself.
sub cleandie {
unlink("$tempFile") if -e "$tempFile";
die "$_[0]";
if (-d _) {
check_for_required_file_in_folder("word/document.xml", $ARGV[0]);
check_for_required_file_in_folder("word/_rels/document.xml.rels", $ARGV[0]);
$inpIsDir = 'y';
else {
cleandie "Can't read docx file <$inputFileName>!\n" if ! (-f _ && -r _);
cleandie "<$inputFileName> does not seem to be a docx file!\n" if -T _;
# Extract xml document content from argument docx file/directory.
my $unzip_cmd = "'$config_unzip' $config_unzip_opts";
if ($inpIsDir eq 'y') {
readFileInto("$ARGV[0]/word/document.xml", $content);
} else {
$content = `$unzip_cmd "$ARGV[0]" word/document.xml 2>$nullDevice`;
cleandie "Failed to extract required information from <$inputFileName>!\n" if ! $content;
# Be ready for outputting the extracted text contents.
if (@ARGV == 1) {
$ARGV[1] = $ARGV[0];
# Remove any trailing slashes to generate proper output filename, when
# input is directory.
$ARGV[1] =~ s%[/\\]+$%% if ($inpIsDir eq 'y');
$ARGV[1] .= ".txt" if !($ARGV[1] =~ s/\.docx$/\.txt/);
my $txtfile;
open($txtfile, "> $ARGV[1]") || cleandie "Can't create <$ARGV[1]> for output!\n";
binmode $txtfile; # Ensure no auto-conversion of '\n' to '\r\n' on Windows.
# Gather information about header, footer, hyperlinks, images, footnotes etc.
if ($inpIsDir eq 'y') {
readFileInto("$ARGV[0]/word/_rels/document.xml.rels", $_);
} else {
$_ = `$unzip_cmd "$ARGV[0]" word/_rels/document.xml.rels 2>$nullDevice`;
my %docurels;
while (/<Relationship Id="(.*?)" Type=".*?\/([^\/]*?)" Target="(.*?)"( .*?)?\/>/g)
$docurels{"$2:$1"} = $3;
# Gather list numbering information.
$_ = "";
if ($inpIsDir eq 'y') {
readOptionalFileInto("$ARGV[0]/word/numbering.xml", $_);
} else {
$_ = `$unzip_cmd "$ARGV[0]" word/numbering.xml 2>$nullDevice`;
my %abstractNum;
my @N2ANId = ();
my %NFList = (
"bullet" => \&bullet,
"decimal" => \&decimal,
"lowerLetter" => \&lowerLetter,
"upperLetter" => \&upperLetter,
"lowerRoman" => \&lowerRoman,
"upperRoman" => \&upperRoman
if ($_) {
while (/<w:abstractNum w:abstractNumId="(\d+)">(.*?)<\/w:abstractNum>/g)
my $abstractNumId = $1, $temp = $2;
while ($temp =~ /<w:lvl w:ilvl="(\d+)"[^>]*><w:start w:val="(\d+)"[^>]*><w:numFmt w:val="(.*?)"[^>]*>.*?<w:lvlText w:val="(.*?)"[^>]*>.*?<w:ind w:left="(\d+)" w:hanging="(\d+)"[^>]*>/g )
# $2: Start $3: NumFmt, $4: LvlText, ($5,$6): (Indent (twips), hanging)
@{$abstractNum{"$abstractNumId:$1"}} = (
int ((($5-$6) / $config_twipsPerChar) + 0.5),
while ( /<w:num w:numId="(\d+)"><w:abstractNumId w:val="(\d+)"/g )
$N2ANId[$1] = $2;
# Remove the temporary file (if) created to store input from STDIN. All the
# (needed) data is read from it already.
unlink("$tempFile") if -e "$tempFile";
# Subroutines for center and right justification of text in a line.
sub justify {
my $len = length $_[1];
if ($_[0] eq "center" && $len < ($config_lineWidth - 1)) {
return ' ' x (($config_lineWidth - $len) / 2) . $_[1];
} elsif ($_[0] eq "right" && $len < $config_lineWidth) {
return ' ' x ($config_lineWidth - $len) . $_[1];
} else {
return $_[1];
# Subroutines for dealing with embedded links and images
sub hyperlink {
my $hlrid = $_[0];
my $hltext = $_[1];
my $hlink = $docurels{"hyperlink:$hlrid"};
$hltext =~ s/<[^>]*?>//og;
$hltext .= " [HYPERLINK: $hlink]" if (lc $config_showHyperLink eq "y" && $hltext ne $hlink);
return $hltext;
# Subroutines for processing numbering information.
my @RomanNumbers = ( "",
"i", "ii", "iii", "iv", "v", "vi", "vii", "viii", "ix", "x", "xi", "xii",
"xiii", "xiv", "xv", "xvi", "xvii", "xviii", "xix", "xx", "xxi", "xxii",
"xxiii", "xxiv", "xxv", "xxvi", "xxvii", "xxviii", "xxix", "xxx", "xxxi",
"xxxii", "xxxiii", "xxxiv", "xxxv", "xxxvi", "xxxvii", "xxxviii", "xxxix",
"xl", "xli", "xlii", "xliii", "xliv", "xlv", "xlvi", "xlvii", "xlviii",
"xlix", "l", "li" );
sub lowerRoman {
return $RomanNumbers[$_[0]] if ($_[0] < @RomanNumbers);
@rcode = ("i", "iv", "v", "ix", "x", "xl", "l", "xc", "c", "cd", "d", "cm", "m");
@dval = (1, 4, 5, 9, 10, 40, 50, 90, 100, 400, 500, 900, 1000);
my $roman = "";
my $num = $_[0];
my $div, $i = (@rcode - 1);
while ($num > 0) {
$i-- while ($num < $dval[$i]);
$div = $num / $dval[$i];
$num = $num % $dval[$i];
$roman .= $rcode[$i] x $div;
return $roman;
sub upperRoman {
return uc lowerRoman(@_);
sub lowerLetter {
@Alphabets = split '' , "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
return $Alphabets[($_[0] % 26) - 1] x (($_[0] - 1)/26 + 1);
sub upperLetter {
return uc lowerLetter(@_);
sub decimal {
return $_[0];
my %bullets = (
"\x6F" => 'o',
"\xEF\x81\xB6" => '::', # Diamond
"\xEF\x82\xA7" => '#', # Small Black Square
"\xEF\x82\xB7" => '*', # Small Black Circle
"\xEF\x83\x98" => '>', # Arrowhead
"\xEF\x83\xBC" => '+' # Right Sign
sub bullet {
return $bullets{$_[0]} ? $bullets{$_[0]} : 'oo';
my @lastCnt = (0);
my @twipStack = (0);
my @keyStack = (undef);
my $ssiz = 1;
sub listNumbering {
my $aref = \@{$abstractNum{"$N2ANId[$_[0]]:$_[1]"}};
my $lvlText;
if ($aref->[0] != \&bullet) {
my $key = "$N2ANId[$_[0]]:$_[1]";
my $ccnt;
if ($aref->[4] < $twipStack[$ssiz-1]) {
while ($twipStack[$ssiz-1] > $aref->[4]) {
pop @twipStack;
pop @keyStack;
pop @lastCnt;
if ($aref->[4] == $twipStack[$ssiz-1]) {
if ($key eq $keyStack[$ssiz-1]) {
else {
$keyStack[$ssiz-1] = $key;
$lastCnt[$ssiz-1] = $aref->[2];
elsif ($aref->[4] > $twipStack[$ssiz-1]) {
push @twipStack, $aref->[4];
push @keyStack, $key;
push @lastCnt, $aref->[2];
$ccnt = $lastCnt[$ssiz-1];
$lvlText = $aref->[1];
$lvlText =~ s/%\d([^%]*)$/($aref->[0]->($ccnt)).$1/oe;
my $i = $ssiz - 2;
$i-- while ($lvlText =~ s/%\d([^%]*)$/$lastCnt[$i]$1/o);
else {
$lvlText = $aref->[0]->($aref->[1]);
return ' ' x $aref->[3] . $lvlText . ' ';
# Subroutines for processing paragraph content.
sub processParagraph {
my $para = $_[0] . "$config_newLine";
my $align = $1 if ($_[0] =~ /<w:jc w:val="([^"]*?)"\/>/);
$para =~ s/<.*?>//og;
return justify($align,$para) if $align;
return $para;
# Text extraction starts.
my %tag2chr = (tab => "\t", noBreakHyphen => "-", softHyphen => " - ");
$content =~ s/<?xml .*?\?>(\r)?\n//;
$content =~ s{<(wp14|wp):[^>]*>.*?</\1:[^>]*>}||og;
# Remove the field instructions (instrText) and data (fldData), and deleted
# text.
$content =~ s{<w:(instrText|fldData|delText)[^>]*>.*?</w:\1>}||ogs;
# Mark cross-reference superscripting within [...].
$content =~ s|<w:vertAlign w:val="superscript"/></w:rPr><w:t>(.*?)</w:t>|[$1]|og;
$content =~ s{<w:(tab|noBreakHyphen|softHyphen)/>}|$tag2chr{$1}|og;
my $hr = '-' x $config_lineWidth . $config_newLine;
$content =~ s|<w:pBdr>.*?</w:pBdr>|$hr|og;
$content =~ s{<w:caps/>.*?(<w:t>|<w:t [^>]+>)(.*?)</w:t>}/uc $2/oge;
$content =~ s{<w:hyperlink r:id="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</w:hyperlink>}/hyperlink($1,$2)/oge;
$content =~ s|<w:numPr><w:ilvl w:val="(\d+)"/><w:numId w:val="(\d+)"\/>|listNumbering($2,$1)|oge;
$content =~ s{<w:ind w:(left|firstLine)="(\d+)"( w:hanging="(\d+)")?[^>]*>}|' ' x int((($2-$4)/$config_twipsPerChar)+0.5)|oge;
$content =~ s{<w:p [^/>]+?/>|<w:br/>}|$config_newLine|og;
$content =~ s/<w:p[^>]+?>(.*?)<\/w:p>/processParagraph($1)/ogse;
$content =~ s/<.*?>//og;
# Convert non-ASCII characters/character sequences to ASCII characters.
$content =~ s/(\xC2|\xC3|\xCF|\xE2.|\xEF.)(.)/($splchars{$1}{$2} ? $splchars{$1}{$2} : $1.$2)/oge;
# Convert docx specific (reserved HTML/XHTML) escape characters.
$content =~ s/(&)(amp|apos|gt|lt|quot)(;)/$escChrs{lc $2}/iog;
# Write the extracted and converted text contents to output.
print $txtfile $content;
close $txtfile;