142 lines
6.1 KiB
142 lines
6.1 KiB
" Vim syntax file
" Language: ConTeXt typesetting engine
" Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <nvitacolonna@gmail.com>
" Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
" Latest Revision: 2016 Oct 16
if exists("b:current_syntax")
runtime! syntax/plaintex.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Dictionary of (filetype, group) pairs to highlight between \startGROUP \stopGROUP.
let s:context_include = get(b:, 'context_include', get(g:, 'context_include', {'xml': 'XML'}))
" For backward compatibility (g:context_include used to be a List)
if type(s:context_include) ==# type([])
let g:context_metapost = (index(s:context_include, 'mp') != -1)
let s:context_include = filter(
\ {'c': 'C', 'javascript': 'JS', 'ruby': 'Ruby', 'xml': 'XML'},
\ { k,_ -> index(s:context_include, k) != -1 }
\ )
syn iskeyword @,48-57,a-z,A-Z,192-255
syn spell toplevel
" ConTeXt options, i.e., [...] blocks
syn region contextOptions matchgroup=contextDelimiter start='\[' end=']\|\ze\\stop' skip='\\\[\|\\\]' contains=ALLBUT,contextBeginEndLua,@Spell
" Highlight braces
syn match contextDelimiter '[{}]'
" Comments
syn match contextComment '\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\zs%.*$' display contains=initexTodo
syn match contextComment '^\s*%[CDM].*$' display contains=initexTodo
syn match contextBlockDelim '\\\%(start\|stop\)\a\+' contains=@NoSpell
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\type\%(\s*\|\n\)*\z([^A-Za-z%]\)' end='\z1'
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\type\=\%(\s\|\n\)*{' end='}'
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\type\=\%(\s*\|\n\)*<<' end='>>'
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc
\ start='\\start\z(\a*\%(typing\|typen\)\)'
\ end='\\stop\z1' contains=plaintexComment keepend
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\\h\+Type\%(\s\|\n\)*{' end='}'
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\Typed\h\+\%(\s\|\n\)*{' end='}'
syn match contextBuiltin display contains=@NoSpell
\ '\\\%(unprotect\|protect\|unexpanded\)\>'
syn match contextPreProc '^\s*\\\%(start\|stop\)\=\%(component\|environment\|project\|product\)\>'
\ contains=@NoSpell
if get(b:, 'context_metapost', get(g:, 'context_metapost', 1))
let b:mp_metafun_macros = 1 " Highlight MetaFun keywords
syn include @mpTop syntax/mp.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn region contextMPGraphic matchgroup=contextBlockDelim
\ start='\\start\z(MP\%(clip\|code\|definitions\|drawing\|environment\|extensions\|inclusions\|initializations\|page\|\)\)\>.*$'
\ end='\\stop\z1'
\ contains=@mpTop,@NoSpell
syn region contextMPGraphic matchgroup=contextBlockDelim
\ start='\\start\z(\%(\%[re]usable\|use\|unique\|static\)MPgraphic\|staticMPfigure\|uniqueMPpagegraphic\)\>.*$'
\ end='\\stop\z1'
\ contains=@mpTop,@NoSpell
if get(b:, 'context_lua', get(g:, 'context_lua', 1))
syn include @luaTop syntax/lua.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn region contextLuaCode matchgroup=contextBlockDelim
\ start='\\startluacode\>'
\ end='\\stopluacode\>' keepend
\ contains=@luaTop,@NoSpell
syn match contextDirectLua "\\\%(directlua\|ctxlua\)\>\%(\s*%.*$\)\="
\ nextgroup=contextBeginEndLua skipwhite skipempty
\ contains=initexComment
syn region contextBeginEndLua matchgroup=contextSpecial
\ start="{" end="}" skip="\\[{}]"
\ contained contains=@luaTop,@NoSpell
for synname in keys(s:context_include)
execute 'syn include @' . synname . 'Top' 'syntax/' . synname . '.vim'
unlet b:current_syntax
execute 'syn region context' . s:context_include[synname] . 'Code'
\ 'matchgroup=contextBlockDelim'
\ 'start=+\\start' . s:context_include[synname] . '+'
\ 'end=+\\stop' . s:context_include[synname] . '+'
\ 'contains=@' . synname . 'Top,@NoSpell'
syn match contextSectioning '\\\%(start\|stop\)\=\%(\%(sub\)*section\|\%(sub\)*subject\|chapter\|part\|component\|product\|title\)\>'
\ contains=@NoSpell
syn match contextSpecial '\\crlf\>\|\\par\>\|-\{2,3}\||[<>/]\=|'
\ contains=@NoSpell
syn match contextSpecial /\\[`'"]/
syn match contextSpecial +\\char\%(\d\{1,3}\|'\o\{1,3}\|"\x\{1,2}\)\>+
\ contains=@NoSpell
syn match contextSpecial '\^\^.'
syn match contextSpecial '`\%(\\.\|\^\^.\|.\)'
syn match contextStyle '\\\%(em\|ss\|hw\|cg\|mf\)\>'
\ contains=@NoSpell
syn match contextFont '\\\%(CAP\|Cap\|cap\|Caps\|kap\|nocap\)\>'
\ contains=@NoSpell
syn match contextFont '\\\%(Word\|WORD\|Words\|WORDS\)\>'
\ contains=@NoSpell
syn match contextFont '\\\%(vi\{1,3}\|ix\|xi\{0,2}\)\>'
\ contains=@NoSpell
syn match contextFont '\\\%(tf\|b[si]\|s[cl]\|os\)\%(xx\|[xabcd]\)\=\>'
\ contains=@NoSpell
hi def link contextOptions Typedef
hi def link contextComment Comment
hi def link contextBlockDelim Keyword
hi def link contextBuiltin Keyword
hi def link contextDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link contextEscaped String
hi def link contextPreProc PreProc
hi def link contextSectioning PreProc
hi def link contextSpecial Special
hi def link contextType Type
hi def link contextStyle contextType
hi def link contextFont contextType
hi def link contextDirectLua Keyword
let b:current_syntax = "context"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save