start daemon: bitcoind -daemon --datadir=/data/bitcoin --printtoconsole --rpcuser=ger --rpcpassword= memory-conservative options: bitcoin-d -daemon --datadir=/data/bitcoin --printtoconsole --rpcuser=ger --rpcpassword= --blocksonly --dbcache=50 --maxsigcachesize=4 --maxconnections=4 --rpcthreads=1 --banscore=1 --maxmempool=100 --maxorphantx=10 check if node is online on bitcoin-network: check if you can get hash of genesis block 0: bitcoin@raspberrypi:~$ bitcoin-cli getblockhash 0 000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f create backup of wallet: bitcoin@raspberrypi:~$ bitcoin-cli backupwallet ~/walletbackup.dat create new pubkey/address to sent bitcoin to: bitcoin@raspberrypi:~$ bitcoin-cli -named getnewaddress address_type=bech32 bc1qc2ykz4fvru7x5a03ulrt7lu08qmmqandkrc4xh check unconfirmed_balance: bitcoin@raspberrypi:~$ bitcoin-cli getunconfirmedbalance 0.00000000 check which block we are at/sync: bitcoin@raspberrypi:~$ bitcoin-cli getblockcount 369100 check number of connections: bitcoin@raspberrypi:~$ bitcoin-cli getconnectioncount 4 check blockchaininfo: bitcoin@raspberrypi:~$ bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo { "chain": "main", "blocks": 369130, "headers": 664786, "bestblockhash": "0000000000000000117a24b7765058486ff569c9db743c3ba262fa3d47719159", "difficulty": 52699842409.34701, "mediantime": 1439149569, "verificationprogress": 0.1329346278189584, "initialblockdownload": true, "chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000009204346abde553d962c70", "size_on_disk": 48331158857, "pruned": false, "softforks": { "bip34": { "type": "buried", "active": true, "height": 227931 }, "bip66": { "type": "buried", "active": true, "height": 363725 }, "bip65": { "type": "buried", "active": false, "height": 388381 }, "csv": { "type": "buried", "active": false, "height": 419328 }, "segwit": { "type": "buried", "active": false, "height": 481824 } }, "warnings": "" } bitcoin@raspberrypi:~$ bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo { "version": 200100, "subversion": "/Satoshi:0.20.1/", "protocolversion": 70015, "localservices": "0000000000000409", "localservicesnames": [ "NETWORK", "WITNESS", "NETWORK_LIMITED" ], "localrelay": true, "timeoffset": -13, "networkactive": true, "connections": 4, "networks": [ { "name": "ipv4", "limited": false, "reachable": true, "proxy": "", "proxy_randomize_credentials": false }, { "name": "ipv6", "limited": false, "reachable": true, "proxy": "", "proxy_randomize_credentials": false }, { "name": "onion", "limited": true, "reachable": false, "proxy": "", "proxy_randomize_credentials": false } ], "relayfee": 0.00001000, "incrementalfee": 0.00001000, "localaddresses": [ ], "warnings": "" }