*** The following replication server connection information is automatically updated *** These options should not be changed manually REPLSERVERNAME RCBACKUP02 REPLTCPSERVERADDRESS rcbackup02.service.rug.nl REPLTCPPORT 1500 REPLSERVERGUID 1e.d6.aa.86.46.2c.e8.11.ac.9a.50.9a.4c.ab.2d.e4 REPLSSLPORT 1505 *** end of automatically updated options SErvername RCBACKUP01 *** The MYREPLICATIONServer and MYPRIMARYServername options are automatically updated and should not be changed manually MYREPLICATIONServer RCBACKUP02 MYPRIMARYServername RCBACKUP01 COMMmethod TCPip TCPPort 1500 HTTPPORT 1581 TCPServeraddress rcbackup01.service.rug.nl SCHEDMODE PROMPTED TCPBUFFSIZE 512 TCPWINDOWSIZE 2048 COMPRESSION NO nodename peregrine passwordaccess generate users root backup inclexcl /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.exclude errorlogname /var/log/adsm/dsmerror.log schedlogname /var/log/adsm/dsmsched.log resourceutilization 10 errorlogretention 14 schedlogretention 14 VIRTUALMOUNTPOINT /home