'Grav\\Common\\File\\CompiledYamlFile', 'filename' => '/home/phvos/web/dedijk4.nl/public_html/user/plugins/presentation/languages.yaml', 'modified' => 1582124793, 'data' => [ 'en' => [ 'PLUGIN_PRESENTATION' => [ 'ADMIN' => [ 'COMMON' => [ 'TITLE' => 'Presentation', 'INITIAL' => 'Initial', 'INHERIT' => 'Inherit', 'NONE' => 'None', 'KEY' => 'Key', 'VALUE' => 'Value', 'ORDER' => [ 'BY' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Order By', 'HELP' => 'Type to order pages by', 'OPTIONS' => [ 'DEFAULT' => 'Default - based on folder name', 'FOLDER' => 'Folder - based on prefix-less folder name', 'TITLE' => 'Title - based on title field in header', 'DATE' => 'Date - based on date field in header' ] ], 'DIR' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Order Direction', 'HELP' => 'Direction to order pages', 'OPTIONS' => [ 'ASC' => 'Ascending', 'DESC' => 'Descending' ] ] ] ], 'TABS' => [ 'OPTIONS' => 'Options' ], 'LINKS' => [ 'VIEW' => 'Present', 'VIEW_NOTES' => 'Present with Notes', 'SPEAKER' => 'Speaker View', 'SPEAKER_NOTES' => 'Speaker View with Notes', 'PRINT' => 'Print', 'PRINT_NOTES' => 'Print with Notes', 'PRINT_STYLED' => 'Print with Theme', 'PRINT_STYLED_NOTES' => 'Print with Theme and Notes' ], 'OPTIONS' => [ 'CLASS' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Class(es)', 'HELP' => 'Classes to add to the Slide' ], 'HORIZONTAL' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Stack slides', 'HELP' => 'Transform slides from vertical to horizontal layout', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Stack slides horizontally or vertically (default), on thematic breaks.', 'OPTIONS' => [ 'HORIZONTAL' => 'Horizontally', 'VERTICAL' => 'Vertically' ] ], 'ASSETS' => [ 'ALL' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Load all assets', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Load all registered CSS and JS from Grav into presentation.html.twig\'s assets' ], 'THEME' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Theme', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Reveal.js theme to use.' ], 'THEME_CSS' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Use Theme\'s CSS', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Import current theme\'s /css/custom.css into presentation.html.twig\'s assets' ], 'BUILTIN_CSS' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Use Reveal.js CSS' ], 'BUILTIN_JS' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Use Reveal.js JS' ], 'PLUGIN_CSS' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Use Plugin\'s CSS' ], 'PLUGIN_JS' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Use Plugin\'s JS' ] ], 'TEXTSIZE' => [ 'TITLE' => 'Font Sizing', 'SCALE' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Font scale', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Use a modular, harmonious, scale to proportionally determine the size of header elements from the calculated base font size (derived from breakpoints).' ], 'MODIFIER' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Font size modifier', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Multiplies the calculated font size by this amount, lower numbers yield smaller base font sizes, and vice versa.' ] ] ], 'DEFAULTS' => [ 'TITLE' => 'Style Defaults' ], 'SYNC' => [ 'TITLE' => 'Synchronization', 'SYNC' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Sync', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Sync locally using browser, or remotely using API.', 'OPTIONS' => [ 'NONE' => 'None (disabled)', 'BROWSER' => 'Locally (Browser)', 'API' => 'Remotely (API)' ] ], 'API_ROUTE' => [ 'LABEL' => 'API Route', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Route for API-access.' ], 'POLL_TIMEOUT' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Poll Timeout', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Milliseconds to wait between each API-query.' ], 'POLL_RETRY_LIMIT' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Poll Retry Limit', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Number of times to retry on error before cancelling API-querying.' ], 'TOKEN_AUTH' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Token Auth', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Require a token for Admin-access.' ], 'TOKEN' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Token', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Token to use for authorization.' ] ], 'STYLE' => [ 'TITLE' => 'Design', 'FONT' => [ 'HEADER' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Heading Font-Family', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'CSS Font-Family to use for headings.' ], 'HEADER_COLOR' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Heading Text Color', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'CSS Color to use for headings.' ], 'BLOCK' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Block Font-Family', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'CSS Font-Family to use for block-text.' ], 'BLOCK_COLOR' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Block Text Color', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'CSS Color to use for block-text.' ] ], 'BACKGROUND-COLOR' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Background Color' ], 'BACKGROUND-IMAGE' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Background Image', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Image from user/pages/images to use as default.' ], 'BACKGROUND-SIZE' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Background Size', 'OPTIONS' => [ 'AUTO' => 'Auto', 'COVER' => 'Cover', 'CONTAIN' => 'Contain' ] ], 'BACKGROUND-REPEAT' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Background Repeat', 'OPTIONS' => [ 'NO-REPEAT' => 'No repeat', 'REPEAT' => 'Repeat both', 'REPEAT-X' => 'Repeat horizontally', 'REPEAT-Y' => 'Repeat vertically', 'SPACE' => 'Repeat without clipping', 'ROUND' => 'Repeat and stretch' ] ], 'JUSTIFY-CONTENT' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Vertical Alignment', 'HELP' => 'Vertical alignment of elements in slide (using justify-content)', 'OPTIONS' => [ 'CENTER' => 'Center', 'START' => 'Start', 'END' => 'End', 'FLEX-START' => 'Flex-start', 'FLEX-END' => 'Flex-end', 'LEFT' => 'Left', 'RIGHT' => 'Right', 'NORMAL' => 'Normal', 'SPACE-BETWEEN' => 'Space-between', 'SPACE-AROUND' => 'Space-around', 'SPACE-EVENLY' => 'Space-evenly', 'STRETCH' => 'Stretch' ] ], 'ALIGN-ITEMS' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Horizontal Alignment', 'HELP' => 'Horizontal alignment of elements in slide (using align-items)', 'OPTIONS' => [ 'CENTER' => 'Center', 'START' => 'Start', 'END' => 'End', 'FLEX-START' => 'Flex-start', 'FLEX-END' => 'Flex-end', 'SELF-START' => 'Self-start', 'SELF-END' => 'Self-end', 'NORMAL' => 'Normal', 'BASELINE' => 'Baseline', 'FIRST-BASELINE' => 'First Baseline', 'LAST-BASELINE' => 'Last Baseline' ] ] ], 'ADVANCED' => [ 'TITLE' => 'Advanced', 'TAB_TITLE' => 'Presentation Plugin API Options', 'SAVE' => [ 'PREFIX' => 'Last Saved', 'ASYNC' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Save Presentation', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Enable Save Presentation button.' ], 'TYPING' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Save Content while typing', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Automatically save Presentation when typing.' ] ], 'FOOTER' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Inject Twig-footer', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Render a theme\'s Twig-template and append it to each section, eg. \'partials/presentation_footer.html.twig\'.' ], 'TEXTSIZING' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Enable Textsizing' ], 'BREAKPOINTS' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Breakpoints', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Each breakpoint has an associated Width, at which the Font Size is applied to the Slide.', 'WIDTH' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Width' ], 'FONT_SIZE' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Font Size' ] ], 'SHORTCODES' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Shortcodes', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Enables internal shortcode-processing.' ], 'SHORTCODE_CLASSES' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Shortcode Classes', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Default Classes to use with Presentation-shortcodes, each separated by a space.' ], 'SHORTCODE_PARSER' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Shortcode Parser', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Processor to use for Shortcode parsing: RegularParser, RegexParser, or WordpressParser', 'OPTIONS' => [ 'REGULAR' => 'RegularParser', 'REGEX' => 'RegexParser', 'WORDPRESS' => 'WordpressParser' ] ], 'TRANSITION' => [ 'LABEL' => 'OnLoad Transition', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Fade in from white when page (DOM-structure) is ready.' ], 'UNWRAP_IMAGES' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Unwrap Images', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Unwrap images from paragraphs.' ], 'CONTENT' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Content', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Use a custom aggregator for content.' ], 'PARSER' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Parser', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Use a custom parser for content.' ], 'TRANSPORT' => [ 'LABEL' => 'Transport', 'DESCRIPTION' => 'Use a custom getter/setter for transporting data.' ], 'REVEAL' => [ 'TITLE' => 'Reveal.js Options', 'LABEL' => 'Settings to pass to Reveal.js.' ] ] ] ] ] ] ];