/*! * RUG-Frontend-package * University of Groningen * * @author Kiki Smallenbroek (a.j.smallenbroek@rug.nl) ,Robbert Uittenbroek (r.m.uittenbroek@rug.nl) ,Dennis van der Laan (d.g.van.der.laan@rug.nl) ,Ilse van Gemert (i.van.gemert@rug.nl) ,Eric Wout van der Steen (e.w.van.der.steen@rug.nl) ,Ron van de Graaf (ron@concept7.nl) * @version 1.0.0 * Copyright 2017. licensed. */ @charset "UTF-8"; button, hr, input { overflow: visible } progress, sub, sup { vertical-align: baseline } button, iframe, input, optgroup, select, textarea { margin: 0 } figure, legend { max-width: 100% } a:focus, a:hover, abbr[title], p a { text-decoration: underline } figcaption, html { background-color: #f6f6f6 } .rug-button, a, label { cursor: pointer } sub, sup, ul { position: relative } .class-is-not-defined { border: 3px solid orange !important; visibility: visible !important; display: block !important; height: auto !important; width: auto !important; clip: auto !important } table.class-is-not-defined { 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