
142 lines
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Declare Function print_device_descriptor(descr as libusb_device_descriptor, suppress as UByte) as long
Declare Function print_config_descriptor(D_config as libusb_config_descriptor ptr, suppress as UByte) as long
Declare Function print_vendor_info(handle as libusb_device_handle ptr, descr as libusb_device_descriptor, suppress as UByte) as long
Declare Function print_interface_descriptor(inter_desc as const libusb_interface_descriptor Ptr, suppress as UByte) as long
Declare Function print_interface_info(handle as libusb_device_handle ptr, inter_descr as const libusb_interface_descriptor Ptr, suppress as UByte) as long
Declare Function print_endpoint_descriptor(ep_desc as Const libusb_endpoint_descriptor Ptr, suppress as UByte) as long
Function print_device_descriptor(descr as libusb_device_descriptor, suppress as UByte) as long
If (suppress = 0) then
? "******** device_descriptor ********"
? "bLength "; descr.bLength
? "bdescriptor type "; "0x"; Hex(descr.bDescriptorType, 2)
? "bcdUSB "; "0x"; Hex(descr.bcdUSB, 4)
? "bDeviceClass "; "0x"; Hex(descr.bDeviceClass, 4)
? "bDeviceSubClass "; "0x"; Hex(descr.bDeviceSubClass, 2)
? "bDeviceProtocol "; "0x"; Hex(descr.bDeviceProtocol, 2)
? "bMaxPacketSize0 "; descr.bMaxPacketSize0
? "idVendor "; "0x"; Hex(descr.idVendor, 4)
? "idProduct "; "0x"; Hex(descr.idProduct, 4)
? "bcdDevice "; "0x"; Hex(descr.bcdDevice, 4)
? "iManufacturer "; descr.iManufacturer
? "iProduct "; descr.iProduct
? "iSerialNumber "; descr.iSerialNumber
? "bNumConfigurations "; descr.bNumConfigurations
End If
return 0
End Function
Function print_config_descriptor(D_config as libusb_config_descriptor ptr, suppress as UByte) as long
If (suppress = 0) then
? "******** config_descriptor ********"
? "bLength: "; D_config->bLength
? "bDescriptorType: "; D_config->bDescriptorType
? "wTotalLength: "; D_config->wTotalLength
? "bNumInterfaces: "; D_config->bNumInterfaces
? "bConfigurationValue: "; D_config->bConfigurationValue
? "iConfiguration: "; D_config->iConfiguration
? "bmAttributes: "; D_config->bmAttributes
? "MaxPower: "; D_config->MaxPower; "mA"
End If
return 0
End Function
Function print_interface_descriptor(inter_desc as const libusb_interface_descriptor Ptr, suppress as UByte) as long
If (suppress = 0) then
? "******** interface_descriptor ********"
? "bLength: "; inter_desc->bLength
? "bDescriptorType: "; inter_desc->bDescriptorType
? "bInterfaceNumber: "; inter_desc->bInterfaceNumber
? "bAlternateSetting: "; inter_desc->bAlternateSetting
? "bNumEndpoints: "; inter_desc->bNumEndpoints
? "bInterfaceClass: "; inter_desc->bInterfaceClass
? "bInterfaceSubClass: "; inter_desc->bInterfaceSubClass
? "bInterfaceProtocol: "; inter_desc->bInterfaceProtocol
? "iInterface: "; inter_desc->iInterface
End If
return 0
End Function
Function print_endpoint_descriptor(ep_desc as Const libusb_endpoint_descriptor Ptr, suppress as UByte) as long
If (suppress = 0) then
? "******** endpoint descriptor ********"
? "bLength: "; ep_desc->bLength
? "bDescriptorType: "; ep_desc->bDescriptorType
? "bEndpointAddress: "; "0x"; Hex(ep_desc->bEndpointAddress)
? "bmAttributes: "; ep_desc->bmAttributes
? "wMaxPacketSize: "; ep_desc->wMaxPacketSize
? "bInterval: "; ep_desc->bInterval
? "bRefresh: "; ep_desc->bRefresh
? "bSynchAddress: "; ep_desc->bSynchAddress
End If
return 0
End Function
Function print_vendor_info(handle as libusb_device_handle ptr, descr as libusb_device_descriptor, suppress as UByte) as long
dim as long returnvalue
dim as ubyte device_info(64)
If (suppress = 0) then
? "******** Vendor information ********"
returnvalue = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, descr.iProduct, @device_info(0), 64)
If returnvalue > 0 Then
? "Product ";
For i as integer = 0 to returnvalue - 1
? chr(device_info(i));
End If
returnvalue = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, descr.iManufacturer, @device_info(0), 64)
If returnvalue > 0 Then
? "Manufacturer ";
For i as integer = 0 to returnvalue - 1
? chr(device_info(i));
End If
returnvalue = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, descr.iSerialNumber, @device_info(0), 64)
If returnvalue > 0 Then
? "SerialNumber ";
For i as integer = 0 to returnvalue - 1
? chr(device_info(i));
End If
End If
return 0
End Function
Function print_interface_info(handle as libusb_device_handle ptr, inter_descr as const libusb_interface_descriptor Ptr, suppress as UByte) as long
dim as long returnvalue
dim as ubyte device_info(64)
If (suppress = 0) then
? "******** Interface information ********"
returnvalue = libusb_get_string_descriptor_ascii(handle, inter_descr->iInterface, @device_info(0), 64)
If returnvalue > 0 Then
? "Interface ";
For i as integer = 0 to returnvalue - 1
? chr(device_info(i));
? returnvalue
End If
End If
return 0
End Function