
294 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os
import sys
from collections import Counter
import pickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import defaultfiles as default
from phoneset import fame_ipa
import convert_phone_set
#def ipa2famehtk_lexicon(lexicon_file_in, lexicon_file_out):
# """ Convert a lexicon file from IPA to HTK format for FAME! corpus. """
# lexicon_in = pd.read_table(lexicon_file_in, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
# with open(lexicon_file_out, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fout:
# for word, pronunciation in zip(lexicon_in['word'], lexicon_in['pronunciation']):
# pronunciation_no_space = pronunciation.replace(' ', '')
# pronunciation_famehtk = convert_phone_set.ipa2famehtk(pronunciation_no_space)
# if 'ceh' not in pronunciation_famehtk and 'sh' not in pronunciation_famehtk:
# fout.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(word.upper(), pronunciation_famehtk))
#def combine_lexicon(lexicon_file1, lexicon_file2, lexicon_out):
# """ Combine two lexicon files and sort by words. """
# with open(lexicon_file1, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fin:
# lines1 =
# lines1 = lines1.split('\n')
# with open(lexicon_file2, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fin:
# lines2 =
# lines2 = lines2.split('\n')
# lex1 = pd.read_table(lexicon_file1, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
# lex2 = pd.read_table(lexicon_file2, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
# lex = pd.concat([lex1, lex2])
# lex = lex.sort_values(by='word', ascending=True)
# lex.to_csv(lexicon_out, index=False, header=False, encoding="utf-8", sep='\t')
#def read_fileFA(fileFA):
# """
# read the result file of HTK forced alignment.
# this function only works when input is one word.
# """
# with open(fileFA, 'r') as f:
# lines =
# lines = lines.split('\n')
# phones = []
# for line in lines:
# line_split = line.split()
# if len(line_split) > 1:
# phones.append(line_split[2])
# return ' '.join(phones)
#def fame_pronunciation_variant(ipa):
# ipa = ipa.replace('æ', 'ɛ')
# ipa = ipa.replace('ɐ', 'a')
# ipa = ipa.replace('ɑ', 'a')
# ipa = ipa.replace('ɾ', 'r')
# ipa = ipa.replace('ɹ', 'r') # ???
# ipa = ipa.replace('ʁ', 'r')
# ipa = ipa.replace('ʀ', 'r') # ???
# ipa = ipa.replace('ʊ', 'u')
# ipa = ipa.replace('χ', 'x')
# pronvar_list = [ipa]
# while 'ø:' in ' '.join(pronvar_list) or 'œ' in ' '.join(pronvar_list) or 'ɒ' in ' '.join(pronvar_list):
# pronvar_list_ = []
# for p in pronvar_list:
# if 'ø:' in p:
# pronvar_list_.append(p.replace('ø:', 'ö'))
# pronvar_list_.append(p.replace('ø:', 'ö:'))
# if 'œ' in p:
# pronvar_list_.append(p.replace('œ', 'ɔ̈'))
# pronvar_list_.append(p.replace('œ', 'ɔ̈:'))
# if 'ɒ' in p:
# pronvar_list_.append(p.replace('ɒ', 'ɔ̈'))
# pronvar_list_.append(p.replace('ɒ', 'ɔ̈:'))
# pronvar_list = np.unique(pronvar_list_)
# return pronvar_list
#def make_fame2ipa_variants(fame):
# fame = 'rɛös'
# ipa = [fame]
# ipa.append(fame.replace('ɛ', 'æ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('a', 'ɐ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('a', 'ɑ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('r', 'ɾ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('r', 'ɹ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('r', 'ʁ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('r', 'ʀ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('u', 'ʊ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('x', 'χ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('ö', 'ø:'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('ö:', 'ø:'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('ɔ̈', 'œ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('ɔ̈:', 'œ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('ɔ̈', 'ɒ'))
# ipa.append(fame.replace('ɔ̈:', 'ɒ'))
# return ipa
#def make_htk_dict(word, pronvar_, fileDic, output_type):
# """
# make dict files which can be used for HTK.
# param word: target word.
# param pronvar_: pronunciation variant. nx2 (WORD /t pronunciation) ndarray.
# param fileDic: output dic file.
# param output_type: 0:full, 1:statistics, 2:frequency <2% entries are removed. 3:top 3.
# """
# #assert(output_type < 4 and output_type >= 0, 'output_type should be an integer between 0 and 3.')
# WORD = word.upper()
# if output_type == 0: # full
# pronvar = np.unique(pronvar_)
# with open(fileDic, 'w') as f:
# for pvar in pronvar:
# f.write('{0}\t{1}\n'.format(WORD, pvar))
# else:
# c = Counter(pronvar_)
# total_num = sum(c.values())
# with open(fileDic, 'w') as f:
# if output_type == 3:
# for key, value in c.most_common(3):
# f.write('{0}\t{1}\n'.format(WORD, key))
# else:
# for key, value in c.items():
# percentage = value/total_num*100
# if output_type == 1: # all
# f.write('{0}\t{1:.2f}\t{2}\t{3}\n'.format(value, percentage, WORD, key))
# elif output_type == 2: # less than 2 percent
# if percentage < 2:
# f.write('{0}\t{1}\n'.format(WORD, key))
def make_hcopy_scp_from_filelist_in_fame(fame_dir, dataset, feature_dir, hcopy_scp):
""" Make a script file for HCopy using the filelist in FAME! corpus.
fame_dir (path): the directory of FAME corpus.
dataset (str): 'devel', 'test' or 'train'.
feature_dir (path): the directory where feature will be stored.
hcopy_scp (path): a script file for HCopy to be made.
filelist_txt = os.path.join(fame_dir, 'fame', 'filelists', dataset + 'list.txt')
with open(filelist_txt) as fin:
filelist =
filelist = filelist.split('\n')
with open(hcopy_scp, 'w') as fout:
for filename_ in filelist:
filename = filename_.replace('.TextGrid', '')
if len(filename) > 3: # remove '.', '..' and ''
wav_file = os.path.join(fame_dir, 'fame', 'wav', dataset, filename + '.wav')
mfc_file = os.path.join(feature_dir, filename + '.mfc')
fout.write(wav_file + '\t' + mfc_file + '\n')
def load_lexicon(lexicon_file):
""" load lexicon file as data frame.
lexicon_file (path): lexicon in the format of 'word' /t 'pronunciation'.
lex (df): lexicon as Data Frame, which has columns 'word' and 'pronunciation'.
lex = pd.read_csv(lexicon_file, delimiter='\t', header=None, encoding="utf-8")
lex.rename(columns={0: 'word', 1: 'pronunciation'}, inplace=True)
return lex
def get_phoneset_from_lexicon(lexicon_file, phoneset_name='asr'):
""" Make a list of phones which appears in the lexicon.
lexicon_file (path): lexicon in the format of 'word' /t 'pronunciation'.
phoneset_name (str): the name of phoneset with which lexicon_file is written. 'asr'(default) or 'ipa'.
(list_of_phones) (set): the set of phones included in the lexicon_file.
assert phoneset_name in ['asr', 'ipa'], 'phoneset_name should be \'asr\' or \'ipa\''
lex = load_lexicon(lexicon_file)
if phoneset_name == 'asr':
return set(' '.join(lex['pronunciation']).split(' '))
elif phoneset_name == 'ipa':
join_pronunciations = ''.join(lex['pronunciation'])
return set(convert_phone_set.split_word(join_pronunciations, fame_ipa.multi_character_phones))
def extract_unknown_phones(ipa, known_phones):
"""extract unknown phones in the pronunciation written in IPA.
ipa (str): a pronunciation written in IPA.
known_phones (list): list of phones already know.
(list_of_phones) (list): unknown phones not included in 'known_phones'.
ipa_split = convert_phone_set.split_word(ipa, fame_ipa.multi_character_phones)
return [i for i in ipa_split if not i in known_phones]
def get_translation_key(lexicon_file_ipa, lexicon_file_asr):
""" get correspondence between lexicon_file_ipa and lexicon_file_asr.
lexicon_file_ipa (path): lexicon in the format of 'word' /t 'pronunciation (IPA)'.
lexicon_file_asr (path): lexicon in the format of 'word' /t 'pronunciation (asr)'.
the each character of 'pronunciation' should be delimited by ' '.
translation_key (dict): translation key from ipa to asr.
(phone_unknown) (list): the list of IPA phones, which does not appear in lexicon_file_asr.
lex_ipa = load_lexicon(lexicon_file_ipa)
lex_asr = load_lexicon(lexicon_file_asr)
phone_unknown = fame_ipa.phoneset[:]
translation_key = dict()
for word in lex_ipa['word']:
if np.sum(lex_ipa['word'] == word) == 1 and np.sum(lex_asr['word'] == word) == 1:
ipa = lex_ipa[lex_ipa['word'] == word].iat[0, 1]
asr = lex_asr[lex_asr['word'] == word].iat[0, 1]
ipa_list = convert_phone_set.split_word(ipa, fame_ipa.multi_character_phones)
asr_list = asr.split(' ')
# if there are phones which is not in phone_unknown
#if len([True for i in asr_list if i in phone_unknown]) > 0:
if(len(ipa_list) == len(asr_list)):
print("{0}: {1} --> {2}".format(word, ipa_list, asr_list))
for ipa_, asr_ in zip(ipa_list, asr_list):
if ipa_ in phone_unknown:
translation_key[ipa_] = asr_
return translation_key, list(phone_unknown)
def find_phone(lexicon_file, phone, phoneset_name='ipa'):
""" extract rows where the phone is used in the lexicon_file.
lexicon_file (path): lexicon in the format of 'word' /t 'pronunciation'.
phone (str): the phone to be searched.
phoneset_name (str): the name of phoneset_name with which lexicon_file is written. 'asr' or 'ipa'(default).
extracted (df): rows where the phone is used.
* develop when the phonset == 'asr'.
assert phoneset_name in ['asr', 'ipa'], 'phoneset_name should be \'asr\' or \'ipa\''
lex = load_lexicon(lexicon_file)
# to reduce the calculation time, only target rows which include 'phone' at least once.
lex_ = lex[lex['pronunciation'].str.count(phone)>0]
extracted = pd.DataFrame(index=[], columns=['word', 'pronunciation'])
for index, row in lex_.iterrows():
if phoneset_name == 'ipa':
pronunciation = convert_phone_set.split_word(row['pronunciation'], fame_ipa.multi_character_phones)
if phone in pronunciation:
extracted_ = pd.Series([row['word'], pronunciation], index=extracted.columns)
extracted = extracted.append(extracted_, ignore_index=True)
return extracted