based on the recommendation from linguists, the total number of phones is reduced.

This commit is contained in:
yemaozi88 2018-04-25 09:07:46 +02:00
parent 5a587e0422
commit bbed340228
7 changed files with 357 additions and 63 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -5,7 +5,21 @@ VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.26730.12
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{888888A0-9F3D-457C-B088-3A5042F75D52}") = "acoustic_model", "acoustic_model\acoustic_model.pyproj", "{4D8C8573-32F0-4A62-9E62-3CE5CC680390}"
Project("{888888A0-9F3D-457C-B088-3A5042F75D52}") = "forced_alignment", "..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\forced_alignment.pyproj", "{92E4D819-38D0-467A-ABEE-09662EEAA084}"
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution Items", "{3DCEA49A-8FD7-4255-A223-573DCD2595E0}"
ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\forced_alignment.pyproj = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\forced_alignment.pyproj
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\ = ..\forced_alignment\forced_alignment\
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
@ -15,8 +29,6 @@ Global
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{4D8C8573-32F0-4A62-9E62-3CE5CC680390}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{4D8C8573-32F0-4A62-9E62-3CE5CC680390}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{92E4D819-38D0-467A-ABEE-09662EEAA084}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{92E4D819-38D0-467A-ABEE-09662EEAA084}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE

View File

@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ import sys
import tempfile
import configparser
import subprocess
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
@ -12,13 +14,26 @@ repo_dir = 'C:\\Users\\Aki\\source\\repos\\acoustic_model'
curr_dir = repo_dir + '\\acoustic_model'
config_ini = curr_dir + '\\config.ini'
output_dir = 'd:\\OneDrive\\Research\\rug\\experiments\\friesian\\acoustic_model'
forced_alignment_module = 'C:\\Users\\Aki\\source\\repos\\forced-alignment'
forced_alignment_module = 'C:\\Users\\Aki\\source\\repos\\forced_alignment'
dataset_list = ['devel', 'test', 'train']
# procedure
extract_features = 0
make_feature_list = 0
conv_lexicon = 0
check_lexicon = 0
make_mlf = 0
combine_files = 0
flat_start = 0
train_model = 1
forced_alignment = 0
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]), curr_dir))
from forced_alignment import convert_phone_set
import acoustic_model_functions as am_func
@ -30,88 +45,294 @@
config_hcopy = config['Settings']['config_hcopy']
config_train = config['Settings']['config_train']
mkhmmdefs_pl = config['Settings']['mkhmmdefs_pl']
FAME_dir = config['Settings']['FAME_dir']
lexicon_file = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.asr'
dataset_list = ['devel', 'test', 'train']
lex_asr = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.asr'
lex_asr_htk = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.asr_htk'
lex_oov = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.oov'
lex_oov_htk = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.oov_htk'
#lex_ipa = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.ipa'
#lex_ipa_ = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.ipa_'
#lex_ipa_htk = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.ipa_htk'
lex_htk = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex_original.htk'
lex_htk_ = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.htk'
hcompv_scp = output_dir + '\\scp\\combined.scp'
combined_mlf = output_dir + '\\label\\combined.mlf'
model_dir = output_dir + '\\model'
model0_dir = model_dir + '\\hmm0'
proto_init = model_dir + '\\proto38'
proto_name = 'proto'
phonelist = output_dir + '\\config\\phonelist_friesian.txt'
hmmdefs_name = 'hmmdefs'
## ======================= extract features =======================
##dataset = dataset_list[0]
#for dataset in dataset_list:
# print(dataset)
if extract_features:
print("==== extract features ====\n")
## make a script file for HCopy
#hcopy_scp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False)
for dataset in dataset_list:
## using the filelist in FAME! corpus
#feature_dir = output_dir + '\\mfc\\' + dataset
#am_func.make_hcopy_scp_from_filelist_in_fame(FAME_dir, dataset, feature_dir,
# a script file for HCopy
hcopy_scp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False)
## extract features
#subprocessStr = 'HCopy -C ' + config_hcopy + ' -S ' +, shell=True)
# get a list of features (hcopy.scp) from the filelist in FAME! corpus
feature_dir = output_dir + '\\mfc\\' + dataset
am_func.make_hcopy_scp_from_filelist_in_fame(FAME_dir, dataset, feature_dir,
# extract features
subprocessStr = 'HCopy -C ' + config_hcopy + ' -S ' +, shell=True)
## ======================= make a list of features =======================
##dataset = dataset_list[2]
#for dataset in dataset_list:
# print(dataset)
if make_feature_list:
print("==== make a list of features ====\n")
# feature_dir = output_dir + '\\mfc\\' + dataset
# hcompv_scp = output_dir + '\\scp\\' + dataset + '.scp'
for dataset in dataset_list:
# am_func.make_filelist(feature_dir, hcompv_scp)
feature_dir = output_dir + '\\mfc\\' + dataset
hcompv_scp = output_dir + '\\scp\\' + dataset + '.scp'
am_func.make_filelist(feature_dir, hcompv_scp)
## ======================= check the phonemes used in the lexicon =======================
phonelist = am_func.get_phonelist(lexicon_file) # 49
phonelist_list = list(phonelist)
## ======================= convert lexicon from ipa to fame_htk =======================
if conv_lexicon:
print('==== convert lexicon from ipa 2 fame ====\n')
#lines_g1 = am_func.find_phone(lexicon_file, 'g')
#lines_g2 = am_func.find_phone(lexicon_file, 'ɡ')
# lex.asr is Kaldi compatible version of lex.ipa.
# to check...
#lexicon_ipa = pd.read_table(lex_ipa, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
#with open(lex_ipa_, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fout:
# for word, pronunciation in zip(lexicon_ipa['word'], lexicon_ipa['pronunciation']):
# # ignore nasalization and '.'
# pronunciation_ = pronunciation.replace(u'ⁿ', '')
# pronunciation_ = pronunciation_.replace('.', '')
# pronunciation_split = convert_phone_set.split_ipa_fame(pronunciation_)
# fout.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(word, ' '.join(pronunciation_split)))
# convert each lexicon from ipa description to fame_htk phoneset.
am_func.ipa2famehtk_lexicon(lex_oov, lex_oov_htk)
am_func.ipa2famehtk_lexicon(lex_asr, lex_asr_htk)
# combine lexicon
# pronunciations which is not found in lex.asr are generated using G2P and listed in lex.oov.
# therefore there is no overlap between lex_asr and lex_oov.
am_func.combine_lexicon(lex_asr_htk, lex_oov_htk, lex_htk)
## ======================= check if all the phones are successfully converted =======================
if check_lexicon:
print("==== check if all the phones are successfully converted. ====\n")
# the phones used in the lexicon.
phonelist = am_func.get_phonelist(lex_htk)
# the lines which include a specific phone.
lines = am_func.find_phone(lex_asr, 'g')
# statistics over the lexicon
lexicon_htk = pd.read_table(lex_htk, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
pronunciation = lexicon_htk['pronunciation']
phones_all = []
for word in pronunciation:
phones_all = phones_all + word.split()
c = Counter(phones_all)
## =======================
## manually make changes to the pronunciation dictionary and save it as lex.htk
## =======================
# (1) Replace all tabs with single space;
# (2) Put a '\' before any dictionary entry beginning with single quote
## ======================= make label file =======================
dataset = 'train'
if make_mlf:
print("==== make mlf ====\n")
print("generating word level transcription...\n")
for dataset in dataset_list:
hcompv_scp = output_dir + '\\scp\\' + dataset + '.scp'
hcompv_scp2 = output_dir + '\\scp\\' + dataset + '_all_words_in_lexicon.scp'
script_list = FAME_dir + '\\data\\' + dataset + '\\text'
mlf_word = output_dir + '\\label\\' + dataset + '_word.mlf'
mlf_phone = output_dir + '\\label\\' + dataset + '_phone.mlf'
lexicon = pd.read_table(lexicon_file, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
# lexicon
lexicon_htk = pd.read_table(lex_htk, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
# list of features
with open(hcompv_scp) as fin:
features =
features = features.split('\n')
# list of scripts
with open(script_list, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fin:
scripts =
scripts = pd.Series(scripts.split('\n'))
feature = features[0]
i = 0
missing_words = []
fscp = open(hcompv_scp2, 'wt')
fmlf = open(mlf_word, "wt", encoding="utf-8")
feature_nr = 1
for feature in features:
sys.stdout.write("\r%d/%d" % (feature_nr, len(features)))
feature_nr += 1
file_basename = os.path.basename(feature).replace('.mfc', '')
# get words from scripts.
script = scripts[scripts.str.contains(file_basename)]
except IndexError:
script = []
if len(script) != 0:
script_id = script.index[0]
script_txt = script.get(script_id)
script_words = script_txt.split(' ')
del script_words[0]
# make the label file.
# check if all words can be found in the lexicon.
script_prons = []
all_prons_found = 1
is_in_lexicon = 1
for word in script_words:
extracted = lexicon[lexicon['word']==word]
WORD = word.upper()
extracted = lexicon_htk[lexicon_htk['word']==WORD]
if len(extracted) == 0:
all_prons_found *= len(extracted)
# make the dict file.
is_in_lexicon *= len(extracted)
# if all pronunciations are found in the lexicon, update scp and mlf files.
if is_in_lexicon:
# add the feature filename into the .scp file.
i += 1
# add the words to the mlf file.
for word_ in SCRIPT_WORDS:
if word_[0] == '\'':
word_ = '\\' + word_
print("\n{0} has {1} samples.\n".format(dataset, i)) + '\\missing_words' + '_' + dataset + '.npy', missing_words)
## generate phone level transcription
print("generating phone level transcription...\n")
mkphones = output_dir + '\\label\\mkphones0.txt'
subprocessStr = r"HLEd -l * -d " + lex_htk_ + ' -i ' + mlf_phone + ' ' + mkphones + ' ' + mlf_word, shell=True)
## ======================= combined scps and mlfs =======================
if combine_files:
print("==== combine scps and mlfs ====\n")
fscp = open(hcompv_scp, 'wt')
fmlf = open(combined_mlf, 'wt')
for dataset in dataset_list:
for dataset in dataset_list:
each_mlf = output_dir + '\\label\\' + dataset + '_phone.mlf'
each_scp = output_dir + '\\scp\\' + dataset + '_all_words_in_lexicon.scp'
with open(each_mlf, 'r') as fin:
lines =
lines = lines.split('\n')
with open(each_scp, 'r') as fin:
lines =
## ======================= flat start monophones =======================
if flat_start:
subprocessStr = 'HCompV -T 1 -C ' + config_train + ' -m -v 0.01 -S ' + hcompv_scp + ' -M ' + model0_dir + ' ' + proto_init, shell=True)
# allocate mean & variance to all phones in the phone list
subprocessStr = 'perl ' + mkhmmdefs_pl + ' ' + model0_dir + '\\proto38' + ' ' + phonelist + ' > ' + model0_dir + '\\' + hmmdefs_name, shell=True)
## ======================= estimate monophones =======================
if train_model:
iter_num_max = 3
for mix_num in [16, 32, 64, 128]:
for iter_num in range(1, iter_num_max+1):
print("===== mix{}, iter{} =====".format(mix_num, iter_num))
iter_num_pre = iter_num - 1
modelN_dir = model_dir + '\\hmm' + str(mix_num) + '-' + str(iter_num)
if not os.path.exists(modelN_dir):
if iter_num == 1 and mix_num == 1:
modelN_dir_pre = model0_dir
modelN_dir_pre = model_dir + '\\hmm' + str(mix_num) + '-' + str(iter_num_pre)
## re-estimation
subprocessStr = 'HERest -T 1 -C ' + config_train + ' -v 0.01 -I ' + combined_mlf + ' -H ' + modelN_dir_pre + '\\' + hmmdefs_name + ' -M ' + modelN_dir + ' ' + phonelist + ' -S ' + hcompv_scp, shell=True)
mix_num_next = mix_num * 2
modelN_dir_next = model_dir + '\\hmm' + str(mix_num_next) + '-0'
if not os.path.exists(modelN_dir_next):
header_file = modelN_dir + '\\mix' + str(mix_num_next) + '.hed'
with open(header_file, 'w') as fout:
fout.write("MU %d {*.state[2-4].mix}" % (mix_num_next))
subprocessStr = 'HHEd -T 1 -H ' + modelN_dir + '\\' + hmmdefs_name + ' -M ' + modelN_dir_next + ' ' + header_file + ' ' + phonelist, shell=True)
### ======================= forced alignment =======================
#if forced_alignment:
# try:
# scripts.run_command([
# 'HVite','-T', '1', '-a', '-C', configHVite,
# '-H', AcousticModel, '-m', '-I',
# mlf_file, '-i', fa_file, '-S',
# script_file, htk_dict_file, filePhoneList
# ])
# except:
# print("\033[91mHVite command failed with these input files:\033[0m")
# print(_debug_show_file('HVite config', configHVite))
# print(_debug_show_file('Accoustic model', AcousticModel))
# print(_debug_show_file('Master Label file', mlf_file))
# print(_debug_show_file('Output', fa_file))
# print(_debug_show_file('Script file', script_file))
# print(_debug_show_file('HTK dictionary', htk_dict_file))
# print(_debug_show_file('Phoneme list', filePhoneList))
# raise

View File

@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
import os
import sys
import pandas as pd
## ======================= user define =======================
repo_dir = 'C:\\Users\\Aki\\source\\repos\\acoustic_model'
curr_dir = repo_dir + '\\acoustic_model'
forced_alignment_module = 'C:\\Users\\Aki\\source\\repos\\forced_alignment'
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]), curr_dir))
from forced_alignment import convert_phone_set
def make_hcopy_scp_from_filelist_in_fame(FAME_dir, dataset, feature_dir, hcopy_scp):
@ -62,3 +71,32 @@ def find_phone(lexicon_file, phone):
if phone in pron:
return extracted
def ipa2famehtk_lexicon(lexicon_file_in, lexicon_file_out):
""" Convert a lexicon file from IPA to HTK format for FAME! corpus. """
lexicon_in = pd.read_table(lexicon_file_in, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
with open(lexicon_file_out, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fout:
for word, pronunciation in zip(lexicon_in['word'], lexicon_in['pronunciation']):
pronunciation_no_space = pronunciation.replace(' ', '')
pronunciation_famehtk = convert_phone_set.ipa2famehtk(pronunciation_no_space)
if 'ceh' not in pronunciation_famehtk and 'sh' not in pronunciation_famehtk:
fout.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(word.upper(), pronunciation_famehtk))
def combine_lexicon(lexicon_file1, lexicon_file2, lexicon_out):
""" Combine two lexicon files and sort by words. """
with open(lexicon_file1, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fin:
lines1 =
lines1 = lines1.split('\n')
with open(lexicon_file2, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fin:
lines2 =
lines2 = lines2.split('\n')
lex1 = pd.read_table(lexicon_file1, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
lex2 = pd.read_table(lexicon_file2, names=['word', 'pronunciation'])
lex = pd.concat([lex1, lex2])
lex = lex.sort_values(by='word', ascending=True)
lex.to_csv(lexicon_out, index=False, header=False, encoding="utf-8", sep='\t')

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
config_hcopy = c:\cygwin64\home\Aki\acoustic_model\config\config.HCopy
config_train = c:\cygwin64\home\Aki\acoustic_model\config\config.train
mkhmmdefs_pl = c:\cygwin64\home\Aki\acoustic_model\src\acoustic_model\
FAME_dir = d:\OneDrive\Research\rug\experiments\friesian\corpus

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
### ======================= forced alignment =======================
#if forced_alignment:
# try:
# scripts.run_command([
# 'HVite','-T', '1', '-a', '-C', configHVite,
# '-H', AcousticModel, '-m', '-I',
# mlf_file, '-i', fa_file, '-S',
# script_file, htk_dict_file, filePhoneList
# ])
# except:
# print("\033[91mHVite command failed with these input files:\033[0m")
# print(_debug_show_file('HVite config', configHVite))
# print(_debug_show_file('Accoustic model', AcousticModel))
# print(_debug_show_file('Master Label file', mlf_file))
# print(_debug_show_file('Output', fa_file))
# print(_debug_show_file('Script file', script_file))
# print(_debug_show_file('HTK dictionary', htk_dict_file))
# print(_debug_show_file('Phoneme list', filePhoneList))
# raise