import sys import os os.chdir(r'C:\Users\Aki\source\repos\acoustic_model\acoustic_model') import tempfile #import configparser #import subprocess #from collections import Counter import time #import numpy as np #import pandas as pd import fame_functions import defaultfiles as default sys.path.append(default.toolbox_dir) import file_handling as fh from htk import pyhtk ## ======================= user define ======================= #repo_dir = 'C:\\Users\\Aki\\source\\repos\\acoustic_model' #curr_dir = repo_dir + '\\acoustic_model' #config_ini = curr_dir + '\\config.ini' #output_dir = 'C:\\OneDrive\\Research\\rug\\experiments\\friesian\\acoustic_model' #forced_alignment_module = 'C:\\Users\\Aki\\source\\repos\\forced_alignment' dataset_list = ['devel', 'test', 'train'] # procedure extract_features = 0 conv_lexicon = 1 #check_lexicon = 0 #make_mlf = 0 #combine_files = 0 #flat_start = 0 #train_model = 1 #sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.path[0]), curr_dir)) #sys.path.append(forced_alignment_module) #from forced_alignment import convert_phone_set ## ======================= load variables ======================= #config = configparser.ConfigParser() #config.sections() #config_hcopy = config['Settings']['config_hcopy'] #config_train = config['Settings']['config_train'] #mkhmmdefs_pl = config['Settings']['mkhmmdefs_pl'] #FAME_dir = config['Settings']['FAME_dir'] #lex_asr = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.asr' #lex_asr_htk = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.asr_htk' #lex_oov = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.oov' #lex_oov_htk = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.oov_htk' ##lex_ipa = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.ipa' ##lex_ipa_ = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.ipa_' ##lex_ipa_htk = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.ipa_htk' #lex_htk = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex_original.htk' #lex_htk_ = FAME_dir + '\\lexicon\\lex.htk' #hcompv_scp = output_dir + '\\scp\\combined.scp' #combined_mlf = output_dir + '\\label\\combined.mlf' #model_dir = output_dir + '\\model' #model0_dir = model_dir + '\\hmm0' #proto_init = model_dir + '\\proto38' #proto_name = 'proto' #phonelist = output_dir + '\\config\\phonelist_friesian.txt' #hmmdefs_name = 'hmmdefs' feature_dir = os.path.join(default.htk_dir, 'mfc') if not os.path.exists(feature_dir): os.makedirs(feature_dir) tmp_dir = os.path.join(default.htk_dir, 'tmp') if not os.path.exists(tmp_dir): os.makedirs(tmp_dir) ## ======================= extract features ======================= if extract_features: for dataset in dataset_list: print('==== {} ===='.format(dataset)) # a script file for HCopy print(">>> making a script file for HCopy... \n") hcopy_scp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w', delete=False) hcopy_scp.close() # get a list of features (hcopy.scp) from the filelist in FAME! corpus feature_dir_ = os.path.join(feature_dir, dataset) if not os.path.exists(feature_dir_): os.makedirs(feature_dir_) # extract features print(">>> extracting features... \n") fame_functions.make_hcopy_scp_from_filelist_in_fame(default.fame_dir, dataset, feature_dir_, pyhtk.wav2mfc(default.config_hcopy, # a script file for HCompV print(">>> making a script file for HCompV... \n") hcompv_scp = os.path.join(tmp_dir, dataset + '.scp') fh.make_filelist(feature_dir_, hcompv_scp, '.mfc') ## ======================= convert lexicon from ipa to fame_htk ======================= if conv_lexicon: print('==== convert lexicon from ipa 2 fame ====\n') #dir_out = r'c:\Users\Aki\source\repos\acoustic_model\_tmp' lexicon_dir = os.path.join(default.fame_dir, 'lexicon') lexicon_ipa = os.path.join(lexicon_dir, 'lex.ipa') lexicon_asr = os.path.join(lexicon_dir, 'lex.asr') # get the correspondence between lex_ipa and lex_asr. lex_asr = fame_functions.load_lexicon(lexicon_asr) lex_ipa = fame_functions.load_lexicon(lexicon_ipa) if 1: timer_start = time.time() translation_key, phone_unknown = fame_functions.get_translation_key(lexicon_ipa, lexicon_asr) print("elapsed time: {}".format(time.time() - timer_start))'translation_key_ipa2asr.npy', translation_key)'phone_unknown.npy', phone_unknown) else: translation_key = np.load('translation_key_ipa2asr.npy').item() phone_unknown = np.load('phone_unknown.npy') phone_unknown = list(phone_unknown) ## manually check the correspondence for the phone in phone_unknown. #p = phone_unknown[0] #lex_ipa_ = find_phone(lexicon_ipa, p, phoneset='ipa') #for word in lex_ipa_['word']: # ipa = lex_ipa[lex_ipa['word'] == word].iat[0, 1] # if np.sum(lex_asr['word'] == word) > 0: # asr = lex_asr[lex_asr['word'] == word].iat[0, 1] # ipa_list = convert_phone_set.split_word(ipa, fame_phoneset.multi_character_phones_ipa) # asr_list = asr.split(' ') # if p in ipa_list and (len(ipa_list) == len(asr_list)): # print("{0}: {1} --> {2}".format(word, ipa_list, asr_list)) # for ipa_, asr_ in zip(ipa_list, asr_list): # if ipa_ in phone_unknown: # translation_key[ipa_] = asr_ # phone_unknown.remove(ipa_) ## check if all the phones in lexicon_ipa are in #timer_start = time.time() #phoneset_lex = get_phoneset_from_lexicon(lexicon_ipa, phoneset='ipa') #print("elapsed time: {}".format(time.time() - timer_start)) #phoneset_py = fame_phoneset.phoneset_ipa #set(phoneset_lex) - set(phoneset_py) ##timer_start = time.time() ##extracted = find_phone(lexicon_ipa, 'ⁿ') ##print("elapsed time: {}".format(time.time() - timer_start)) # lex.asr is Kaldi compatible version of lex.ipa. # to check... #lexicon_ipa = pd.read_table(lex_ipa, names=['word', 'pronunciation']) #with open(lex_ipa_, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fout: # for word, pronunciation in zip(lexicon_ipa['word'], lexicon_ipa['pronunciation']): # # ignore nasalization and '.' # pronunciation_ = pronunciation.replace(u'ⁿ', '') # pronunciation_ = pronunciation_.replace('.', '') # pronunciation_split = convert_phone_set.split_ipa_fame(pronunciation_) # fout.write("{0}\t{1}\n".format(word, ' '.join(pronunciation_split))) # convert each lexicon from ipa description to fame_htk phoneset. #am_func.ipa2famehtk_lexicon(lex_oov, lex_oov_htk) #am_func.ipa2famehtk_lexicon(lex_asr, lex_asr_htk) # combine lexicon # pronunciations which is not found in lex.asr are generated using G2P and listed in lex.oov. # therefore there is no overlap between lex_asr and lex_oov. #am_func.combine_lexicon(lex_asr_htk, lex_oov_htk, lex_htk) ## ======================= check if all the phones are successfully converted ======================= if check_lexicon: print("==== check if all the phones are successfully converted. ====\n") # the phones used in the lexicon. phonelist_asr = am_func.get_phonelist(lex_asr) phonelist_oov = am_func.get_phonelist(lex_oov) phonelist_htk = am_func.get_phonelist(lex_htk) phonelist = phonelist_asr.union(phonelist_oov) # the lines which include a specific phone. lines = am_func.find_phone(lex_asr, 'g') # statistics over the lexicon lexicon_htk = pd.read_table(lex_htk, names=['word', 'pronunciation']) pronunciation = lexicon_htk['pronunciation'] phones_all = [] for word in pronunciation: phones_all = phones_all + word.split() c = Counter(phones_all) ## ======================= ## manually make changes to the pronunciation dictionary and save it as lex.htk ## ======================= # (1) Replace all tabs with single space; # (2) Put a '\' before any dictionary entry beginning with single quote # ## ======================= make label file ======================= if make_mlf: print("==== make mlf ====\n") print("generating word level transcription...\n") for dataset in dataset_list: hcompv_scp = output_dir + '\\scp\\' + dataset + '.scp' hcompv_scp2 = output_dir + '\\scp\\' + dataset + '_all_words_in_lexicon.scp' script_list = FAME_dir + '\\data\\' + dataset + '\\text' mlf_word = output_dir + '\\label\\' + dataset + '_word.mlf' mlf_phone = output_dir + '\\label\\' + dataset + '_phone.mlf' # lexicon lexicon_htk = pd.read_table(lex_htk, names=['word', 'pronunciation']) # list of features with open(hcompv_scp) as fin: features = features = features.split('\n') # list of scripts with open(script_list, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fin: scripts = scripts = pd.Series(scripts.split('\n')) i = 0 missing_words = [] fscp = open(hcompv_scp2, 'wt') fmlf = open(mlf_word, "wt", encoding="utf-8") fmlf.write("#!MLF!#\n") feature_nr = 1 for feature in features: sys.stdout.write("\r%d/%d" % (feature_nr, len(features))) sys.stdout.flush() feature_nr += 1 file_basename = os.path.basename(feature).replace('.mfc', '') # get words from scripts. try: script = scripts[scripts.str.contains(file_basename)] except IndexError: script = [] if len(script) != 0: script_id = script.index[0] script_txt = script.get(script_id) script_words = script_txt.split(' ') del script_words[0] # check if all words can be found in the lexicon. SCRIPT_WORDS = [] script_prons = [] is_in_lexicon = 1 for word in script_words: WORD = word.upper() SCRIPT_WORDS.append(WORD) extracted = lexicon_htk[lexicon_htk['word']==WORD] if len(extracted) == 0: missing_words.append(word) script_prons.append(extracted) is_in_lexicon *= len(extracted) # if all pronunciations are found in the lexicon, update scp and mlf files. if is_in_lexicon: # add the feature filename into the .scp file. fscp.write("{}\n".format(feature)) i += 1 # add the words to the mlf file. fmlf.write('\"*/{}.lab\"\n'.format(file_basename)) #fmlf.write('{}'.format('\n'.join(SCRIPT_WORDS))) for word_ in SCRIPT_WORDS: if word_[0] == '\'': word_ = '\\' + word_ fmlf.write('{}\n'.format(word_)) fmlf.write('.\n') print("\n{0} has {1} samples.\n".format(dataset, i)) + '\\missing_words' + '_' + dataset + '.npy', missing_words) fscp.close() fmlf.close() ## generate phone level transcription print("generating phone level transcription...\n") mkphones = output_dir + '\\label\\mkphones0.txt' subprocessStr = r"HLEd -l * -d " + lex_htk_ + ' -i ' + mlf_phone + ' ' + mkphones + ' ' + mlf_word, shell=True) ## ======================= combined scps and mlfs ======================= if combine_files: print("==== combine scps and mlfs ====\n") fscp = open(hcompv_scp, 'wt') fmlf = open(combined_mlf, 'wt') for dataset in dataset_list: fmlf.write("#!MLF!#\n") for dataset in dataset_list: each_mlf = output_dir + '\\label\\' + dataset + '_phone.mlf' each_scp = output_dir + '\\scp\\' + dataset + '_all_words_in_lexicon.scp' with open(each_mlf, 'r') as fin: lines = lines = lines.split('\n') fmlf.write('\n'.join(lines[1:])) with open(each_scp, 'r') as fin: lines = fscp.write(lines) fscp.close() fmlf.close() ## ======================= flat start monophones ======================= if flat_start: subprocessStr = 'HCompV -T 1 -C ' + config_train + ' -m -v 0.01 -S ' + hcompv_scp + ' -M ' + model0_dir + ' ' + proto_init, shell=True) # allocate mean & variance to all phones in the phone list subprocessStr = 'perl ' + mkhmmdefs_pl + ' ' + model0_dir + '\\proto38' + ' ' + phonelist + ' > ' + model0_dir + '\\' + hmmdefs_name, shell=True) ## ======================= estimate monophones ======================= if train_model: iter_num_max = 3 for mix_num in [128, 256, 512, 1024]: for iter_num in range(1, iter_num_max+1): print("===== mix{}, iter{} =====".format(mix_num, iter_num)) iter_num_pre = iter_num - 1 modelN_dir = model_dir + '\\hmm' + str(mix_num) + '-' + str(iter_num) if not os.path.exists(modelN_dir): os.makedirs(modelN_dir) if iter_num == 1 and mix_num == 1: modelN_dir_pre = model0_dir else: modelN_dir_pre = model_dir + '\\hmm' + str(mix_num) + '-' + str(iter_num_pre) ## re-estimation subprocessStr = 'HERest -T 1 -C ' + config_train + ' -v 0.01 -I ' + combined_mlf + ' -H ' + modelN_dir_pre + '\\' + hmmdefs_name + ' -M ' + modelN_dir + ' ' + phonelist + ' -S ' + hcompv_scp, shell=True) mix_num_next = mix_num * 2 modelN_dir_next = model_dir + '\\hmm' + str(mix_num_next) + '-0' if not os.path.exists(modelN_dir_next): os.makedirs(modelN_dir_next) header_file = modelN_dir + '\\mix' + str(mix_num_next) + '.hed' with open(header_file, 'w') as fout: fout.write("MU %d {*.state[2-4].mix}" % (mix_num_next)) subprocessStr = 'HHEd -T 1 -H ' + modelN_dir + '\\' + hmmdefs_name + ' -M ' + modelN_dir_next + ' ' + header_file + ' ' + phonelist, shell=True)