novoapi( ) is written in Python 2.7. To install it on Python 3.x the following points should be modified. - basestring --> str - print xxx --> print({}.format(xxx)). - import xxx --> from . import xxx - except Exception, e --> except Exception as e - remove tuples from input arguments of a function. Concretely... === novoapi\backend\ #import session from . import session === novoapi\backend\ #except Exception, e: except Exception as e: #print self.last_message print(self.last_message) === novoapi\asr\ #import segments #import spraaklab from . import segments from . import spraaklab === novoapi\asr\segments\ #print_tier(output, "confidence", begin, end, confidences, ('%.3f', lambda x: x)) #print_tier(output, "words", begin, end, word_labels, ('%s', lambda x: x)) #print_tier(output, "phones", begin, end, phones, ('%s', lambda x: x)) print_tier(output, "confidence", begin, end, confidences, '%.3f', lambda x: x) print_tier(output, "words", begin, end, word_labels, '%s', lambda x: x) print_tier(output, "phones", begin, end, phones, '%s', lambda x: x) === novoapi\asr\spraaklab\ === #import schema from . import schema === novoapi\asr\spraaklab\ === #if isinstance(object, basestring): if isinstance(object, str): except jsonschema.ValidationError as e: #print data, "validated not OK", e.message print("{0} validated not OK {1}".format(data, e.message)) else: #print data, "validated OK" print("{0} validated OK".format(data)) Then to make it correctly work, few more modification is needed. When the wav file is read using the wave module, the output (named buf) is a string of bytes on Python 2.7 while buf is a byte object on Python 3.6. Therefore... === novoapi\backend\ #audio_packet = str(buf[j:j + buffer_size]) audio_packet = buf[j:j + buffer_size] Also, because of this difference, Segment.__repr__ (novoapi\asr\segments\ does not work.