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import sys
import os
from collections import Counter
import time
import re
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import fame_functions
import defaultfiles as default
from phoneset import fame_ipa, fame_asr
import convert_phoneset
lexicon_dir = os.path.join(default.fame_dir, 'lexicon')
lexicon_ipa = os.path.join(lexicon_dir, 'lex.ipa')
lexicon_asr = os.path.join(lexicon_dir, 'lex.asr')
lexicon_htk = os.path.join(default.htk_dir, 'lexicon', 'lex.htk')
## check if all the phones in lexicon.ipa are in
#timer_start = time.time()
#phoneset_lex = fame_functions.get_phoneset_from_lexicon(lexicon_ipa, phoneset='ipa')
#phoneset_py = fame_ipa.phoneset
#print("phones which is in lexicon.ipa but not in\n{}".format(
# set(phoneset_lex) - set(phoneset_py)))
#print("elapsed time: {}".format(time.time() - timer_start))
# check which word has the phone.
#timer_start = time.time()
#extracted = find_phone(lexicon_ipa, 'ⁿ')
#print("elapsed time: {}".format(time.time() - timer_start))
## get the correspondence between lex_ipa and lex_asr.
lex_asr = fame_functions.load_lexicon(lexicon_asr)
lex_ipa = fame_functions.load_lexicon(lexicon_ipa)
if 0:
timer_start = time.time()
translation_key_ipa2asr, phone_unknown = fame_functions.get_translation_key(lexicon_ipa, lexicon_asr)
print("elapsed time: {}".format(time.time() - timer_start))'phoneset', 'output_get_translation_key_translation_key.npy'), translation_key_ipa2asr)'phoneset', 'output_get_translation_key_phone_unknown.npy'), phone_unknown)
translation_key_ipa2asr = np.load(os.path.join('phoneset', 'output_get_translation_key_translation_key.npy')).item()
phone_unknown = np.load(os.path.join('phoneset', 'output_get_translation_key_phone_unknown.npy'))
phone_unknown = list(phone_unknown)
# manually check the correspondence for the phone in phone_unknown.
#p = phone_unknown[0]
#lex_ipa_ = find_phone(lexicon_ipa, p, phoneset='ipa')
#for word in lex_ipa_['word']:
# ipa = lex_ipa[lex_ipa['word'] == word].iat[0, 1]
# if np.sum(lex_asr['word'] == word) > 0:
# asr = lex_asr[lex_asr['word'] == word].iat[0, 1]
# ipa_list = convert_phone_set.split_word(ipa, fame_ipa.multi_character_phones)
# asr_list = asr.split(' ')
# if p in ipa_list and (len(ipa_list) == len(asr_list)):
# print("{0}: {1} --> {2}".format(word, ipa_list, asr_list))
# for ipa_, asr_ in zip(ipa_list, asr_list):
# if ipa_ in phone_unknown:
# translation_key_ipa2asr[ipa_] = asr_
# phone_unknown.remove(ipa_)
translation_key_ipa2asr['ə:'] = 'ə'
translation_key_ipa2asr['r.'] = 'r'
translation_key_ipa2asr['r:'] = 'r'
# added for stimmen.
translation_key_ipa2asr['ɪ:'] = 'ɪ:'
translation_key_ipa2asr['y:'] = 'y''phoneset', 'fame_ipa2asr.npy'), translation_key_ipa2asr)
## check if all the phones in lexicon.asr are in translation_key_ipa2asr.
#timer_start = time.time()
#phoneset_lex = fame_functions.get_phoneset_from_lexicon(lexicon_asr, phoneset='asr')
#phoneset_asr = list(set(translation_key_ipa2asr.values()))
#print("phones which is in lexicon.asr but not in the translation_key_ipa2asr:\n{}".format(
# set(phoneset_lex) - set(phoneset_asr)))
#print("elapsed time: {}".format(time.time() - timer_start))
## check if all the phones in lexicon.htk are in
#timer_start = time.time()
#phoneset_htk = fame_asr.phoneset_htk
#phoneset_lex = fame_functions.get_phoneset_from_lexicon(lexicon_htk)
#print("phones which is in lexicon.htk but not in the are:\n{}".format(
# set(phoneset_htk) - set(phoneset_lex)))
#print("elapsed time: {}".format(time.time() - timer_start))
## statistics over the lexicon
#lex_htk = fame_functions.load_lexicon(lexicon_htk)
#phones_all = (' '.join(lex_htk['pronunciation'])).split(' ')
#c = Counter(phones_all)
#lexicon_out = r'c:\OneDrive\Research\rug\experiments\acoustic_model\fame\htk\lexicon\lex.htk2'
#for i in lex_htk[lex_htk['word'].str.startswith('\'')].index.values:
# lex_htk.iat[i, 0] = lex_htk.iat[i, 0].replace('\'', '\\\'')
## to_csv does not work with space seperator. therefore all tabs should manually be replaced.
##lex_htk.to_csv(lexicon_out, index=False, header=False, encoding="utf-8", sep=' ', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, escapechar='\\')
#lex_htk.to_csv(lexicon_out, index=False, header=False, encoding="utf-8", sep='\t')
## check which letters are not coded in ascii.
#print('asr phones which cannot be coded in ascii:\n')
#for i in fame_asr.phoneset_short:
# try:
# i_encoded = i.encode("ascii")
# #print("{0} --> {1}".format(i, i.encode("ascii")))
# except UnicodeEncodeError:
# print(">>> {}".format(i))
#print("letters in the scripts which is not coded in ascii:\n")
#for dataset in ['train', 'devel', 'test']:
# timer_start = time.time()
# script_list = os.path.join(default.fame_dir, 'data', dataset, 'text')
# with open(script_list, "rt", encoding="utf-8") as fin:
# scripts ='\n')
# for line in scripts:
# sentence = ' '.join(line.split(' ')[1:])
# sentence_htk = fame_functions.word2htk(sentence)
# #if len(re.findall(r'[âêôûč\'àéèúćäëïöü]', sentence))==0:
# try:
# sentence_htk = bytes(sentence_htk, 'ascii')
# except UnicodeEncodeError:
# print(sentence)
# print(sentence_htk)