505 lines
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505 lines
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# Copyright 2022 Diagnostic Image Analysis Group, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy import ndimage
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, auc
import concurrent.futures
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from pathlib import Path
import itertools
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict, Any, Union, Optional, Callable, Iterable, Hashable, Sized
import numpy.typing as npt
except ImportError:
from image_utils import (
resize_image_with_crop_or_pad, read_label, read_prediction
from analysis_utils import (
parse_detection_map, calculate_iou, calculate_dsc
# Compute base prediction metrics TP/FP/FN with associated model confidences
def evaluate_case(
detection_map: "Union[npt.NDArray[np.float32], str]",
label: "Union[npt.NDArray[np.int32], str]",
min_overlap: float = 0.10,
overlap_func: "Union[str, Callable[[npt.NDArray[np.float32], npt.NDArray[np.int32]], float]]" = 'IoU',
multiple_lesion_candidates_selection_criteria: str = 'overlap',
allow_unmatched_candidates_with_minimal_overlap: bool = True
) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, float, float]], int]:
Gather the list of lesion candidates, and classify in TP/FP/FN.
- multiple_lesion_candidates_selection_criteria: when multiple lesion candidates have overlap with the same
ground truth mask, use 'overlap' or 'confidence' to choose
which lesion is matched against the ground truth mask.
- a list of tuples with:
(is_lesion, prediction confidence, Dice similarity coefficient, number of voxels in label)
- number of ground truth lesions
y_list: List[Tuple[int, float, float]] = []
if isinstance(label, str):
label = read_label(label)
if isinstance(detection_map, str):
detection_map = read_prediction(detection_map)
if overlap_func == 'IoU':
overlap_func = calculate_iou
elif overlap_func == 'DSC':
overlap_func = calculate_dsc
raise ValueError(f"Overlap function with name {overlap_func} not recognized. Supported are 'IoU' and 'DSC'")
# convert dtype to float32
label = label.astype('int32')
detection_map = detection_map.astype('float32')
if detection_map.shape[0] < label.shape[0]:
print("Warning: padding prediction to match label!")
detection_map = resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(detection_map, label.shape)
confidences, indexed_pred = parse_detection_map(detection_map)
lesion_candidates_best_overlap: Dict[str, float] = {}
# note to stefan: check wether the if statements are correct and that the append goes correct
if label.any():
# for each malignant scan
labeled_gt, num_gt_lesions = ndimage.label(label, np.ones((3, 3, 3)))
# print("test3, werkt if label.any", num_gt_lesions) WE
for lesiong_id in range(1, num_gt_lesions+1):
# for each lesion in ground-truth (GT) label
gt_lesion_mask = (labeled_gt == lesiong_id)
# collect indices of lesion candidates that have any overlap with the current GT lesion
overlapping_lesion_candidate_indices = set(np.unique(indexed_pred[gt_lesion_mask]))
overlapping_lesion_candidate_indices -= {0} # remove index 0, if present
# collect lesion candidates for current GT lesion
lesion_candidates_for_target_gt: List[Dict[str, Union[int, float]]] = []
for lesion_candidate_id, lesion_confidence in confidences:
if lesion_candidate_id in overlapping_lesion_candidate_indices:
# calculate overlap between lesion candidate and GT mask
lesion_pred_mask = (indexed_pred == lesion_candidate_id)
overlap_score = overlap_func(lesion_pred_mask, gt_lesion_mask)
# keep track of the highest overlap a lesion candidate has with any GT lesion
lesion_candidates_best_overlap[lesion_candidate_id] = max(
overlap_score, lesion_candidates_best_overlap.get(lesion_candidate_id, 0)
# store lesion candidate info for current GT mask
'id': lesion_candidate_id,
'confidence': lesion_confidence,
'overlap': overlap_score,
print("test 4, lesion_candidates_for_target_gt:",lesion_candidates_for_target_gt)
# Min overlap wordt niet behaald: +- 0.001
if len(lesion_candidates_for_target_gt) == 0:
# no lesion candidate matched with GT mask. Add FN.
y_list.append((1, 0., 0.))
elif len(lesion_candidates_for_target_gt) == 1:
# single lesion candidate overlapped with GT mask. Add TP if overlap is sufficient, or FN otherwise.
candidate_info = lesion_candidates_for_target_gt[0]
lesion_pred_mask = (indexed_pred == candidate_info['id'])
if candidate_info['overlap'] > min_overlap:
# overlap between lesion candidate and GT mask is sufficient, add TP
indexed_pred[lesion_pred_mask] = 0 # remove lesion candidate after assignment
y_list.append((1, candidate_info['confidence'], candidate_info['overlap']))
# overlap between lesion candidate and GT mask is insufficient, add FN
y_list.append((1, 0., 0.))
# multiple predictions for current GT lesion
# sort lesion candidates based on overlap or confidence
key = multiple_lesion_candidates_selection_criteria
lesion_candidates_for_target_gt = sorted(lesion_candidates_for_target_gt, key=lambda x: x[key], reverse=True)
gt_lesion_matched = False
for candidate_info in lesion_candidates_for_target_gt:
lesion_pred_mask = (indexed_pred == candidate_info['id'])
if candidate_info['overlap'] > min_overlap:
indexed_pred[lesion_pred_mask] = 0
y_list.append((1, candidate_info['confidence'], candidate_info['overlap']))
gt_lesion_matched = True
if not gt_lesion_matched:
# ground truth lesion not matched to a lesion candidate. Add FN.
y_list.append((1, 0., 0.))
# Remaining lesions are FPs
remaining_lesions = set(np.unique(indexed_pred))
remaining_lesions -= {0} # remove index 0, if present
for lesion_candidate_id, lesion_confidence in confidences:
if lesion_candidate_id in remaining_lesions:
overlap_score = lesion_candidates_best_overlap.get(lesion_candidate_id, 0)
if allow_unmatched_candidates_with_minimal_overlap and overlap_score > min_overlap:
# The lesion candidate was not matched to a GT lesion, but did have overlap > min_overlap
# with a GT lesion. The GT lesion is, however, matched to another lesion candidate.
# In this operation mode, this lesion candidate is not considered as a false positive.
y_list.append((0, lesion_confidence, 0.)) # add FP
# print("test 4, gaat alles hiernaartoe?") == JA
# print("test 3, hoe ziet y_list eruit na labels",y_list)
# for benign case, all predictions are FPs
num_gt_lesions = 0
if len(confidences) > 0:
for _, lesion_confidence in confidences:
y_list.append((0, lesion_confidence, 0.))
y_list.append((0, 0., 0.)) # avoid empty list
return y_list, num_gt_lesions
# Calculate macro metrics (true positives (TP), false positives (FP))
def counts_from_lesion_evaluations(
y_list: List[Tuple[int, float, float]],
thresholds: "Optional[npt.NDArray[np.float64]]" = None
) -> "Tuple[npt.NDArray[np.float32], npt.NDArray[np.float32], npt.NDArray[np.float64], int]":
Calculate true positives (TP) and false positives (FP) as function of threshold,
based on the case evaluations from `evaluate_case`.
# sort predictions
# print("test 4, zitten er predicties bij leasions voor sort?",y_list)
# print("test 4, zitten er predicties bij leasions na sort?",y_list,'len y_lsit:',len(y_list))
# collect targets and predictions
y_true: "npt.NDArray[np.float64]" = np.array([target for target, *_ in y_list])
y_pred: "npt.NDArray[np.float64]" = np.array([pred for _, pred, *_ in y_list])
# print("test,zijn de laatste y-pred hoog?", y_pred)
# calculate number of lesions
num_lesions = y_true.sum()
if thresholds is None:
# collect thresholds for FROC analysis
thresholds = np.unique(y_pred)
thresholds[::-1].sort() # sort thresholds in descending order (inplace)
# for >10,000 thresholds: resample to 10,000 unique thresholds, while also
# keeping all thresholds higher than 0.8 and the first 20 thresholds
if len(thresholds) > 10_000:
rng = np.arange(1, len(thresholds), len(thresholds)/10_000, dtype=np.int32)
st = [thresholds[i] for i in rng]
low_thresholds = thresholds[-20:]
thresholds = np.array([t for t in thresholds if t > 0.8 or t in st or t in low_thresholds])
# define placeholders
FP: "npt.NDArray[np.float32]" = np.zeros_like(thresholds, dtype=np.float32)
TP: "npt.NDArray[np.float32]" = np.zeros_like(thresholds, dtype=np.float32)
# for each threshold: count FPs and calculate the sensitivity
for i, th in enumerate(thresholds):
if th > 0:
y_pred_thresholded = (y_pred >= th).astype(int)
tp = np.sum(y_true*y_pred_thresholded)
fp = np.sum(y_pred_thresholded - y_true*y_pred_thresholded)
# print("test, is y_pred_thresholded altijd 0?",y_pred_thresholded)
# update FROC with new point
FP[i] = fp
TP[i] = tp
# extend FROC curve to infinity
TP[i] = TP[-2]
FP[i] = np.inf
# print("test if tp werkt",TP)
# print("test if fp werkt",FP)
return TP, FP, thresholds, num_lesions
# Calculate FROC metrics (FP rate, sensitivity)
def froc_from_lesion_evaluations(y_list, num_patients, thresholds=None):
# calculate counts
TP, FP, thresholds, num_lesions = counts_from_lesion_evaluations(
y_list=y_list, thresholds=thresholds
# calculate FROC metrics from counts
sensitivity = TP / num_lesions if num_lesions > 0 else np.nan
# print('test,Hieronder staat de tp waarde:',TP)
# print('test,Hieronder staat de num_lesions waarde:',num_lesions)
FP_per_case = FP / num_patients
return sensitivity, FP_per_case, thresholds, num_lesions
def ap_from_lesion_evaluations(y_list, thresholds=None):
# calculate counts
TP, FP, thresholds, num_lesions = counts_from_lesion_evaluations(
y_list=y_list, thresholds=thresholds
# calculate precision (lesion-level)
precision = TP / (TP + FP)
precision = np.append(precision, [0])
# calculate recall (lesion-level)
FN = num_lesions - TP
recall = TP / (TP + FN)
recall = np.append(recall, recall[-1:])
# calculate average precission (lesion-level)
AP = np.trapz(y=precision, x=recall)
return AP, precision, recall, thresholds
# Compute full FROC
def froc(
y_det: "Iterable[Union[npt.NDArray[np.float64], str, Path]]",
y_true: "Iterable[Union[npt.NDArray[np.float64], str, Path]]",
subject_list: Optional[Iterable[Hashable]] = None,
overlap_func: "Union[str, Callable[[npt.NDArray[np.float32], npt.NDArray[np.int32]], float]]" = 'IoU',
case_confidence: str = 'max',
flat: Optional[bool] = None,
num_parallel_calls: int = 8,
verbose: int = 0,
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
FROC evaluation pipeline
(written 19 January 2022 by Joeran Bosma)
For normal usage of the FROC evaluation pipeline, use the function `froc` with parameters
`y_det`, `y_true` and (optional) `subject_list`. Please note that this function is written
for binary 3D FROC analysis.
- `y_det`: iterable of all detection_map volumes to evaluate. Alternatively, y_det may contain
filenames ending in .nii.gz/.mha/.mhd/.npy/.npz, which will be loaded on-the-fly.
Provide an array of shape `(num_samples, D, H, W)`, where D, H, W are the spatial
dimensions (depth, height and width).
- `y_true`: iterable of all ground truth labels. Alternatively, y_det may contain filenames
ending in .nii.gz/.mha/.mhd/.npy/.npz, which should contain binary labels and
will be loaded on-the-fly. Provide an array of the same shape as `y_det`. Use
`1` to encode ground truth lesion, and `0` to encode background.
Additional settings:
For more control over the FROC evaluation pipeline, use:
- `min_overlap`: defines the minimal required Intersection over Union (IoU) or Dice similarity
coefficient (DSC) between a lesion candidate and ground truth lesion, to be
counted as a true positive detection.
# Initialize Lists
roc_true = {}
roc_pred = {}
y_list = []
num_lesions = 0
if subject_list is None:
# generate indices to keep track of each case during multiprocessing
subject_list = itertools.count()
if flat is None:
flat = True
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=num_parallel_calls) as pool:
# define the functions that need to be processed: compute_pred_vector, with each individual
# detection_map prediction, ground truth label and parameters
future_to_args = {
pool.submit(evaluate_case, y_pred, y_true, min_overlap=min_overlap, overlap_func=overlap_func,
allow_unmatched_candidates_with_minimal_overlap=allow_unmatched_candidates_with_minimal_overlap): idx
for (y_pred, y_true, idx) in zip(y_det, y_true, subject_list)
# process the cases in parallel
iterator = concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_args)
if verbose:
total: Optional[int] = None
if isinstance(subject_list, Sized):
total = len(subject_list)
iterator = tqdm(iterator, desc='Computing FROC', total=total)
for future in iterator:
res = future.result()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Exception: {e}")
# unpack results
y_list_pat, num_lesions_gt = res
# note: y_list_pat contains: is_lesion, confidence[, Dice, gt num voxels]
# print("test 3,", y_list_pat)
# aggregate results
idx = future_to_args[future]
# print("test2, indx", idx)
# test: allemaal ingelezen
roc_true[idx] = np.max([a[0] for a in y_list_pat])
# print("test2, roc_true",roc_true)
if case_confidence == 'max':
# take highest lesion confidence as case-level confidence
roc_pred[idx] = np.max([a[1] for a in y_list_pat])
elif case_confidence == 'bayesian':
# if a_i is the probability the i-th lesion is csPCa, then the case-level
# probability to have any csPCa lesion is 1 - Π_i{ 1 - a_i}
roc_pred[idx] = 1 - np.prod([(1-a[1]) for a in y_list_pat])
raise ValueError(f"Patient confidence calculation method not recognised. Got: {case_confidence}.")
# accumulate outputs
y_list += y_list_pat
num_lesions += num_lesions_gt
# print("test2,heeft y-list ook leasie pred:",y_list)
# calculate statistics
num_patients = len(roc_true)
# get lesion-level results
sensitivity, FP_per_case, thresholds, num_lesions = froc_from_lesion_evaluations(
y_list=y_list, num_patients=num_patients
# calculate recall, precision and average precision
AP, precision, recall, _ = ap_from_lesion_evaluations(y_list, thresholds=thresholds)
# calculate case-level AUROC
fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_true=[roc_true[s] for s in subject_list],
y_score=[roc_pred[s] for s in subject_list],
auc_score = auc(fpr, tpr)
if flat:
# flatten roc_true and roc_pred
roc_true_flat = [roc_true[s] for s in subject_list]
roc_pred_flat = [roc_pred[s] for s in subject_list]
metrics = {
"FP_per_case": FP_per_case,
"sensitivity": sensitivity,
"thresholds": thresholds,
"num_lesions": num_lesions,
"num_patients": num_patients,
"roc_true": (roc_true_flat if flat else roc_true),
"roc_pred": (roc_pred_flat if flat else roc_pred),
"AP": AP,
"precision": precision,
"recall": recall,
# patient-level predictions
'auroc': auc_score,
'tpr': tpr,
'fpr': fpr,
return metrics
def froc_for_folder(
y_det_dir: Union[Path, str],
y_true_dir: Optional[Union[Path, str]] = None,
subject_list: Optional[List[str]] = None,
min_overlap: float = 0.10,
overlap_func: "Union[str, Callable[[npt.NDArray[np.float32], npt.NDArray[np.int32]], float]]" = 'IoU',
case_confidence: str = 'max',
flat: Optional[bool] = None,
num_parallel_calls: int = 8,
verbose: int = 1
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
Perform FROC evaluation for all samples found in y_det_dir, or the samples specified in the subject_list
- y_det_dir: path to folder containing the detection maps
- y_true_dir: (optioinal) allow labels to be stored in a different folder
- min_overlap: minimum overlap threshold
- overlap_func: intersection over union (IoU), Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), or custom function
if y_true_dir is None:
y_true_dir = y_det_dir
y_det = []
y_true = []
if subject_list:
# collect the detection maps and labels for each case specified in the subject list
for subject_id in subject_list:
# construct paths to detection maps and labels
# print(np.type(subject_id))
# print(subject_list)
for postfix in [
"_detection_map.nii.gz", "_detection_map.npy", "_detection_map.npz",
".nii.gz", ".npy", ".npz", "_pred.nii.gz",
detection_path = os.path.join(y_det_dir, f"{subject_id}{postfix}")
if os.path.exists(detection_path):
for postfix in [
"_label.nii.gz", "label.npy", "label.npz", "_seg.nii.gz",
label_path = os.path.join(y_true_dir, f"{subject_id}{postfix}")
if os.path.exists(label_path):
if not os.path.exists(label_path):
assert y_true_dir != y_det_dir, f"Could not find label for {subject_id}!"
for postfix in [
".nii.gz", ".npy", ".npz",
label_path = os.path.join(y_true_dir, f"{subject_id}{postfix}")
if os.path.exists(label_path):
# collect file paths
y_det += [detection_path]
y_true += [label_path]
# collect all detection maps found in detection_map_dir
file_list = sorted(os.listdir(y_det_dir))
subject_list = []
if verbose >= 1:
print(f"Found {len(file_list)} files in the input directory, collecting detection_mapes with " +
"_detection_map.nii.gz and labels with _label.nii.gz..")
# collect filenames of detection_map predictions and labels
for fn in file_list:
if '_detection_map' in fn:
y_det += [os.path.join(y_det_dir, fn)]
y_true += [os.path.join(y_true_dir, fn.replace('_detection_map', '_label'))]
subject_list += [fn]
# ensure files exist
for detection_path in y_det:
assert os.path.exists(detection_path), f"Could not find detection map for {subject_id} at {detection_path}!"
for label_path in y_true:
assert os.path.exists(label_path), f"Could not find label for {subject_id} at {label_path}!"
if verbose >= 1:
print(f"Found prediction and label for {len(y_det)} cases. Here are some examples:")
# perform FROC evaluation with compiled file lists
return froc(y_det=y_det, y_true=y_true, subject_list=subject_list,
min_overlap=min_overlap, overlap_func=overlap_func, case_confidence=case_confidence,
flat=flat, num_parallel_calls=num_parallel_calls, verbose=verbose)