313 lines
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Executable File
313 lines
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Executable File
# Copyright 2022 Diagnostic Image Analysis Group, Radboudumc, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import auc
from scipy import ndimage
import numpy.typing as npt
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
# Parse Detection Maps to Individual Lesions + Likelihoods
def parse_detection_map(detection_map):
# Label All Non-Connected Components in Detection Map
blobs_index, num_blobs = ndimage.label(detection_map, np.ones((3, 3, 3)))
confidences = []
if num_blobs > 0:
# For Each Lesion Detection
for tumor_index in range(1, num_blobs+1):
# Extract Mask of Current Lesion
# hard_blob = np.zeros_like(blobs_index)
# hard_blob[blobs_index == tumor] = 1
# TODO: replace above with the following? Is faster I think.
# hard_blob = (blobs_index == tumor).astype(int)
# Extract Max Predicted Likelihood for Lesion Detection
# max_prob = np.max(hard_blob) # <- this is always 1
# hard_blob[hard_blob > 0] = max_prob # <- this line does nothing, as hard_blob is not used
# Store Predicted Likelihood per Lesion Detection
max_prob = detection_map[blobs_index == tumor_index].max()
confidences.append((tumor_index, max_prob))
return confidences, blobs_index
# Calculate Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) for N-D Arrays
def calculate_dsc(predictions: "npt.NDArray[np.float32]", labels: "npt.NDArray[np.int32]") -> float:
epsilon = 1e-8
dsc_num = np.sum(predictions[labels == 1]) * 2.0
dsc_denom = np.sum(predictions) + np.sum(labels)
return float((dsc_num + epsilon) / (dsc_denom + epsilon))
# Calculate Intersection over Union (IoU) for N-D Arrays
def calculate_iou(predictions: "npt.NDArray[np.float32]", labels: "npt.NDArray[np.int32]") -> float:
epsilon = 1e-8
iou_num = np.sum(predictions[labels == 1])
iou_denom = np.sum(predictions) + np.sum(labels) - iou_num
return float((iou_num + epsilon) / (iou_denom + epsilon))
# Calculate Operating Points for Curve
def calculate_operating_points(y, x, op_match=None, verbose=1):
- y: (monotonically increasing) performance metric, such as the True Positive Rate
- x: (monotonically increasing) performance metric, such as the False Positive Rate
- op_match: dictionary that specifies the target operating point: {
'x': target x value, 'y': target y value
- dictionary with operating point(s): {
'op_closest_xy_y': y_op, # y value at operating point that matches both x and y of target operating point
'op_closest_xy_x': x_op, # x value at operating point that matches both x and y of target operating point
# TODO: currently, a lower sensitivity is preferrred over a higher sensitivity if that means the operating point is matched better.
# Would be better to go for the best sensitivity/specificity, if that can be done without hurting the other performance metric.
# In practice, this should not be an issue, as we have many points then.
y = np.array(y)
x = np.array(x)
operating_points = {}
if not np.all(np.diff(y) >= 0) and verbose:
print("Warning: y performance metric is not monotonically increasing, this could lead to unexpected behaviour!")
if not np.all(np.diff(x) >= 0) and verbose:
print("Warning: x performance metric is not monotonically increasing, this could lead to unexpected behaviour!")
# Grab Index of Intersection -> Compute y/TPR and x/FPR @ Index -> Store
op_best_roc_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(y - (1 - x)))
op_best_roc_y = y[op_best_roc_idx]
op_best_roc_x = x[op_best_roc_idx]
if op_match is not None:
# calculate operating point closest to target operating point
abs_deficit_x, abs_deficit_y = None, None
optional_x_keys = ['x', 'fpr', 'FPR']
optional_y_keys = ['y', 'tpr', 'TPR', 'sensitivity', 'sens']
# if the target x value is specified, calculate the difference between target and oberved value
for key in optional_x_keys:
if key in op_match:
op_match_x = op_match[key]
abs_deficit_x = np.abs(x - op_match_x)
# if the target y value is specified, calculate the difference between target and oberved value
for key in optional_y_keys:
if key in op_match:
op_match_y = op_match[key]
abs_deficit_y = np.abs(y - op_match_y)
# if both target x and y values are specified, calculate the difference between the target pair and observed pair
# at the best match, store the observed x and y values
if abs_deficit_x is not None and abs_deficit_y is not None:
# determine the index of the the closest point to the target pair
abs_deficit = abs_deficit_x + abs_deficit_y
op_closest_xy_idx = np.argmin(abs_deficit)
op_closest_xy_y = y[op_closest_xy_idx]
op_closest_xy_x = x[op_closest_xy_idx]
# store
# same for matching x only
if abs_deficit_x is not None:
# determine the index of the the closest point to the target value
op_closest_x_idx = np.argmin(abs_deficit_x)
op_closest_x_y = y[op_closest_x_idx]
op_closest_x_x = x[op_closest_x_idx]
# store
# same for matching y only
if abs_deficit_y is not None:
# determine the index of the the closest point to the target value
op_closest_y_idx = np.argmin(abs_deficit_y)
op_closest_y_y = y[op_closest_y_idx]
op_closest_y_x = x[op_closest_y_idx]
# store
return operating_points
# Calculate Statistics for Multiple Curves
def calculate_statistics(metrics, op_match=None, x_start=0., x_end=1., verbose=1):
Calculate statistics, such as the area under the curve, for multiple (independent) curves.
To calculate shared statistics, the curves must be translated to a shared x domain. To
achieve this with virtually no loss of the step-like nature of curves like ROC and FROC,
the shared x values are derived from the input, and offset with ± 1e-7.
- metrics should be a list of tuples with the y & x coordinates for each run:
[([y1, y2, y3, ...], [x1, x2, x3]), # run 1
([y1, y2, y3, ...], [x1, x2, x3]), # run 2
- op_match: {
'y': value of y metric (e.g., TPR/sensitivity) to match,
'x': value of x metric (e.g., FPR/false positive rate) to match,
Note: mean and 95% CI are calculated as function of the shared x.
# construct the array of shared x values
eps = 1e-10
x_shared = np.array([xi for _, x in metrics for xi in x], dtype=np.float64) # collect list of all possible x-values
x_shared = np.ravel(x_shared) # flatten list, if necessary
x_shared = np.append(x_shared, [x_start, x_end]) # add x_start and x_end to ensure correct pAUC calculation
x_shared = np.concatenate((x_shared+eps, x_shared-eps))
x_shared = np.unique(x_shared) # only keep unique x values
x_shared.sort() # sort in ascending order (inplace)
# validate x_start and x_end
assert x_start < x_end, f"x_start must be smaller than x_end! Got x_start={x_start} and x_end={x_end}."
# convert the per-model y (e.g., TPR) vs x (e.g., FPR) to a shared domain
y_shared_all = np.zeros(shape=(len(metrics), len(x_shared)), dtype=np.float32)
auroc_all = []
individually_matched_operating_points = []
for i, (y, x) in enumerate(metrics):
# if necessary, unpack x and y
if len(y) == 1:
y = y[0]
if len(x) == 1:
x = x[0]
# interpolate the y values to the shared x values
y_shared_domain = np.interp(x_shared, x, y)
y_shared_all[i] = y_shared_domain
# calculate AUROC for macro stats
mask = (x_shared >= x_start) & (x_shared <= x_end)
auc_score = auc(x_shared[mask], y_shared_domain[mask])
auroc_all += [auc_score]
# match operating point for each run individually
operating_points = calculate_operating_points(y=y, x=x, op_match=op_match)
individually_matched_operating_points += [operating_points]
# calculate statistics in shared domain
y_shared_mean = np.mean(y_shared_all, axis=0)
y_shared_std = np.std(y_shared_all, axis=0)
y_shared_CI_lower = np.percentile(y_shared_all, 2.5, axis=0)
y_shared_CI_higher = np.percentile(y_shared_all, 97.5, axis=0)
auroc_mean = np.mean(auroc_all)
auroc_std = np.std(auroc_all)
# calculate operating points in shared domain
operating_points = calculate_operating_points(y=y_shared_mean, x=x_shared,
op_match=op_match, verbose=verbose)
# collect results
results = {
# overview statistics
'auroc_mean': auroc_mean,
'auroc_std': auroc_std,
'auroc_all': auroc_all,
# for plotting
'x_shared': x_shared,
'y_shared_all': y_shared_all,
'y_shared_mean': y_shared_mean,
'y_shared_std': y_shared_std,
'y_shared_CI_lower': y_shared_CI_lower,
'y_shared_CI_higher': y_shared_CI_higher,
# individually matched operating point
'individually_matched_operating_points': individually_matched_operating_points,
# calculate standard deviation of each metric (op_closest_xy_y, etc.) between individual runs
individually_matched_operating_points_std = {
f"{key}_std": np.std([
for operating_point_info in individually_matched_operating_points
for key in individually_matched_operating_points[0].keys()
return results
# Calculate (partial) Area Under Curve (pAUC) using (x,y) coordinates from the given curve
def calculate_pAUC_from_graph(x, y, pAUC_start: float = 0.0, pAUC_end: float = 1.0, full: bool = False):
For a single curve:
- x: x values of a curve (e.g., the False Positive Rate points). [x1, x2, .., xn]
- y: y values of a curve (e.g., the True Positive Rate points). [y1, y2, .., yn]
For multiple curves:
- list of x curves, for example the x values observed across multiple runs. [[x1m1, x2m1, .., xnm1], [x1m2, x2m2, ...., xnm2], ..]
- list of y curves, for example the y values observed across multiple runs. [[y1m1, y2m1, .., ynm1], [y1m2, y2m2, ...., ynm2], ..]
- pAUC_start: lower bound of x (e.g., FPR) to compute pAUC
- pAUC_end: higher bound of x (e.g., FPR) to compute pAUC
- if (full==False): List of pAUC values for each set of ([x1, ..], [y1, ..]) coordinates
- if (full==True): Metrics as returned by `calculate_statistics` [see there]
Note: function is not specific to the FROC curve
if not isinstance(x[0], (list, np.ndarray)) or not isinstance(y[0], (list, np.ndarray)):
# Have a single set of (x,y) coordinates
assert not isinstance(x[0], (list, np.ndarray)) and not isinstance(y[0], (list, np.ndarray)), \
"Either provide multiple sequences of (x,y) coordinates, or a single sequence. Obtained a mix of both now. "
# Pack coordinates in format expected by `calculate_statistics`
coordinates_joined = [(y, x)]
# Have multiple sets of (x,y) coordinates
# Pack coordinates in format expected by `calculate_statistics`
coordinates_joined = list(zip(y, x))
# Calculate AUC in Given Ranges
results = calculate_statistics(metrics=coordinates_joined, x_start=pAUC_start, x_end=pAUC_end)
if full:
return results
return results['auroc_all'] |