254 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File
254 lines
9.0 KiB
Executable File
import os
from matplotlib.pyplot import table
import glob
import SimpleITK as sitk
import pandas as pd
from sqlite3 import Error
import sqlite3
################################ README ######################################
# TO DO -
# key headers weghalen
# op basis van exclusie
# lokaal
# ssd -> lokaal draaien
# apply parrallel (listen)
def print_p(text, end="\n"):
""" Print function for on Peregrine. It needs a flush before printing. """
print(text, flush=True, end=end)
def create_connection(db_file):
""" create a database connection to the SQLite database
specified by the db_file
:param db_file: database file
:return: Connection object or None
conn = None
conn = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
except Error as e:
return conn
"0018|0024" # Sequence Name
INCLUDE_TAGS = [ # Attributes
"0008|0005", # Specific Character Set
"0008|0008", # Image Type
"0008|0012", # Instance Creation Date
"0008|0013", # Instance Creation Time
"0008|0016", # SOP Class UID
"0008|0018", # SOP Instance UID
"0008|0020", # Study Date
"0008|0021", # Series Date
"0008|0022", # Acquisition Date
"0008|0023", # Content Date
"0008|0030", # Study Time
"0008|0031", # Series Time
"0008|0032", # Acquisition Time
"0008|0033", # Content Time
"0008|0050", # Accession Number
"0008|0060", # Modality
"0008|0070", # Manufacturer
"0008|1010", # Station Name
"0008|1030", # Study Description
"0008|103e", # Series Description
"0008|1040", # Institutional Department Name
"0008|1090", # Manufacturer's Model Name
"0010|0020", # Patient ID
"0010|0030", # Patient's Birth Date
"0010|0040", # Patient's Sex
"0010|1010", # Patient's Age
"0010|1020", # Patient's Size
"0010|1030", # Patient's Weight
"0010|21b0", # Additional Patient History
"0012|0062", # Patient Identity Removed
"0012|0063", # De-identification Method
"0018|0015", # Body Part Examined
"0018|0020", # Scanning Sequence
"0018|0021", # Sequence Variant
"0018|0022", # Scan Options
"0018|0023", # MR Acquisition Type
"0018|0050", # Slice Thickness
"0018|0080", # Repetition Time
"0018|0081", # Echo Time
"0018|0083", # Number of Averages
"0018|0084", # Imaging Frequency
"0018|0085", # Imaged Nucleus
"0018|0087", # Magnetic Field Strength
"0018|0088", # Spacing Between Slices
"0018|0089", # Number of Phase Encoding Steps IMPORTANT
"0018|0091", # Echo Train Length
"0018|0093", # Percent Sampling IMPORTANT
"0018|0094", # Percent Phase Field of View
"0018|1000", # Device Serial Number
"0018|1030", # Protocol Name IMPORTANT -> sequence type
"0018|1310", # Acquisition Matrix IMPORTANT
"0018|1312", # In-plane Phase Encoding Direction
"0018|1314", # Flip Angle
"0018|1315", # Variable Flip Angle Flag
"0018|5100", # Patient Position
"0018|9087", # Diffusion b-value IMPORTANT
"0020|000d", # Study Instance UID
"0020|000e", # Series Instance UID
"0020|0010", # Study ID
"0020|0032", # Image Position (Patient)
"0020|0037", # Image Orientation (Patient)
"0020|0052", # Frame of Reference UID
"0020|1041", # Slice Location
"0028|0002", # Samples per Pixel
"0028|0010", # Rows IMPORTANT
"0028|0011", # Columns IMPORTANT
"0028|0030", # Pixel Spacing
"0028|0100", # Bits Allocated
"0028|0101", # Bits Stored
"0028|0106", # Smallest Image Pixel Value
"0028|0107", # Largest Image Pixel Value
"0028|1050", # Window Center
"0028|1051", # Window Width
"0040|0244", # Performed Procedure Step Start Date
"0040|0254" # Performed Procedure Step Description
def get_dict_from_dicom(reader, verbose=False):
headers = {}
for header_name in INCLUDE_TAGS:
headers[header_name] = None
for k in reader.GetMetaDataKeys():
v = reader.GetMetaData(k)
headers[k] = f"{v}"
if verbose:
print_p(f"({k}) = \"{v}\"")
headers["path"] = ""
return headers
def has_different_key_headers(current_header_dict: dict, prev_header_dict):
""" This function returns False if one of the key headers is different in
both dictionaries supplied as arguments.
`current_header_dict (dict)`: dict from dicom (Headers from DICOM)
`prev_header_dict (dict)`: dict from dicom (Headers from DICOM)
returns (bool): True if important headers are different, else False
for header in KEY_HEADERS:
if current_header_dict[header] != prev_header_dict.get(header, None):
return True
return False
def is_patient_in_database(conn, tablename, patient):
# Get all results from patient from database
cur = conn.cursor()
query = f"SELECT [0010|0020] FROM {tablename} WHERE [0010|0020] like '%{patient}%';"
result = cur.execute(query).fetchall() #list of tuples
if len(result) == 0:
return False
return True
def fill_dicom_table_RUMC_UMCG(
tablename: str,
database: str,
patients_dir_RUMC: str,
devmode = False):
""" Fills the given table with headers/tags from DICOM files from UMCG and
RUMC. The tags are cross referenced with an include list of tags.
`tablename (string)`: table in sqlite that will be inserted into
`database (string)`: relative project path to .db (database) file for sqlite.
`patients_dir_RUMC (string)`: path where patient directories are stored (RUMC)
`patients_dir_UMCG (string)`: path where patient directories are stored (UMCG)
# Connect with database
db_path = f"{os.getcwd()}{database}"
conn = create_connection(db_path)
print_p(f"connection made: {db_path}")
# patients = os.listdir(patients_dir_UMCG) + os.listdir(patients_dir_RUMC)
patients = os.listdir(patients_dir_RUMC)
prev_headers = {}
with conn:
# Drop all rows from table if it exists.
if False:
conn.execute(f"DELETE FROM {tablename};")
print_p("done deleting all records from database")
# loop over all patients. (RUMC and UMCG)
for p_idx, patient in enumerate(patients):
print_p(f"\nPatient {p_idx}: {patient}")
if is_patient_in_database(conn, tablename, patient):
print_p(f"PATIENT IS ALREADY IN DATABASE {tablename}")
print_p(f"patient: {patient} is not in database")
# Find all DICOM files
glob_pattern = f"data/raw/*/{patient}/**/*.dcm"
dicoms_paths = glob.glob(glob_pattern, recursive=True)
rows = []
# Loop over DICOM files
for f_idx, dcm_path in enumerate(dicoms_paths):
if f_idx > 10 and devmode:
print_p(f"f{f_idx}", end=' ')
reader = sitk.ImageFileReader()
print_p(f"Read Image Information EXCEPTION... Skipping: {dcm_path}")
curr_headers = get_dict_from_dicom(reader, verbose=False)
curr_headers['path'] = dcm_path
if not has_different_key_headers(curr_headers, prev_headers):
prev_headers = curr_headers
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rows, orient='columns')
print_p(f"\nwriting headers to sqlite database. {tablename} - num rows: {len(rows)}")
df.to_sql(name=tablename, con=conn, if_exists='append')
print_p(f"\n--- DONE writing data to {tablename}---")
print_p("start script")
tablename = "dicom_headers_v2",
database = r"dicoms_rumc.db",
patients_dir_RUMC = r"data/raw/RUMC",
patients_dir_UMCG = r"data/raw/UMCG",
devmode=False) |