function [L_Estimate,ExtraArgsOut] = CalcMaxLyapWolfFixedEvolv(ThisTimeSeries,FS,ExtraArgsIn) %% Description % This function calculates the maximum Lyapunov exponent from a time % series, based on the method described by Wolf et al. in % Wolf, A., et al., Determining Lyapunov exponents from a time series. % Physica D: 8 Nonlinear Phenomena, 1985. 16(3): p. 285-317. % % Input: % ThisTimeSeries: a vector or matrix with the time series % FS: sample frequency of the ThisTimeSeries % ExtraArgsIn: a struct containing optional input arguments % J (embedding delay) % m (embedding dimension) % Output: % L_Estimate: The Lyapunov estimate % ExtraArgsOut: a struct containing the additional output arguments % J (embedding delay) % m (embedding dimension) %% Copyright % COPYRIGHT (c) 2012 Sietse Rispens, VU University Amsterdam % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . %% Author % Sietse Rispens %% History % April 2012, initial version of CalcMaxLyapWolf % 23 October 2012, use fixed evolve time instead of adaptable if nargin > 2 if isfield(ExtraArgsIn,'J') % logical 0, based on MutualInformation. J=ExtraArgsIn.J; end if isfield(ExtraArgsIn,'m') % logical 1, embedding dimension of 7. m=ExtraArgsIn.m; end end %% Initialize output args L_Estimate=nan;ExtraArgsOut.J=nan;ExtraArgsOut.m=nan; %% Some checks % predefined J and m should not be NaN or Inf if (exist('J','var') && ~isempty(J) && ~isfinite(J)) || (exist('m','var') && ~isempty(m) && ~isfinite(m)) warning('Predefined J and m cannot be NaN or Inf'); return; end % multidimensional time series need predefined J and m if size(ThisTimeSeries,2) > 1 && (~exist('J','var') || ~exist('m','var') || isempty(J) || isempty(m)) warning('Multidimensional time series needs predefined J and m, can''t determine Lyapunov'); return; end %Check that there are no NaN or Inf values in the TimeSeries if any(~isfinite(ThisTimeSeries(:))) warning('Time series contains NaN or Inf, can''t determine Lyapunov'); return; end %Check that there is variation in the TimeSeries if ~(nanstd(ThisTimeSeries) > 0) warning('Time series is constant, can''t determine Lyapunov'); return; end %% Determine J (Embedding Delay as the first minimum of the average mutual information : Fraser, A.M., Swinney, H.L., 1986. Independent coordinates for strange attractors from mutual information. Phys. Rev. A 33, 1134–1140.) if ~exist('J','var') || isempty(J) % Calculate mutual information and take first local minimum Tau as J; To obtain coordinates for time delayed phase-space embedding that are as independent as possible bV = min(40,floor(sqrt(size(ThisTimeSeries,1)))); tauVmax = 70; [mutMPro,cummutMPro,minmuttauVPro] = MutualInformationHisPro(ThisTimeSeries,(0:tauVmax),bV,1); % (xV,tauV,bV,flag) if isnan(minmuttauVPro) display(mutMPro); warning('minmuttauVPro is NaN. Consider increasing tauVmax.'); return; end J=minmuttauVPro; end ExtraArgsOut.J=J; %% Determine m if ~exist('m','var') || isempty(m) escape = 10; max_m = 20; max_fnnM = 0.02; mV = 0; fnnM = 1; for mV = 2:max_m % for m=1, FalseNearestNeighbors is slow and lets matlab close if N>500000 fnnM = FalseNearestNeighborsSR(ThisTimeSeries,J,mV,escape,FS); % (xV,tauV,mV,escape,theiler) if fnnM <= max_fnnM || isnan(fnnM) break end end if fnnM <= max_fnnM m = mV; else warning('Too many false nearest neighbours'); return; end end ExtraArgsOut.m=m; %% Create state space based upon J and m % the procedure of computing the LYE involves first the calculation of a phasespace reconstruction for each acceleration time-series, % by creating time-delayed copies of the time-series X(t) , X(t1 + tau), % x(t2 + 2tau), ... N_ss = size(ThisTimeSeries,1)-(m-1)*J; StateSpace=nan(N_ss,m*size(ThisTimeSeries,2)); for dim=1:size(ThisTimeSeries,2), for delay=1:m, StateSpace(:,(dim-1)*m+delay)=ThisTimeSeries((1:N_ss)'+(delay-1)*J,dim); end end %% Parameters for Lyapunov estimation % SEE: Rispens, S. M., Pijnappels, M. A. G. M., Van Dieën, J. H., Van Schooten, K. S., Beek, P. J., & Daffertshofer, A. (2014). A benchmark test of accuracy and precision in estimating dynamical systems characteristics from a time series. Journal of biomechanics, 47(2), 470-475. CriticalLen=J*m; % After a fixed period (here the embedding delay) the nearby point is replaced. max_dist = sqrt(sum(std(StateSpace).^2))/10; % The maximum distance to which the divergence may grow before replacing the neighbour. max_dist_mult = 5; % Whenever points cannot be found, the distance limit is increased stepwise to maximally five times the original limit. min_dist = max_dist/2; % The new nearby point must not be closer than 1/20 of the signal's SD to avoid noise-related artifacts. max_theta = 0.3; % The new nearby point has to point in the same direction in state space as the old nearby point, as seen from the current reference (at least within 0.3 rad) evolv = J; % Embedding delay (time step after which the neighbour is replaced) (approximately 10 % of gait cycle?) %% Calculate Lambda [L_Estimate]=div_wolf_fixed_evolv(StateSpace, FS, min_dist, max_dist, max_dist_mult, max_theta, CriticalLen, evolv);