function [ResultStruct] = SpatioTemporalGaitParameters(dataAccCut_filt,StrideTimeSamples,ApplyRealignment,LegLength,FS,IgnoreMinMaxStrides,ResultStruct); %% Method Zijlstra & Hof % Mean step length and mean walking speed are estimated using the upward % and downward momvements of the trunk. Assuming a compass gait type, CoM % movements in the sagittal plane follow a circular trajectory during each % single support phase. In this inverted pendlum model, changes in height % of CoM depend on step length. Thus, when changes in height are known, % step length can be predicted from geometrical characteristics as in Cutoff = 0.1; MinDist = floor(0.7*0.5*StrideTimeSamples); % Use StrideTimeSamples estimated above DatalFilt = dataAccCut_filt; % From acceleration to velocity Vel = cumsum(detrend(DatalFilt,'constant'))/FS; [B,A] = butter(2,Cutoff/(FS/2),'high'); % To avoid integration drift, position data were high-pass filtered Pos = cumsum(filtfilt(B,A,Vel))/FS; PosFilt = filtfilt(B,A,Pos); PosFiltVT = PosFilt(:,1); % Changes in vertical position were calculated by a double integration of Y. % if ~ApplyRealignment % Signals were not realigned, so it has to be done here % MeanAcc = mean(AccLoco); % VT = MeanAcc'/norm(MeanAcc); % PosFiltVT = PosFilt*VT; % end % Find minima and maxima in vertical position [PosPks,PosLocs] = findpeaks(PosFiltVT(:,1),'minpeakdistance',MinDist); [NegPks,NegLocs] = findpeaks(-PosFiltVT(:,1),'minpeakdistance',MinDist); NegPks = -NegPks; if isempty(PosPks) && isempty(NegPks) PksAndLocs = zeros(0,3); else PksAndLocs = sortrows([PosPks,PosLocs,ones(size(PosPks)) ; NegPks,NegLocs,-ones(size(NegPks))], 2); end %% Correct events for two consecutive maxima or two consecutive minima Events = PksAndLocs(:,2); NewEvents = PksAndLocs(:,2); Signs = PksAndLocs(:,3); FalseEventsIX = find(diff(Signs)==0); PksAndLocsToAdd = zeros(0,3); PksAndLocsToAddNr = 0; for i=1:numel(FalseEventsIX), FIX = FalseEventsIX(i); if FIX <= 2 % remove the event NewEvents(FIX) = nan; elseif FIX >= numel(Events)-2 % remove the next event NewEvents(FIX+1) = nan; else StrideTimesWhenAdding = [Events(FIX+1)-Events(FIX-2),Events(FIX+3)-Events(FIX)]; StrideTimesWhenRemoving = Events(FIX+3)-Events(FIX-2); if max(abs(StrideTimesWhenAdding-StrideTimeSamples)) < abs(StrideTimesWhenRemoving-StrideTimeSamples) % add an event [M,IX] = min(Signs(FIX)*PosFiltVT((Events(FIX)+1):(Events(FIX+1)-1))); PksAndLocsToAddNr = PksAndLocsToAddNr+1; PksAndLocsToAdd(PksAndLocsToAddNr,:) = [M,Events(FIX)+IX,-Signs(FIX)]; else % remove an event if FIX >= 5 && FIX <= numel(Events)-5 ExpectedEvent = (Events(FIX-4)+Events(FIX+5))/2; else ExpectedEvent = (Events(FIX-2)+Events(FIX+3))/2; end if abs(Events(FIX)-ExpectedEvent) > abs(Events(FIX+1)-ExpectedEvent) NewEvents(FIX) = nan; else NewEvents(FIX+1) = nan; end end end end PksAndLocsCorrected = sortrows([PksAndLocs(~isnan(NewEvents),:);PksAndLocsToAdd],2); % Find delta height and delta time DH = abs(diff(PksAndLocsCorrected(:,1),1,1)); DT = diff(PksAndLocsCorrected(:,2),1,1); % Correct outliers in delta h MaxDH = min(median(DH)+3*mad(DH,1),LegLength/2); DH(DH>MaxDH) = MaxDH; % Estimate total length and speed % (Use delta h and delta t to calculate walking speed: use formula from % Z&H, but divide by 2 (skip factor 2)since we get the difference twice % each step, and multiply by 1.25 which is the factor suggested by Z&H) HalfStepLen = 1.25*sqrt(2*LegLength*DH-DH.^2); % Formulae is correct! Distance = sum(HalfStepLen); WalkingSpeedMean = Distance/(sum(DT)/FS); % Gait Speed (m/s) average walking speed % Estimate variabilities between strides StrideLengths = HalfStepLen(1:end-3) + HalfStepLen(2:end-2) + HalfStepLen(3:end-1) + HalfStepLen(4:end); StrideTimes = PksAndLocsCorrected(5:end,2)-PksAndLocsCorrected(1:end-4,2); StrideSpeeds = StrideLengths./(StrideTimes/FS); WSS = nan(1,4); STS = nan(1,4); for i=1:4, STS(i) = std(StrideTimes(i:4:end))/FS; WSS(i) = std(StrideSpeeds(i:4:end)); end StepLengthMean=mean(StrideLengths)/2; % 9-4-2021 LD, previous version with dividing by 2, THEN THIS SHOULD BE STRIDELENGTHMEAN!! StrideLengthMean = mean(StrideLengths); StrideTimeMean = mean(StrideTimes)/FS; % Samples to seconds StrideSpeedMean = mean(StrideSpeeds); StrideTimeVariability = min(STS); StrideSpeedVariability = min(WSS); StrideLengthVariability = std(StrideLengths); % LD 16-03-2021 - Calculate CoV as ''coefficient of relative variability'' CoVStrideTime = (nanstd(StrideTimes)/nanmean(StrideTimes))*100; CoVStrideSpeed = (nanstd(StrideSpeeds)/nanmean(StrideSpeeds))*100; CoVStrideLength = (nanstd(StrideLengths)/nanmean(StrideLengths))*100; % ResultStruct ResultStruct.WalkingSpeedMean = WalkingSpeedMean; ResultStruct.StrideTimeMean = StrideTimeMean; ResultStruct.CoVStrideTime = CoVStrideTime; ResultStruct.StrideLengthMean = StrideLengthMean; ResultStruct.CoVStrideLength = CoVStrideLength;