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function [Lambda]=div_wolf_fixed_evolv(states, fs, min_dist, max_dist, max_dist_mult, max_theta, period, evolv)
%% Description
% Calculate maximum lyapunov exponent from state space according to Wolf's method:
% Wolf, A., et al., Determining Lyapunov exponents from a time series.
% Physica D: 8 Nonlinear Phenomena, 1985. 16(3): p. 285-317.
% Input:
% states: states in state space
% fs: sample frequency
% min_dist: neighbours should be more than this distandce away to be
% selected (assumed noise amplitude )
% max_dist: maximum distance to which the divergence may grow before
% replacing the neighbour
% max_theta: maximum angle between vectors from feducial point to old and
% new neighbours, this is the absolute maximum, first search
% nearer
% period: indicates period of time-wise near samples to exclude in
% nearest neighbour search
% evolv: time step after which the neighbour is replaced
% Output:
% Lambda: the estimated Lyapunov exponent
% ExtraArgs: optional struct containing additional info for debugging or
% analysis of the method
%% Copyright
% COPYRIGHT (c) 2012 Sietse Rispens, VU University Amsterdam
% This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this program. If not, see <>.
%% Author
% Sietse Rispens
%% History
% 23 October 2012, initial version based on div_wolf
N_opt = N-evolv;
states_opt = states(1:N_opt,:);
% search closest point to states(1,:), but further than min_dist away
DeltaFidPoint = zeros(N_opt,D);
for dim = 1:D,
DeltaFidPoint(:,dim) = states_opt(:,dim)-states(is,dim);
DeltaFidPointSqr = DeltaFidPoint.^2;
DistSqr = sum(DeltaFidPointSqr,2);
Distances = sqrt(DistSqr);
CosTh = zeros(N_opt,1);
in = find(DistSqr==min(DistSqr(DistSqr>=min_dist^2 & abs(One2N_opt-is)>period)) & abs(One2N_opt-is)>period,1,'first'); % Find states min_dist from starting point.
if isempty(in)
warning('Cannot calculate Wolf''s Lyapunov exponent, no states further than min_dist from starting point');
Lambda = nan;
DistStart = Distances(in);
LnDistReplacementsSum = 0;
% If multiple points are found in this range, the one which points best in
% the same direction as the old nearby point is selected.
for is=(1+evolv):evolv:N,
in = in+evolv;
% fill distance and cos matrices with new values
DeltaOld = (states(in,:)-states(is,:))';
DistOld = sqrt(sum(DeltaOld.^2));
for dim = 1:D,
DeltaFidPoint(:,dim) = states_opt(:,dim)-states(is,dim);
DeltaFidPointSqr(:,:) = DeltaFidPoint.^2;
DistSqr(:,:) = sum(DeltaFidPointSqr,2);
Distances(:,:) = sqrt(DistSqr);
CosTh(:,:) = abs(DeltaFidPoint*DeltaOld)./DistOld./Distances;
Index = [];
search_theta = max_theta;
while isempty(Index) && search_theta < pi % if Necessary, the direction limit is repeatedly doubled to maximally pi radians
dist_mult = 1;
while isempty(Index) && dist_mult <= max_dist_mult % Whenever points cannot be found, the distance limit is increased stepwise to maximally five times the original limit.
search_dist = dist_mult*max_dist;
Candidates = find(Distances <= search_dist & CosTh >= cos(search_theta) ...
& Distances>= min_dist & abs(One2N_opt-is)>period);
if ~isempty(Candidates)
% find the best of candidates
if numel(Candidates) > 1
Candidates = Candidates(CosTh(Candidates)==max(CosTh(Candidates)));
if numel(Candidates) > 1
Candidates = Candidates(Distances(Candidates)==min(Distances(Candidates)));
if numel(Candidates) > 1
Candidates = Candidates(abs(One2N_opt(Candidates)-is)==max(abs(One2N_opt(Candidates)-is)));
Index = Candidates(1);
dist_mult = dist_mult+1;
search_theta = search_theta*2;
if isempty(Index) && in > N_opt % we can not evolve the old point and no new one was found
Index = find(DistSqr==min(DistSqr(DistSqr>=min_dist^2 & abs(One2N_opt-is)>period))& abs(One2N_opt-is)>period,1,'first'); % The nearest neighbours are found by selecting data point closest to X1, from separate cycles with a temporal separation larger than twice the first minimum in the mutual information function.
if isempty(Index)
warning('Cannot calculate Wolf''s Lyapunov exponent, no states further than min_dist from fiducial point');
Lambda = nan;
if ~isempty(Index)
LnDistReplacementsSum = LnDistReplacementsSum + log(DistOld/Distances(Index));
in = Index;
DistEnd = sqrt(sum((states(is,:)-states(in,:)).^2)); % The dt between neighbouring trajectories in state space were computed as a function of time, and averaged over many original pairs of initially nearest neighbours.
% The maximum Lyapunov exponent is determined by averaging the rate of exponential divergence between the reference
% and nearby point as the trajectory evolves between replacement steps.
Lambda = (log(DistEnd/DistStart) + LnDistReplacementsSum)/((is-1)/fs);