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doc (jenkins) Fix chart README

This commit is contained in:
Fleur Kelpin 2018-08-19 23:09:56 +02:00
parent 8f7dfe9ec0
commit 6e4a3faa46
1 changed files with 17 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -56,29 +56,29 @@ There is one additional group of configuration items specific for this chart, so
New vault token to be used by the pods to retrieve their tokens from the vault.
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ----------------------------------|--------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|
| `PipelineSecrets.Vault.Replace` | Replace the molgenis-pipeline-vault secret |`true` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Vault.Token` | Token to log into the hashicorp vault |`xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Vault.Addr` | Address of the vault |`https:vault-operator.vault-operator.svc:8200` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Vault.skipVerify`| Skip verification of the https connection |`1` |
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
| `PipelineSecrets.Vault.Replace` | Replace the molgenis-pipeline-vault secret | `true` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Vault.Token` | Token to log into the hashicorp vault | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Vault.Addr` | Address of the vault | `https:vault-operator.vault-operator.svc:8200` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Vault.SkipVerify` | Skip verification of the https connection | `1` |
* Env
Environment variables stored in molgenis-pipeline-env secret, to be added as environment variables
in the slave pods.
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| -------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | --------------- |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.Replace` | Replace molgenis-pipeline-env secret | `true` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.PGPPassphrase` | passphrase for the pgp signing key | `literal:xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.CodecovToken` | token for codecov.io | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.GitHubToken` | token for GH molgenis-jenkins user | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.NexusPassword` | token for molgenis-jenkins user in NEXUS | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.DockerHubPassword`| token for molgenis user in hub.docker.com | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.SonarToken` | token for sonarcloud.io | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.NpmToken` | token for npmjs.org | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.SauceAccessKey` | token for saucelabs.com | `xxxx` |
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | --------------- |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.Replace` | Replace molgenis-pipeline-env secret | `true` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.PGPPassphrase` | passphrase for the pgp signing key | `literal:xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.CodecovToken` | token for codecov.io | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.GitHubToken` | token for GH molgenis-jenkins user | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.NexusPassword` | token for molgenis-jenkins user in NEXUS | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.DockerHubPassword` | token for molgenis user in hub.docker.com | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.SonarToken` | token for sonarcloud.io | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.NpmToken` | token for npmjs.org | `xxxx` |
| `PipelineSecrets.Env.SauceAccessKey` | token for saucelabs.com | `xxxx` |
* File