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# MOLGENIS Vault helm chart
This chart creates a vault operator, but NO vault.
The vault operator defines a new custom resource named `vault` that you can use to create vaults.
After launching the operator, create the molgenis vault manually:
`kubectl create -f resources/vault.yaml`
That creates a new vault with two vault pods.
See https://github.com/coreos/vault-operator/blob/master/doc/user/vault.md
## Parameters
### Azure cloud credentials
Define credentials for backup to the Azure Blob Store.
See [etcd-operator documentation](https://github.com/coreos/etcd-operator/blob/master/doc/user/abs_backup.md).
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| --------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------ |
| `abs.account` | name of storage account | `fdlkops` |
| `abs.accessKey` | access key of storage account | `xxxx` |
| `abs.cloud` | name of cloud environment | `AzurePublicCloud` |
### Backup job
Define the schedule of the backup job
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| -------------------- | ---------------------------- | ------------- |
| `backupJob.enable` | Enable backup cronjob | `true` |
| `backupJob.schedule` | cron schedule for the backup | `0 12 * * 1` |
### UI
Parameter | Description | Default
--------- | ----------- | -------
`ui.replicaCount` | desired number of Vault UI pod | `1`
`ui.image.repository` | Vault UI container image repository | `djenriquez/vault-ui`
`ui.image.tag` | Vault UI container image tag | `latest`
`ui.resources` | Vault UI pod resource requests & limits | `{}`
`ui.nodeSelector` | node labels for Vault UI pod assignment | `{}`
`ui.ingress.enabled` | If true, Vault UI Ingress will be created | `true`
`ui.ingress.annotations` | Vault UI Ingress annotations | `{}`
`ui.ingress.host` | Vault UI Ingress hostname | `vault.molgenis.org`
`ui.ingress.tls` | Vault UI Ingress TLS configuration (YAML) | `[]`
`ui.vault.url` | Vault UI default vault url | `https://vault.vault-operator:8200`
`ui.vault.auth` | Vault UI login method | `GITHUB`
`ui.service.name` | Vault UI service name | `vault-ui`
`ui.service.type` | type of ui service to create | `ClusterIP`
`ui.service.externalPort` | Vault UI service target port | `8000`
`ui.service.internalPort` | Vault UI container port | `8000`
`ui.service.nodePort` | Port to be used as the service NodePort (ignored if `server.service.type` is not `NodePort`) | `0`