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MOLGENIS Vault helm chart

This chart creates a vault operator, but NO vault. The vault operator defines a new custom resource named vault that you can use to create vaults.

After launching the operator, create the molgenis vault manually: kubectl create -f resources/vault.yaml

That creates a new vault with two vault pods.

See https://github.com/coreos/vault-operator/blob/master/doc/user/vault.md


Azure cloud credentials

Define credentials for backup to the Azure Blob Store. See etcd-operator documentation.

Parameter Description Default
abs.account name of storage account fdlkops
abs.accessKey access key of storage account xxxx
abs.cloud name of cloud environment AzurePublicCloud

Backup job

Define the schedule of the backup job

Parameter Description Default
backupJob.enable Enable backup cronjob true
backupJob.schedule cron schedule for the backup 0 12 * * 1


Parameter Description Default
ui.replicaCount desired number of Vault UI pod 1
ui.image.repository Vault UI container image repository djenriquez/vault-ui
ui.image.tag Vault UI container image tag latest
ui.resources Vault UI pod resource requests & limits {}
ui.nodeSelector node labels for Vault UI pod assignment {}
ui.ingress.enabled If true, Vault UI Ingress will be created true
ui.ingress.annotations Vault UI Ingress annotations {}
ui.ingress.host Vault UI Ingress hostname vault.molgenis.org
ui.ingress.tls Vault UI Ingress TLS configuration (YAML) []
ui.vault.url Vault UI default vault url https://vault.vault-operator:8200
ui.vault.auth Vault UI login method GITHUB
ui.service.name Vault UI service name vault-ui
ui.service.type type of ui service to create ClusterIP
ui.service.externalPort Vault UI service target port 8000
ui.service.internalPort Vault UI container port 8000
ui.service.nodePort Port to be used as the service NodePort (ignored if server.service.type is not NodePort) 0