2018-06-27 15:17:32 +02:00

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# MOLGENIS Helm templates
These are the Helm templates that we will use for MOLGENIS operations. There are some prerequisites you need.
- docker
- minikube
## Useful commands for Kubernetes
Commands that can be used to get information from a kubernetes cluster
- kubectl get pods
Gets alls running instances of containers from a certain deployment
- kubectl get services
Gets all services from a deployment
- kubectl get pv
Gets all persistant volumes
- kubectl get pvc
Gets all persistent volume claims
- kubectl get deployments
Gets all deployments (comparable with docker-compose)
When you want to see what is running on the clusters at the CIT you have to make a context switch.
You can access the cluster with kubeconfig-files. You can obtain these by downloading them from the
MOLGENIS kubernetes cluster.
- Goto https://rancher.molgenis.org:7443
- Goto
## Useful commands for Helm
- helm install .
Do it in the root of the project where the Chart.yaml is located
It installs a release of a kubernetes stack. You also store this as an artifact in a kubernetes repository
- helm list
Lists all installed releases
- helm delete #release#
Performs a sort of mvn clean on your workspace. Very handy for zombie persistent volumes or claims.