#' With ambiguous user input in [as.mo()] and all the [`mo_*`][mo_property()] functions, the returned results are chosen based on their matching score using [mo_matching_score()]. This matching score \eqn{m}, is calculated as:
#' * \eqn{n} is a taxonomic name (genus, species and subspecies) as found in [`microorganisms$fullname`][microorganisms];
#' * \eqn{l_{n}}{l_n} is the length of \eqn{n};
#' * \eqn{\operatorname{lev}}{lev} is the [Levenshtein distance function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance);
#' * \eqn{p_{n}}{p_n} is the human pathogenic prevalence of \eqn{n}, categorised into group \eqn{1}, \eqn{2} and \eqn{3} (see *Details* in `?as.mo`), meaning that \eqn{p = \{1, 2 , 3\}}{p = {1, 2, 3}};
#' * \eqn{k_{n}}{k_n} is the kingdom index of \eqn{n}, set as follows: Bacteria = \eqn{1}, Fungi = \eqn{2}, Protozoa = \eqn{3}, Archaea = \eqn{4}, and all others = \eqn{5}, meaning that \eqn{k = \{1, 2 , 3, 4, 5\}}{k = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}.
#' This means that the user input `x = "E. coli"` gets for *Escherichia coli* a matching score of `r percentage(mo_matching_score("E. coli", "Escherichia coli"), 1)` and for *Entamoeba coli* a matching score of `r percentage(mo_matching_score("E. coli", "Entamoeba coli"), 1)`.