\item \code{mo_group}\cr ID of the species group / microbiological complex
\item \code{mo}\cr ID of the microorganism belonging in the species group / microbiological complex
\item \code{mo_group_name}\cr Name of the species group / microbiological complex, as retrieved with \code{\link[=mo_name]{mo_name()}}
\item \code{mo_name}\cr Name of the microorganism belonging in the species group / microbiological complex, as retrieved with \code{\link[=mo_name]{mo_name()}}
Like all data sets in this package, this data set is publicly available for download in the following formats: R, MS Excel, Apache Feather, Apache Parquet, SPSS, and Stata. Please visit \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/articles/datasets.html}{our website for the download links}. The actual files are of course available on \href{https://github.com/msberends/AMR/tree/main/data-raw}{our GitHub repository}.