mirror of https://github.com/msberends/AMR.git synced 2025-01-26 10:24:35 +01:00

breakpoints UTI interpretation fix

This commit is contained in:
dr. M.S. (Matthijs) Berends 2023-07-10 13:41:52 +02:00
parent 3829311dd3
commit 70c601ca11
28 changed files with 605 additions and 150 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: AMR
Date: 2023-07-08
Date: 2023-07-10
Title: Antimicrobial Resistance Data Analysis
Description: Functions to simplify and standardise antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
data analysis and to work with microbial and antimicrobial properties by

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## New
* Clinical breakpoints and intrinsic resistance of EUCAST 2023 and CLSI 2023 have been added for `as.sir()`. EUCAST 2023 (v13.0) is now the new default guideline for all MIC and disks diffusion interpretations

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@ -1241,20 +1241,20 @@ font_red_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
font_orange_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
# this is #f6d55c (picked to be colourblind-safe with other SIR colours)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;222m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse, adapt = FALSE), before = "\033[48;5;222m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_yellow_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;228m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse, adapt = FALSE), before = "\033[48;5;228m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_green_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
# this is #3caea3 (picked to be colourblind-safe with other SIR colours)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;79m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse, adapt = FALSE), before = "\033[48;5;79m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_purple_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;89m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse, adapt = FALSE), before = "\033[48;5;89m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_rose_bg <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse), before = "\033[48;5;217m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
try_colour(font_black(..., collapse = collapse, adapt = FALSE), before = "\033[48;5;217m", after = "\033[49m", collapse = collapse)
font_na <- function(..., collapse = " ") {
font_red(..., collapse = collapse)

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@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
#' Data Set with `r format(nrow(microorganisms.groups), big.mark = " ")` Microorganisms In Species Groups
#' A data set containing species groups and microbiological complexes, which are used in [the clinical breakpoints table][clinial_breakpoints].
#' A data set containing species groups and microbiological complexes, which are used in [the clinical breakpoints table][clinical_breakpoints].
#' @format A [tibble][tibble::tibble] with `r format(nrow(microorganisms.groups), big.mark = " ")` observations and `r ncol(microorganisms.groups)` variables:
#' - `mo_group`\cr ID of the species group / microbiological complex
#' - `mo`\cr ID of the microorganism belonging in the species group / microbiological complex

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@ -134,6 +134,10 @@
#' "Ureaplasmium urealytica",
#' "Ureaplazma urealitycium"
#' ))
#' # input will get cleaned up with the input given in the `cleaning_regex` argument,
#' # which defaults to `mo_cleaning_regex()`:
#' cat(mo_cleaning_regex(), "\n")
#' as.mo("Streptococcus group A")
@ -561,14 +565,17 @@ mo_reset_session <- function() {
#' @rdname as.mo
#' @export
mo_cleaning_regex <- function() {
parts_to_remove <- c("e?spp([^a-z]+|$)", "e?ssp([^a-z]+|$)", "e?ss([^a-z]+|$)", "e?sp([^a-z]+|$)", "e?subsp", "sube?species", "e?species",
"biovar[a-z]*", "biotype", "serovar[a-z]*", "var([^a-z]+|$)", "serogr.?up[a-z]*",
"titer", "dummy", "Ig[ADEGM]")
"[^A-Za-z- \\(\\)\\[\\]{}]+",
"(^| )(e?spp|e?ssp|e?ss|e?sp|e?subsp|sube?species|biovar|biotype|serovar|var|serogr.?up|e?species|titer|dummy)[.]*|( Ig[ADEGM])( |$))"
"|(^| )(",
paste0(parts_to_remove[order(1 - nchar(parts_to_remove))], collapse = "|"),
# UNDOCUMENTED METHODS ----------------------------------------------------
@ -832,10 +839,10 @@ print.mo_uncertainties <- function(x, n = 10, ...) {
col_red <- function(x) font_rose_bg(font_black(x, collapse = NULL, adapt = FALSE), collapse = NULL)
col_orange <- function(x) font_orange_bg(font_black(x, collapse = NULL, adapt = FALSE), collapse = NULL)
col_yellow <- function(x) font_yellow_bg(font_black(x, collapse = NULL, adapt = FALSE), collapse = NULL)
col_green <- function(x) font_green_bg(font_black(x, collapse = NULL, adapt = FALSE), collapse = NULL)
col_red <- function(x) font_rose_bg(x, collapse = NULL)
col_orange <- function(x) font_orange_bg(x, collapse = NULL)
col_yellow <- function(x) font_yellow_bg(x, collapse = NULL)
col_green <- function(x) font_green_bg(x, collapse = NULL)
if (has_colour()) {
cat(word_wrap("Colour keys: ",
@ -978,9 +985,9 @@ convert_colloquial_input <- function(x) {
perl = TRUE
# Streptococci in different languages, like "estreptococos grupo B"
out[x %like_case% "strepto[ck]o[ck][a-zA-Z]* [abcdefghijkl]$"] <- gsub(".*e?strepto[ck]o[ck].* ([abcdefghijkl])$",
out[x %like_case% "strepto[ck]o[ck][a-zA-Z ]* [abcdefghijkl]$"] <- gsub(".*e?strepto[ck]o[ck].* ([abcdefghijkl])$",
x[x %like_case% "strepto[ck]o[ck][a-zA-Z]* [abcdefghijkl]$"],
x[x %like_case% "strepto[ck]o[ck][a-zA-Z ]* [abcdefghijkl]$"],
perl = TRUE
out[x %like_case% "strep[a-z]* group [abcdefghijkl]$"] <- gsub(".* ([abcdefghijkl])$",
@ -994,6 +1001,7 @@ convert_colloquial_input <- function(x) {
perl = TRUE
out[x %like_case% "ha?emoly.*strep"] <- "B_STRPT_HAEM"
out[x %like_case% "(strepto.* [abcg, ]{2,4}$)"] <- "B_STRPT_ABCG"
out[x %like_case% "(strepto.* mil+er+i|^mgs[^a-z]*$)"] <- "B_STRPT_MILL"
out[x %like_case% "mil+er+i gr"] <- "B_STRPT_MILL"
out[x %like_case% "((strepto|^s).* viridans|^vgs[^a-z]*$)"] <- "B_STRPT_VIRI"
@ -1024,6 +1032,9 @@ convert_colloquial_input <- function(x) {
out[x %like_case% "anaerob[a-z]+ .*gram[ -]?pos.*"] <- "B_ANAER-POS"
out[is.na(out) & x %like_case% "anaerob[a-z]+ (micro)?.*organism"] <- "B_ANAER"
# coryneform bacteria
out[x %like_case% "^coryneform"] <- "B_CORYNF"
# yeasts and fungi
out[x %like_case% "^yeast?"] <- "F_YEAST"
out[x %like_case% "^fung(us|i)"] <- "F_FUNGUS"
@ -1032,7 +1043,11 @@ convert_colloquial_input <- function(x) {
out[x %like_case% "meningo[ck]o[ck]"] <- "B_NESSR_MNNG"
out[x %like_case% "gono[ck]o[ck]"] <- "B_NESSR_GNRR"
out[x %like_case% "pneumo[ck]o[ck]"] <- "B_STRPT_PNMN"
out[x %like_case% "hacek"] <- "B_HACEK"
out[x %like_case% "haemophilus" & x %like_case% "aggregatibacter" & x %like_case% "cardiobacterium" & x %like_case% "eikenella" & x %like_case% "kingella"] <- "B_HACEK"
out[x %like_case% "slow.* grow.* mycobact"] <- "B_MYCBC_SGM"
out[x %like_case% "rapid.* grow.* mycobact"] <- "B_MYCBC_RGM"
# unexisting names (con is the WHONET code for contamination)
out[x %in% c("con", "other", "none", "unknown") | x %like_case% "virus"] <- "UNKNOWN"

View File

@ -427,22 +427,13 @@ mo_pathogenicity <- function(x, language = get_AMR_locale(), keep_synonyms = get
kngd <- AMR_env$MO_lookup$kingdom[match(x.mo, AMR_env$MO_lookup$mo)]
rank <- AMR_env$MO_lookup$rank[match(x.mo, AMR_env$MO_lookup$mo)]
out <- factor(
ifelse(prev == 1 & kngd == "Bacteria" & rank != "genus",
ifelse(prev < 2 & kngd == "Fungi",
"Potentially pathogenic",
ifelse(prev == 2 & kngd == "Bacteria",
ifelse(kngd == "Bacteria",
"Potentially pathogenic",
levels = c("Pathogenic", "Potentially pathogenic", "Non-pathogenic", "Unknown"),
ordered = TRUE
out <- factor(case_when_AMR(prev == 1 & kngd == "Bacteria" & rank != "genus" ~ "Pathogenic",
(prev < 2 & kngd == "Fungi") ~ "Potentially pathogenic",
prev == 2 & kngd == "Bacteria" ~ "Non-pathogenic",
kngd == "Bacteria" ~ "Potentially pathogenic",
TRUE ~ "Unknown"),
levels = c("Pathogenic", "Potentially pathogenic", "Non-pathogenic", "Unknown"),
ordered = TRUE

View File

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
#' The function [is_sir_eligible()] returns `TRUE` when a columns contains at most 5% invalid antimicrobial interpretations (not S and/or I and/or R), and `FALSE` otherwise. The threshold of 5% can be set with the `threshold` argument. If the input is a [data.frame], it iterates over all columns and returns a [logical] vector.
#' @section Interpretation of SIR:
#' In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (<https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr/>):
#' In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (<https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr>):
#' - **S - Susceptible, standard dosing regimen**\cr
#' A microorganism is categorised as "Susceptible, standard dosing regimen", when there is a high likelihood of therapeutic success using a standard dosing regimen of the agent.
@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ as_sir_method <- function(method_short,
messages[i] <- word_wrap(extra_indent = 5, messages[i])
font_yellow(font_bold(paste0(" Note", ifelse(length(messages) > 1, "s", ""), ":\n"))),
font_yellow_bg(paste0(" NOTE", ifelse(length(messages) > 1, "S", ""), " \n")),
paste0(" ", font_black(AMR_env$bullet_icon), " ", font_black(messages, collapse = NULL), collapse = "\n")
@ -873,6 +873,7 @@ as_sir_method <- function(method_short,
# when as.sir.disk is called directly
df$values <- as.disk(df$values)
df_unique <- unique(df[ , c("mo", "uti"), drop = FALSE])
rise_warning <- FALSE
rise_note <- FALSE
@ -906,15 +907,6 @@ as_sir_method <- function(method_short,
breakpoints <- breakpoints %pm>%
subset(mo != "UNKNOWN" & ref_tbl %unlike% "PK.*PD")
if (all(uti == FALSE, na.rm = TRUE)) {
# remove UTI breakpoints
breakpoints <- breakpoints %pm>%
subset(is.na(uti) | uti == FALSE)
} else if (all(uti == TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)) {
# remove UTI breakpoints
breakpoints <- breakpoints %pm>%
subset(uti == TRUE)
msgs <- character(0)
if (nrow(breakpoints) == 0) {
@ -933,32 +925,39 @@ as_sir_method <- function(method_short,
p <- progress_ticker(n = length(unique(df$mo)), n_min = 10, title = font_blue(intro_txt), only_bar_percent = TRUE)
p <- progress_ticker(n = nrow(df_unique), n_min = 10, title = font_blue(intro_txt), only_bar_percent = TRUE)
has_progress_bar <- !is.null(import_fn("progress_bar", "progress", error_on_fail = FALSE)) && nrow(df_unique) >= 10
# run the rules
for (mo_currrent in unique(df$mo)) {
for (i in seq_len(nrow(df_unique))) {
rows <- which(df$mo == mo_currrent)
mo_current <- df_unique[i, "mo", drop = TRUE]
uti_current <- df_unique[i, "uti", drop = TRUE]
if (is.na(uti_current)) {
# preference, so no filter on UTIs
rows <- which(df$mo == mo_current)
} else {
rows <- which(df$mo == mo_current & df$uti == uti_current)
values <- df[rows, "values", drop = TRUE]
uti <- df[rows, "uti", drop = TRUE]
new_sir <- rep(NA_sir_, length(rows))
# find different mo properties
mo_current_genus <- as.mo(mo_genus(mo_currrent, language = NULL))
mo_current_family <- as.mo(mo_family(mo_currrent, language = NULL))
mo_current_order <- as.mo(mo_order(mo_currrent, language = NULL))
mo_current_class <- as.mo(mo_class(mo_currrent, language = NULL))
if (mo_currrent %in% AMR::microorganisms.groups$mo) {
mo_current_genus <- as.mo(mo_genus(mo_current, language = NULL))
mo_current_family <- as.mo(mo_family(mo_current, language = NULL))
mo_current_order <- as.mo(mo_order(mo_current, language = NULL))
mo_current_class <- as.mo(mo_class(mo_current, language = NULL))
if (mo_current %in% AMR::microorganisms.groups$mo) {
# get the species group
mo_current_species_group <- AMR::microorganisms.groups$mo_group[match(mo_currrent, AMR::microorganisms.groups$mo)]
mo_current_species_group <- AMR::microorganisms.groups$mo_group[match(mo_current, AMR::microorganisms.groups$mo)]
} else {
mo_current_species_group <- mo_currrent
mo_current_species_group <- mo_current
mo_current_other <- as.mo("UNKNOWN")
# formatted for notes
mo_formatted <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(mo_fullname(mo_currrent, language = NULL, keep_synonyms = FALSE)))
if (!mo_rank(mo_currrent) %in% c("kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order")) {
mo_formatted <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(mo_fullname(mo_current, language = NULL, keep_synonyms = FALSE)))
if (!mo_rank(mo_current) %in% c("kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order")) {
mo_formatted <- font_italic(mo_formatted)
ab_formatted <- paste0(
@ -976,40 +975,45 @@ as_sir_method <- function(method_short,
if (any(uti, na.rm = TRUE)) {
if (is.na(unique(uti_current))) {
breakpoints_current <- breakpoints_current %pm>%
# this will put UTI = FALSE first, then UTI = TRUE, then UTI = NA
pm_arrange(rank_index, uti) # 'uti' is a column in data set 'clinical_breakpoints'
} else if (unique(uti_current) == TRUE) {
breakpoints_current <- breakpoints_current %pm>%
subset(uti == TRUE) %pm>%
# be as specific as possible (i.e. prefer species over genus):
# the below `pm_desc(uti)` will put `TRUE` on top and FALSE on bottom
pm_arrange(rank_index, pm_desc(uti)) # 'uti' is a column in data set 'clinical_breakpoints'
} else {
} else if (unique(uti_current) == FALSE) {
breakpoints_current <- breakpoints_current %pm>%
# sort UTI = FALSE first, then UTI = TRUE
pm_arrange(rank_index, uti)
subset(uti == FALSE) %pm>%
# be as specific as possible (i.e. prefer species over genus):
# throw notes for different body sites
if (nrow(breakpoints_current) == 1 && all(breakpoints_current$uti == TRUE) && any(uti %in% c(FALSE, NA)) && message_not_thrown_before("as.sir", "uti", ab_coerced)) {
site <- breakpoints_current[1L, "site", drop = FALSE] # this is the one we'll take
if (is.na(site)) {
site <- paste0("an unspecified body site")
} else {
site <- paste0("body site '", site, "'")
if (nrow(breakpoints_current) == 1 && all(breakpoints_current$uti == TRUE) && any(uti_current %in% c(FALSE, NA)) && message_not_thrown_before("as.sir", "uti", ab_coerced)) {
# only UTI breakpoints available
warning_("in `as.sir()`: interpretation of ", font_bold(ab_formatted), " is only available for (uncomplicated) urinary tract infections (UTI) for some microorganisms, thus assuming `uti = TRUE`. See `?as.sir`.")
rise_warning <- TRUE
} else if (nrow(breakpoints_current) > 1 && length(unique(breakpoints_current$site)) > 1 && any(is.na(uti)) && all(c(TRUE, FALSE) %in% breakpoints_current$uti, na.rm = TRUE) && message_not_thrown_before("as.sir", "siteUTI", mo_currrent, ab_coerced)) {
} else if (nrow(breakpoints_current) > 1 && length(unique(breakpoints_current$site)) > 1 && any(is.na(uti_current)) && all(c(TRUE, FALSE) %in% breakpoints_current$uti, na.rm = TRUE) && message_not_thrown_before("as.sir", "siteUTI", mo_current, ab_coerced)) {
# both UTI and Non-UTI breakpoints available
msgs <- c(msgs, paste0("Breakpoints for UTI ", font_underline("and"), " non-UTI available for ", ab_formatted, " in ", mo_formatted, " - assuming non-UTI. Use argument `uti` to set which isolates are from urine. See `?as.sir`."))
msgs <- c(msgs, paste0("Breakpoints for UTI ", font_underline("and"), " non-UTI available for ", ab_formatted, " in ", mo_formatted, " - assuming ", site, ". Use argument `uti` to set which isolates are from urine. See `?as.sir`."))
breakpoints_current <- breakpoints_current %pm>%
pm_filter(uti == FALSE)
} else if (nrow(breakpoints_current) > 1 && length(unique(breakpoints_current$site)) > 1 && all(breakpoints_current$uti == FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) && message_not_thrown_before("as.sir", "siteOther", mo_currrent, ab_coerced)) {
} else if (nrow(breakpoints_current) > 1 && length(unique(breakpoints_current$site)) > 1 && all(breakpoints_current$uti == FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) && message_not_thrown_before("as.sir", "siteOther", mo_current, ab_coerced)) {
# breakpoints for multiple body sites available
site <- breakpoints_current[1L, "site", drop = FALSE] # this is the one we'll take
if (is.na(site)) {
site <- paste0("an unspecified body site")
} else {
site <- paste0("body site '", site, "'")
msgs <- c(msgs, paste0("Multiple breakpoints available for ", ab_formatted, " in ", mo_formatted, " - assuming ", site, "."))
# first check if mo is intrinsic resistant
if (isTRUE(add_intrinsic_resistance) && guideline_coerced %like% "EUCAST" && paste(mo_currrent, ab_coerced) %in% AMR_env$intrinsic_resistant) {
if (isTRUE(add_intrinsic_resistance) && guideline_coerced %like% "EUCAST" && paste(mo_current, ab_coerced) %in% AMR_env$intrinsic_resistant) {
msgs <- c(msgs, paste0("Intrinsic resistance applied for ", ab_formatted, " in ", mo_formatted, ""))
new_sir <- rep(as.sir("R"), length(rows))
} else if (nrow(breakpoints_current) == 0) {
@ -1059,10 +1063,11 @@ as_sir_method <- function(method_short,
index = rows,
ab_input = rep(ab.bak, length(rows)),
ab_guideline = rep(ab_coerced, length(rows)),
mo_input = rep(mo.bak[match(mo_currrent, df$mo)][1], length(rows)),
mo_input = rep(mo.bak[match(mo_current, df$mo)][1], length(rows)),
mo_guideline = rep(breakpoints_current[, "mo", drop = TRUE], length(rows)),
guideline = rep(guideline_coerced, length(rows)),
ref_table = rep(breakpoints_current[, "ref_tbl", drop = TRUE], length(rows)),
uti = rep(breakpoints_current[, "uti", drop = TRUE], length(rows)),
method = rep(method_coerced, length(rows)),
input = as.double(values),
outcome = as.sir(new_sir),
@ -1078,14 +1083,14 @@ as_sir_method <- function(method_short,
# printing messages
if (!is.null(import_fn("progress_bar", "progress", error_on_fail = FALSE))) {
if (has_progress_bar == TRUE) {
# the progress bar has overwritten the intro text, so:
message_(intro_txt, appendLF = FALSE, as_note = FALSE)
if (isTRUE(rise_warning)) {
message(font_yellow(font_bold(" * WARNING *")))
message(font_rose_bg(" * WARNING *"))
} else if (length(msgs) == 0) {
message(font_green(" OK."))
message(font_green_bg(" OK "))
} else {

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@ -1 +1 @@

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

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@ -133,8 +133,11 @@ organisms <- organisms %>%
select(-group) %>%
# 2023-07-08 SGM must be Slowly-growing Mycobacterium, not Strep Gamma, not sure why this went wrong
# 2023-07-08 SGM is also Strep gamma in WHONET, must only be Slowly-growing Mycobacterium
organisms <- organisms %>%
filter(!(code == "SGM" & name %like% "Streptococcus"))
# this must be empty:
organisms$code[organisms$code %>% duplicated()]
saveRDS(organisms, "data-raw/organisms.rds", version = 2)
@ -223,7 +226,7 @@ breakpoints %>%
filter(!WHONET_ABX_CODE %in% whonet_antibiotics$WHONET_ABX_CODE) %>%
# they are at the moment all old codes that have right replacements in `antibiotics`, so we can use as.ab()
# they are at the moment all old codes that have the right replacements in `antibiotics`, so we can use as.ab()
## Build new breakpoints table ----
@ -260,7 +263,7 @@ breakpoints_new <- breakpoints %>%
gsub("", "-", ., fixed = TRUE)) %>%
arrange(desc(guideline), mo, ab, type, method) %>%
filter(!(is.na(breakpoint_S) & is.na(breakpoint_R)) & !is.na(mo) & !is.na(ab)) %>%
distinct(guideline, ab, mo, method, site, breakpoint_S, .keep_all = TRUE)
distinct(guideline, type, ab, mo, method, site, breakpoint_S, .keep_all = TRUE)
# check the strange duplicates
breakpoints_new %>%
@ -268,7 +271,7 @@ breakpoints_new %>%
filter(id %in% .$id[which(duplicated(id))])
# remove duplicates
breakpoints_new <- breakpoints_new %>%
distinct(guideline, ab, mo, method, site, .keep_all = TRUE)
distinct(guideline, type, ab, mo, method, site, .keep_all = TRUE)
# fix reference table names
breakpoints_new %>% filter(guideline %like% "EUCAST", is.na(ref_tbl)) %>% View()
@ -289,10 +292,10 @@ breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$method == "MIC" &
breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$method == "MIC" &
is.na(breakpoints_new$breakpoint_R)), "breakpoint_R"] <- max(m)
# raise these one higher valid MIC factor level:
breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$breakpoint_R == 129), "breakpoint_R"] <- m[which(m == 128) + 1]
breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$breakpoint_R == 257), "breakpoint_R"] <- m[which(m == 256) + 1]
breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$breakpoint_R == 513), "breakpoint_R"] <- m[which(m == 512) + 1]
breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$breakpoint_R == 1025), "breakpoint_R"] <- m[which(m == 1024) + 1]
breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$breakpoint_R == 129), "breakpoint_R"] <- 128
breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$breakpoint_R == 257), "breakpoint_R"] <- 256
breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$breakpoint_R == 513), "breakpoint_R"] <- 513
breakpoints_new[which(breakpoints_new$breakpoint_R == 1025), "breakpoint_R"] <- 1024
# WHONET adds one log2 level to the R breakpoint for their software, e.g. in AMC in Enterobacterales:
# EUCAST 2022 guideline: S <= 8 and R > 8
@ -319,6 +322,9 @@ breakpoints_new %>% filter(guideline == "EUCAST 2023", ab == "AMC", mo == "B_[OR
# compare with current version
clinical_breakpoints %>% filter(guideline == "EUCAST 2022", ab == "AMC", mo == "B_[ORD]_ENTRBCTR", method == "MIC")
# must have "human" and "ECOFF"
breakpoints_new %>% filter(mo == "B_STRPT_PNMN", ab == "AMP", guideline == "EUCAST 2020", method == "MIC")
# check dimensions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ expect_identical(mo_oxygen_tolerance(c("Klebsiella pneumoniae", "Clostridioides
c("aerobe", "anaerobe"))
c("1561", "422", "1", "16"))
c("1874", "109", "1", "16"))
expect_equal(mo_ref("Escherichia coli"), "Castellani et al., 1919")
expect_equal(mo_authors("Escherichia coli"), "Castellani et al.")
@ -129,9 +129,12 @@ for (l in AMR:::LANGUAGES_SUPPORTED[-1]) {
# test languages
expect_error(mo_gramstain("Escherichia coli", language = "UNKNOWN"))
dutch <- suppressWarnings(mo_name(microorganisms$fullname[which(microorganisms$fullname %unlike% "unknown|coagulase|Fungi|[(]class[)]|[{]")], language = "nl", keep_synonyms = TRUE)) # should be transformable to English again
expect_identical(suppressWarnings(mo_name(dutch, language = NULL, keep_synonyms = TRUE)),
microorganisms$fullname[which(microorganisms$fullname %unlike% "unknown|coagulase|Fungi|[(]class[)]|[{]")]) # gigantic test - will run ALL names
fullnames <- microorganisms$fullname[which(microorganisms$fullname %unlike% "unknown|coagulase|Fungi|[(]class[)]|[{]")]
to_dutch <- suppressWarnings(mo_name(fullnames, language = "nl", keep_synonyms = TRUE))
back_to_english <- suppressWarnings(mo_name(dutch, language = NULL, keep_synonyms = TRUE))
diffs <- paste0('"', fullnames[fullnames != back_to_english], '"', collapse = ", ")
expect_identical(fullnames, back_to_english, info = diffs) # gigantic test - will run ALL names
# manual property function
expect_error(mo_property("Escherichia coli", property = c("genus", "fullname")))

View File

@ -201,6 +201,10 @@ as.mo(c(
"Ureaplazma urealitycium"
# input will get cleaned up with the input given in the `cleaning_regex` argument,
# which defaults to `mo_cleaning_regex()`:
cat(mo_cleaning_regex(), "\n")
as.mo("Streptococcus group A")
as.mo("S. epidermidis") # will remain species: B_STPHY_EPDR

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@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ After using \code{\link[=as.sir]{as.sir()}}, you can use the \code{\link[=eucast
\subsection{Machine-Readable Clinical Breakpoints}{
The repository of this package \href{https://github.com/msberends/AMR/blob/main/data-raw/clinical_breakpoints.txt}{contains a machine-readable version} of all guidelines. This is a CSV file consisting of 28 454 rows and 12 columns. This file is machine-readable, since it contains one row for every unique combination of the test method (MIC or disk diffusion), the antimicrobial drug and the microorganism. \strong{This allows for easy implementation of these rules in laboratory information systems (LIS)}. Note that it only contains interpretation guidelines for humans - interpretation guidelines from CLSI for animals were removed.
The repository of this package \href{https://github.com/msberends/AMR/blob/main/data-raw/clinical_breakpoints.txt}{contains a machine-readable version} of all guidelines. This is a CSV file consisting of 28 885 rows and 12 columns. This file is machine-readable, since it contains one row for every unique combination of the test method (MIC or disk diffusion), the antimicrobial drug and the microorganism. \strong{This allows for easy implementation of these rules in laboratory information systems (LIS)}. Note that it only contains interpretation guidelines for humans - interpretation guidelines from CLSI for animals were removed.
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ The function \code{\link[=is_sir_eligible]{is_sir_eligible()}} returns \code{TRU
\section{Interpretation of SIR}{
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr/}):
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr}):
\item \strong{S - Susceptible, standard dosing regimen}\cr
A microorganism is categorised as "Susceptible, standard dosing regimen", when there is a high likelihood of therapeutic success using a standard dosing regimen of the agent.

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
\title{Data Set with Clinical Breakpoints for SIR Interpretation}
A \link[tibble:tibble]{tibble} with 28 454 observations and 12 variables:
A \link[tibble:tibble]{tibble} with 28 885 observations and 12 variables:
\item \code{guideline}\cr Name of the guideline
\item \code{type}\cr Breakpoint type, either "ECOFF", "animal", or "human"

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The function \code{\link[=count_df]{count_df()}} takes any variable from \code{d
\section{Interpretation of SIR}{
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr/}):
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr}):
\item \strong{S - Susceptible, standard dosing regimen}\cr
A microorganism is categorised as "Susceptible, standard dosing regimen", when there is a high likelihood of therapeutic success using a standard dosing regimen of the agent.

View File

@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ Amikacin (\code{AMK}, \href{https://www.whocc.no/atc_ddd_index/?code=J01GB06&sho
\section{Interpretation of SIR}{
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr/}):
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr}):
\item \strong{S - Susceptible, standard dosing regimen}\cr
A microorganism is categorised as "Susceptible, standard dosing regimen", when there is a high likelihood of therapeutic success using a standard dosing regimen of the agent.

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ A \link[tibble:tibble]{tibble} with 444 observations and 4 variables:
A data set containing species groups and microbiological complexes, which are used in \link[=clinial_breakpoints]{the clinical breakpoints table}.
A data set containing species groups and microbiological complexes, which are used in \link[=clinical_breakpoints]{the clinical breakpoints table}.
Like all data sets in this package, this data set is publicly available for download in the following formats: R, MS Excel, Apache Feather, Apache Parquet, SPSS, SAS, and Stata. Please visit \href{https://msberends.github.io/AMR/articles/datasets.html}{our website for the download links}. The actual files are of course available on \href{https://github.com/msberends/AMR/tree/main/data-raw}{our GitHub repository}.

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@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ Using \code{only_all_tested} has no impact when only using one antibiotic as inp
\section{Interpretation of SIR}{
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr/}):
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr}):
\item \strong{S - Susceptible, standard dosing regimen}\cr
A microorganism is categorised as "Susceptible, standard dosing regimen", when there is a high likelihood of therapeutic success using a standard dosing regimen of the agent.

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ Valid options for the statistical model (argument \code{model}) are:
\section{Interpretation of SIR}{
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr/}):
In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (\url{https://www.eucast.org/newsiandr}):
\item \strong{S - Susceptible, standard dosing regimen}\cr
A microorganism is categorised as "Susceptible, standard dosing regimen", when there is a high likelihood of therapeutic success using a standard dosing regimen of the agent.