\item{atc_code}{a \link{character} (vector) with ATC code(s) of antibiotics, will be coerced with \code{\link[=as.ab]{as.ab()}} and \code{\link[=ab_atc]{ab_atc()}} internally if not a valid ATC code}
\item{property}{property of an ATC code. Valid values are \code{"ATC"}, \code{"Name"}, \code{"DDD"}, \code{"U"} (\code{"unit"}), \code{"Adm.R"}, \code{"Note"} and \code{groups}. For this last option, all hierarchical groups of an ATC code will be returned, see \emph{Examples}.}
\item{url}{url of website of the WHOCC. The sign \verb{\%s} can be used as a placeholder for ATC codes.}
\item{url_vet}{url of website of the WHOCC for veterinary medicine. The sign \verb{\%s} can be used as a placeholder for ATC_vet codes (that all start with "Q").}
Gets data from the WHOCC website to determine properties of an Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) (e.g. an antibiotic), such as the name, defined daily dose (DDD) or standard unit.
\strong{N.B. This function requires an internet connection and only works if the following packages are installed: \code{curl}, \code{rvest}, \code{xml2}.}