The \code{\link[=ggplot_pca]{ggplot_pca()}} function is based on the \code{ggbiplot()} function from the \code{ggbiplot} package by Vince Vu, as found on GitHub: \url{} (retrieved: 2 March 2020, their latest commit: \href{}{\code{7325e88}}; 12 February 2015).
\item{labels}{an optional vector of labels for the observations. If set, the labels will be placed below their respective points. When using the \code{\link[=pca]{pca()}} function as input for \code{x}, this will be determined automatically based on the attribute \code{non_numeric_cols}, see \code{\link[=pca]{pca()}}.}
\item{labels_textsize}{the size of the text used for the labels}
\item{labels_text_placement}{adjustment factor the placement of the variable names (\verb{>=1} means further away from the arrow head)}
\item{groups}{an optional vector of groups for the labels, with the same length as \code{labels}. If set, the points and labels will be coloured according to these groups. When using the \code{\link[=pca]{pca()}} function as input for \code{x}, this will be determined automatically based on the attribute \code{non_numeric_cols}, see \code{\link[=pca]{pca()}}.}
\item{ellipse}{a logical to indicate whether a normal data ellipse should be drawn for each group (set with \code{groups})}
\item{ellipse_prob}{statistical size of the ellipse in normal probability}
\item{ellipse_size}{the size of the ellipse line}
\item{ellipse_alpha}{the alpha (transparency) of the ellipse line}
Produces a \code{ggplot2} variant of a so-called \href{}{biplot} for PCA (principal component analysis), but is more flexible and more appealing than the base \R \code{\link[=biplot]{biplot()}} function.
The colours for labels and points can be changed by adding another scale layer for colour, such as \code{scale_colour_viridis_d()} and \code{scale_colour_brewer()}.
The \link[=lifecycle]{lifecycle} of this function is \strong{stable}. In a stable function, major changes are unlikely. This means that the unlying code will generally evolve by adding new arguments; removing arguments or changing the meaning of existing arguments will be avoided.
If the unlying code needs breaking changes, they will occur gradually. For example, a argument will be deprecated and first continue to work, but will emit an message informing you of the change. Next, typically after at least one newly released version on CRAN, the message will be transformed to an error.