This package contains the complete taxonomic tree of almost all microorganisms (~70,000 species) from the authoritative and comprehensive Catalogue of Life (CoL, \url{}). The CoL is the most comprehensive and authoritative global index of species currently available. Nonetheless, we supplemented the CoL data with data from the List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature (LPSN, \href{}{}). This supplementation is needed until the \href{}{CoL+ project} is finished, which we await.
\link[=catalogue_of_life]{Click here} for more information about the included taxa. Check which versions of the CoL and LSPN were included in this package with \code{\link[=catalogue_of_life_version]{catalogue_of_life_version()}}.
On our website \url{} you can find \href{}{a comprehensive tutorial} about how to conduct AMR data analysis, the \href{}{complete documentation of all functions} and \href{}{an example analysis using WHONET data}. As we would like to better understand the backgrounds and needs of our users, please \href{}{participate in our survey}!