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EUCAST breakpoints used in this package are based on the dosages in this data set. They can be retrieved with eucast_dosage().




A tibble with 503 observations and 9 variables:

  • ab
    Antimcrobial ID as used in this package (such as AMC), using the official EARS-Net (European Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network) codes where available

  • name
    Official name of the antimicrobial drug as used by WHONET/EARS-Net or the WHO

  • type
    Type of the dosage, either "high_dosage", "standard_dosage", or "uncomplicated_uti"

  • dose
    Dose, such as "2 g" or "25 mg/kg"

  • dose_times
    Number of times a dose must be administered

  • administration
    Route of administration, either "im", "iv", or "oral"

  • notes
    Additional dosage notes

  • original_txt
    Original text in the PDF file of EUCAST

  • eucast_version
    Version number of the EUCAST Clinical Breakpoints guideline to which these dosages apply, either 13, 12, or 11


Like all data sets in this package, this data set is publicly available for download in the following formats: R, MS Excel, Apache Feather, Apache Parquet, SPSS, and Stata. Please visit our website for the download links. The actual files are of course available on our GitHub repository.


#> # A tibble: 503 × 9
#>    ab   name            type  dose  dose_times administration notes original_txt
#>    <ab> <chr>           <chr> <chr>      <int> <chr>          <chr> <chr>       
#>  1 AMK  Amikacin        stan… 25-3…          1 iv             ""    25-30 mg/kg…
#>  2 AMX  Amoxicillin     high… 2 g            6 iv             ""    2 g x 6 iv  
#>  3 AMX  Amoxicillin     stan… 1 g            3 iv             ""    1 g x 3-4 iv
#>  4 AMX  Amoxicillin     high… 0.75…          3 oral           ""    0.75-1 g x …
#>  5 AMX  Amoxicillin     stan… 0.5 g          3 oral           ""    0.5 g x 3 o…
#>  6 AMX  Amoxicillin     unco… 0.5 g          3 oral           ""    0.5 g x 3 o…
#>  7 AMC  Amoxicillin/cl… high… 2 g …          3 iv             ""    (2 g amoxic…
#>  8 AMC  Amoxicillin/cl… stan… 1 g …          3 iv             ""    (1 g amoxic…
#>  9 AMC  Amoxicillin/cl… high… 0.87…          3 oral           ""    (0.875 g am…
#> 10 AMC  Amoxicillin/cl… stan… 0.5 …          3 oral           ""    (0.5 g amox…
#> # ℹ 493 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: eucast_version <dbl>