
201 lines
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2022-02-23 12:23:10 +01:00
import sys
import glob
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
def main(argv):
# Load file
assert len(argv) >= 2, "No arguments given. -h for help"
if argv[1] == "-h":
print("""Specify the path to prsim.out either by giving the full path,
or the folder name like 'buf_15'.
Use -include='regex' to specify signals to include (or -in).
Use -exclude='regex' to specify signals to exclude (or -ex).""")
file_path = argv[1]
if not ".out" in file_path:
file_path = f"./unit_tests/{file_path}/run/prsim.out"
assert len(glob.glob(file_path)) >= 1, "prsim.out file not found!"
print(f"Loading {file_path}")
f = open(file_path,'r').read()
# Start regexxing
entries = re.findall(r"\t *(\d+) ([^:]+) : (\d)( \[by.+\])?[\n\r]", f)
assert len(entries) >= 1, "Could not find signal info in prsim.out!"
2022-02-28 10:21:43 +01:00
# Check if user gave a colour specification
2022-02-28 10:46:41 +01:00
# default is Michele's atm
2022-02-28 10:44:23 +01:00
colour_undefined = (100,100,100)
colour_high = (98, 187, 93)
colour_low = (233, 115, 115)
2022-02-28 10:21:43 +01:00
for arg in argv:
2022-02-28 10:52:07 +01:00
r = re.findall(r'-c=[\"\']?(.+)[\"\']?', arg)
2022-02-28 10:21:43 +01:00
if len(r) >= 1:
2022-02-28 10:44:23 +01:00
if r[0] == "ole":
colour_undefined = (233, 115, 115)
colour_high = (98, 187, 93)
colour_low = (90, 111, 199)
2022-02-28 10:52:07 +01:00
elif r[0] == "og":
2022-02-28 10:44:23 +01:00
colour_undefined = (255,0,0)
colour_high = (252, 186, 3)
colour_low = (20, 184, 186)
2022-02-28 10:52:07 +01:00
elif r[0] == "michele":
2022-02-28 10:46:41 +01:00
colour_undefined = (100,100,100)
colour_high = (98, 187, 93)
colour_low = (233, 115, 115)
2022-02-28 10:21:43 +01:00
raise Exception("Unknown colour given. I cba to code up general colours atm.")
2022-02-23 12:23:10 +01:00
# Check if user gave an include filter
include_given = False
include_re = None
for arg in argv:
r = re.findall(r'(-include|-in)=(.+)', arg)
if len(r) >= 1:
include_given = True
include_re = r[0][1]
# Check if user gave an exclude filter
exclude_given = False
exclude_re = None
for arg in argv:
r = re.findall(r'(-exclude|-ex)=(.+)', arg)
if len(r) >= 1:
exclude_given = True
exclude_re = r[0][1]
assert not (exclude_given and include_given), "Can't give include and exclude re simultaneously."
if include_given: print(f"Including signals that match regex {include_re}")
if exclude_given: print(f"Excluding signals that match regex {exclude_re}")
if include_given:
entries = [e for e in entries if not, e[1]) == None]
if exclude_given:
entries = [e for e in entries if, e[1]) == None]
assert len(entries) >= 1, "No valid entries in prsim.out!"
# Get list of all sigs and times
times = np.array([int(e[0]) for e in entries])
unique_times = np.unique(times)
num_times = unique_times.shape[0]
sigs = np.array([e[1] for e in entries])
unique_sigs = np.unique(sigs)
num_sigs = unique_sigs.shape[0]
print(f"Plotting signals:")
# Some functions to order everything nicely
# Should probably put these outside but whatever.
def time_to_index(time):
Since times are random, need to convert them to an index.
out = np.argwhere(unique_times == int(time))
return out[0][0]
def sig_to_index(sig):
Handles signal name ordering.
Assume ordered like unique_sigs for now
out = np.argwhere(unique_sigs == sig)
return out[0][0]
# Create matrix of signals over time and populate
signals_matrix = np.zeros((num_sigs, num_times), dtype = int)
for sig in unique_sigs:
entries_filtered = [e for e in entries if e[1] == sig]
# make sure sorted
entries_filtered = sorted(entries_filtered, key = lambda e: int(e[0]))
for e in entries_filtered:
val = int(e[2])
val = 2*val -1
signals_matrix[sig_to_index(sig),time_to_index(e[0]):] = val
# Plot
2022-02-28 10:21:43 +01:00
# Generate figure
# weird sizing is to try to keep "pixel" sizes approx const
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (num_sigs/3+0.5,num_times/3+0.2), dpi = 100)
2022-02-23 12:23:10 +01:00
image = np.zeros((num_sigs, num_times, 3), dtype = int)
image[signals_matrix == 0] = colour_undefined
image[signals_matrix == 1] = colour_high
image[signals_matrix == -1] = colour_low
ax = fig.gca()
# ax.set_ylabel("Signal")
for sig in unique_sigs:
ax.text(-1, sig_to_index(sig), sig, ha = "right", va = "center", size = 10)
for i in range(num_sigs-1):
ax.axhline(i+0.5, c = "white", lw = 2)
for i in range(num_times-1):
ax.axvline(i+0.5, c = "white", lw = 2)
# Draw arrows
for e in entries:
# check if has a causal signal
by = re.findall(r"\[by (.+):=(\d)",e[3])
if len(by) == 0: continue
sig = e[1]
time = e[0]
t_index = time_to_index(time)
by_sig = by[0][0]
by_val = int(by[0][1])
t0,t1 = (t_index, t_index)
# The sig that caused the change might have been excluded from plotting
s0 = sig_to_index(sig)
if by_sig in unique_sigs:
s1 = sig_to_index(by_sig)
s1 = s0
arrow_c = "black" if by_val == 1 else "grey"
if by_val == 1:
plt.arrow(t0, s1, 0, s0-s1 + 0.2*np.sign(s0-s1), head_width = 0.5, width = 0.2, ec = "none", lw = 0, fc = "black", length_includes_head = True)
plt.arrow(t0, s1, 0, s0-s1 + 0.2*np.sign(s0-s1), head_width = 0, width = 0.2, ec = "none", lw = 0, fc = "black", length_includes_head = True)
plt.scatter((t0),(s0), c = "black", s = 30)
2022-02-28 10:21:43 +01:00
# Write times on x axis
for time in unique_times:
ax.text(time_to_index(time), num_sigs, time, ha = "center", va = "top", size = 10, rotation = 90)
2022-02-23 12:49:07 +01:00
output_type = ".pdf"
for arg in argv:
if arg == "-png": output_type = ".png"
file_out_path = file_path.replace(".out",output_type)
2022-02-23 12:23:10 +01:00
plt.savefig(file_out_path, bbox_inches = "tight")
if __name__ == "__main__":
# print(sys.argv[0:])
# main(sys.argv[1:])