Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/dev' into dev
This commit is contained in:
@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ namespace tmpl {
sizing { _en{-2}; y{-2,2} }
export defproc DFFQ_R_X1 (bool? clk_B, reset_B, d; bool! q; bool? vdd,vss)
export defproc DFFQ_R_X1 (bool? clk_B, reset_B, d; bool! q,q_B; bool? vdd,vss)
bool _clk_B, __clk_B, _mqi,_mqib,_sqi,_sqib;
prs {
@ -393,6 +393,8 @@ namespace tmpl {
_sqib => _sqi-
_sqib => q-
q => q_B-
@ -55,16 +55,14 @@ defproc register_w (avMx1of2<1+lognw+wl> in; d1of<wl> data[1<<lognw]; power supp
bool _in_v_temp,_in_a_temp,_clock_temp,_clock,_clock_temp_inv;
pint nw = 1<<lognw;
//Validation of the input
Mx1of2<1+lognw+wl> _in_temp;
(i:1+lognw+wl:_in_temp.d[i] = in.d.d[i];)
vtree<1+lognw+wl> val_input(.in = _in_temp,.out = _in_v_temp, .supply = supply);
vtree<1+lognw+wl> val_input(.in = in.d,.out = _in_v_temp, .supply = supply);
sigbuf_1output<4> val_input_X(.in = _in_v_temp,.out = in.v,.supply = supply);
// Generation of the fake clock pulse (inverted because the ff clocks are low_active)
delayprog<N_dly_cfg> clk_dly(.in = _in_v_temp, .out = _clock_temp,.s = dly_cfg, .supply = supply);
INV_X1 inv_clk(.a = _clock_temp,.y = _clock_temp_inv,.vdd = supply.vdd,.vss = supply.vss);
sigbuf_1output<4> clk_X(.in = _clock_temp_inv,.out = _clock,.supply = supply);
sigbuf_1output<4> clk_X(.in = _clock_temp,.out = _clock,.supply = supply);
// Sending back to the ackowledge
delayprog<N_dly_cfg> ack_dly(.in = _clock, .out = _in_a_temp,.s = dly_cfg, .supply = supply);
delayprog<N_dly_cfg> ack_dly(.in = _clock_temp_inv, .out = _in_a_temp,.s = dly_cfg, .supply = supply);
sigbuf_1output<4> ack_input_X(.in = _in_a_temp,.out = in.a,.supply = supply);
//Reset Buffers
bool _reset_BX,_reset_mem_BX,_reset_mem_BXX[nw*wl];
@ -127,61 +125,68 @@ defproc register_w (avMx1of2<1+lognw+wl> in; d1of<wl> data[1<<lognw]; power supp
// data -> the data saved in the flip flop, sized wl x nw
export template<pint lognw,wl,N_dly_cfg>
defproc register_rw (avMx1of2<1+lognw+wl> in; avMx1of2<lognw+wl> out; d1of<wl> data[1<<lognw]; power supply; bool? reset_B,reset_mem_B,dly_cfg[N_dly_cfg]){
bool _in_v_temp,_in_a_temp,_clock_temp,_clock,_clock_temp_inv;
bool _ff_v;
pint nw = 1<<lognw;
bool _in_v_temp,_in_a_temp,_clock_temp,_clock[nw],_clock_temp_inv, _in_a_write, _in_a_read;
//Validation of the input
avMx1of2<lognw+wl> _in_temp2,_in_read,_in_write;
// Read or write?
AND2_X1 ack_and(.a = _in_temp2.a,.b = _ff_v,.y = in.a,.vdd = supply.vdd,.vss = supply.vss);
in.v = _in_temp2.v;
_in_flag.d.d[0] = in.d.d[lognw+wl];
(i:lognw+wl:_in_temp2.d.d[i] = in.d.d[i];)
demux<lognw+wl> read_write_demux(.in = _in_temp2,.out1 = _in_read, .out2 = _in_write, .cond = _in_flag,.reset_B = reset_B);
|||| supply;
// Validation
Mx1of2<lognw+wl> _in_write_temp;
(i:lognw+wl:_in_write_temp.d[i] = _in_write.d.d[i];)
vtree<lognw+wl> val_input_write(.in = _in_write_temp,.out = _in_write.v, .supply = supply);
// Acknowledgment
delayprog<N_dly_cfg> ack_dly(.in = _clock, .out = _in_write.a,.s = dly_cfg, .supply = supply);
// Generation of the fake clock pulse (inverted because the ff clocks are low_active)
delayprog<N_dly_cfg> clk_dly(.in = _in_write.v, .out = _clock_temp,.s = dly_cfg, .supply = supply);
vtree<1+lognw+wl> val_input(.in = in.d,.out = _in_v_temp, .supply = supply);
sigbuf_1output<12> val_input_X(.in = _in_v_temp,.out = in.v,.supply = supply);
// Acknowledgment
OR2_X1 ack_readwrite(.a = _in_a_write,.b = _in_a_read,.y = _in_a_temp,.vdd = supply.vdd,.vss = supply.vss);
sigbuf_1output<12> ack_input_X(.in = _in_a_temp,.out = in.a,.supply = supply);
// Generation of the fake clock pulse if write is HIGH (inverted because the ff clocks are low_active)
bool _in_v_temp_write;
AND2_X1 clk_switch(.a = _in_v_temp,.b = in.d.d[lognw+wl].f, .y = _in_v_temp_write,.vdd = supply.vdd,.vss = supply.vss);
delayprog<N_dly_cfg> clk_dly(.in = _in_v_temp_write, .out = _clock_temp,.s = dly_cfg, .supply = supply);
INV_X1 inv_clk(.a = _clock_temp,.y = _clock_temp_inv,.vdd = supply.vdd,.vss = supply.vss);
sigbuf_1output<4> clk_X(.in = _clock_temp_inv,.out = _clock,.supply = supply);
Mx1of2<lognw+wl> _in_read_temp;
(i:lognw+wl:_in_read_temp.d[i] = _in_read.d.d[i];)
vtree<lognw+wl> val_input_read(.in = _in_read_temp,.out = _in_read.v, .supply = supply);
vtree<wl> ff_validator;
Mx1of2<wl> _out_temp;
(i:wl:_out_temp.d[i] = out.d.d[i];)
|||| = _out_temp;
ff_validator.out = _ff_v;
|||| = supply;
// Acknowledgment
_in_read.a = _ff_v; //The circuit is ack when flip flop data are valid
sigbuf<nw> clk_X(.in = _clock_temp_inv,.out = _clock,.supply = supply);
sigbuf<wl> clock_buffer[nw];
bool _clock_word_temp[nw],_clock_word[nw],_clock_buffer_out[nw*wl];
// Sending back to the ackowledge
bool _in_a_write_temp;
delayprog<N_dly_cfg> ack_dly(.in = _clock_temp, .out = _in_a_write_temp,.s = dly_cfg, .supply = supply);
AND2_X1 ack_write_and(.a = in.d.d[lognw+wl].f,.b = _in_a_write_temp,.y = _in_a_write,.vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss);
//Outputing the word to read
AND2_X1 word_to_read[nw];
sigbuf<wl*2> word_to_read_X[nw];
ortree<nw> bitselector_t[wl];
ortree<nw> bitselector_f[wl];
AND2_X1 word_selector_t[nw*wl];
AND2_X1 word_selector_f[nw*wl];
bool _out_word_to_read[2*nw*wl];
buffer_s<lognw+wl> output_buf(.out = out,.supply = supply, .reset_B = reset_B);
AND2_X1 address_propagator_f[lognw],address_propagator_t[lognw];
// Outputting the address if the read is true
address_propagator_t[i].a = in.d.d[lognw+wl].t;
address_propagator_t[i].b = in.d.d[i+wl].t;
address_propagator_t[i].y =[i+wl].t;
address_propagator_t[i].vdd = supply.vdd;
address_propagator_t[i].vss = supply.vss;
address_propagator_f[i].a = in.d.d[lognw+wl].t;
address_propagator_f[i].b = in.d.d[i+wl].f;
address_propagator_f[i].y =[i+wl].f;
address_propagator_f[i].vdd = supply.vdd;
address_propagator_f[i].vss = supply.vss;
AND2_X1 ack_read_and(.a = in.d.d[lognw+wl].t,.b =,.y = _in_a_read,.vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss);
//Reset Buffers
bool _reset_BX,_reset_mem_BX,_reset_mem_BXX[nw*wl*2];
bool _reset_BX, _reset_BXX[nw],_reset_mem_BX,_reset_mem_BXX[nw*wl];
BUF_X1 reset_buf_BX(.a=reset_B, .y=_reset_BX,.vdd=supply.vdd,.vss=supply.vss);
BUF_X1 reset_buf_BXX(.a=reset_mem_B, .y=_reset_mem_BX,.vdd=supply.vdd,.vss=supply.vss);
sigbuf<nw*wl*2> reset_bufarray(.in=_reset_mem_BX, .out=_reset_mem_BXX,.supply=supply);
// Creating the different flip flop arrays
bool _out_encoder[nw],_clock_word_temp[nw],_clock_word[nw],_clock_buffer_out[nw*wl];
andtree<lognw> atree[nw];
d1of<wl> _data_f;
AND2_X1 and_encoder[nw];
AND3_X1 reading_activator_t[nw*wl],reading_activator_f[nw*wl];
sigbuf<nw*wl> reset_mem_bufarray(.in=_reset_mem_BX, .out=_reset_mem_BXX,.supply=supply);
sigbuf<nw> reset_bufarray(.in=_reset_BX, .out=_reset_BXX,.supply=supply);
sigbuf<wl*2> clock_buffer[nw];
DFFQ_R_X1 ff_t[nw*wl],ff_f[nw*wl];
OR2_X1 ff_val[wl];
(i:wl..lognw:out.d.d[i] = in.d.d[i];)
bool __ffout_dualrail[nw*wl];
//Creating the encoder
andtree<lognw> atree[nw];
OR2_X1 or_encoder[nw];
INV_X1 inv_encoder[nw];
// Creating the different flip flop arrays
bool _out_encoder[nw];
DFFQ_R_X1 ff[nw*wl];
// For loop for assigning the different components
pint bitval;
(k:nw:atree[k].supply = supply;)
@ -195,50 +200,53 @@ defproc register_rw (avMx1of2<1+lognw+wl> in; avMx1of2<lognw+wl> out; d1of<wl> d
[]bitval >= 2 -> {false : "fuck"};
// Encode which work is the right one
atree[word_idx].out = _out_encoder[word_idx];
// READ: use the encoder selection to read the value
// WRITE: Activating the fake clock for the right word
and_encoder[word_idx].a = _out_encoder[word_idx];
and_encoder[word_idx].b = _clock;
and_encoder[word_idx].y = _clock_word_temp[word_idx];
and_encoder[word_idx].vdd = supply.vdd;
and_encoder[word_idx].vss = supply.vss;
atree[word_idx].out = _out_encoder[word_idx];
inv_encoder[word_idx].a = _out_encoder[word_idx];
inv_encoder[word_idx].y = or_encoder[word_idx].a;
inv_encoder[word_idx].vdd = supply.vdd;
inv_encoder[word_idx].vss = supply.vss;
or_encoder[word_idx].b = _clock[word_idx];
or_encoder[word_idx].y = _clock_word_temp[word_idx];
or_encoder[word_idx].vdd = supply.vdd;
or_encoder[word_idx].vss = supply.vss;
clock_buffer[word_idx].in = _clock_word_temp[word_idx];
clock_buffer[word_idx].supply = supply;
// Describing all the FF and their connection
// READ: Selecting the right word to read if read is high
word_to_read[word_idx].a = in.d.d[lognw+wl].t;
word_to_read[word_idx].b = _out_encoder[word_idx];
word_to_read[word_idx].y = word_to_read_X[word_idx].in;
word_to_read[word_idx].vdd = supply.vdd;
word_to_read[word_idx].vss = supply.vss;
word_to_read_X[word_idx].supply = supply;
ff_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].clk_B = clock_buffer[word_idx].out[bit_idx];
ff_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].d = in.d.d[bit_idx].t;
ff_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].q = data[word_idx].d[bit_idx];
ff_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].reset_B = _reset_mem_BXX[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)];
ff_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vdd = supply.vdd;
ff_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vss = supply.vss;
ff_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].clk_B = clock_buffer[word_idx].out[bit_idx+wl-1];
ff_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].d = in.d.d[bit_idx].f;
ff_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].reset_B = _reset_mem_BXX[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)+nw-1];
ff_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vdd = supply.vdd;
ff_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vss = supply.vss;
reading_activator_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].a = _in_flag.d.d[0].t;
reading_activator_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].b = ff_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].q;
reading_activator_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].c = _out_encoder[word_idx];
reading_activator_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].y = out.d.d[bit_idx].t;
reading_activator_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vdd = supply.vdd;
reading_activator_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vss = supply.vss;
reading_activator_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].a = _in_flag.d.d[0].f;
reading_activator_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].b = ff_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].q;
reading_activator_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].y = out.d.d[bit_idx].f;
reading_activator_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vdd = supply.vdd;
reading_activator_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vss = supply.vss;
reading_activator_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].c = _out_encoder[word_idx];
// Describing all the FF and their connection
ff[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].clk_B = clock_buffer[word_idx].out[bit_idx];
ff[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].d = in.d.d[bit_idx].t;
ff[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].q = data[word_idx].d[bit_idx];
ff[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].reset_B = _reset_mem_BXX[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)];
ff[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vdd = supply.vdd;
ff[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].vss = supply.vss;
// READ: creating the selectors for propagating the right word
word_to_read_X[word_idx].out[bit_idx] = word_selector_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].a;
word_to_read_X[word_idx].out[bit_idx+wl] = word_selector_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].a;
word_selector_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].b = ff[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].q;
word_selector_t[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].y = bitselector_t[bit_idx].in[word_idx];
word_selector_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].b = ff[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].q_B;
word_selector_f[bit_idx+word_idx*(wl)].y = bitselector_f[bit_idx].in[word_idx];
bitselector_t[bit_idx].out =[bit_idx].t;
bitselector_f[bit_idx].out =[bit_idx].f;
bitselector_t[bit_idx].supply = supply;
bitselector_f[bit_idx].supply = supply;
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,18 +1,31 @@
system "echo '[0] start test'"
system "echo '----------------------------------------------------------'"
set-qdi-channel-neutral "" 5
set-qdi-channel-neutral "t.out" 4
set[0].d[0] 0
set[0].d[1] 0
set[1].d[0] 0
set[1].d[1] 0
set t.dly_cfg[0] 1
set t.dly_cfg[1] 1
set t.out.a 0
set Reset 0
set t.out.v 0
#set t.registers._in_write.a 0
set Reset 0
set t.dly_cfg[0] 1
set t.dly_cfg[1] 1
status X
mode run
assert-qdi-channel-neutral "" 5
assert-qdi-channel-neutral "t.out" 4
# There shouldnt be any status X
status X
#mode run
assert-qdi-channel-neutral "t.out" 4
assert[0].d[0] 0
assert[0].d[1] 0
assert[1].d[0] 0
@ -22,28 +35,52 @@ system "echo '[1] reset completed'"
system "echo '----------------------------------------------------------'"
# Set delay config lines
set t.dly_cfg[0] 1
set t.dly_cfg[1] 1
system "echo '[2] delay line set'"
system "echo '----------------------------------------------------------'"
set-qdi-channel-valid "" 5 3
# 3 -> 00011 -> writing mode, address 00, word 11
assert-qdi-channel-valid "t.registers._in_write" 4 3
assert t.registers._clock 0
assert t.registers._out_encoder[0] 1
assert t.registers._out_encoder[1] 0
assert t.registers._out_encoder[2] 0
assert t.registers._out_encoder[3] 0
assert 1
assert-qdi-channel-neutral "t.out" 4
set-qdi-channel-neutral "" 5
assert t.registers._clock 1
assert t.registers.ff_t[0].q 1
assert t.registers.ff_t[1].q 1
assert t.registers.ff[0].q 1
assert t.registers.ff[1].q 1
assert t.registers.ff[2].q 0
assert t.registers.ff[3].q 0
assert t.registers.ff[4].q 0
assert t.registers.ff[5].q 0
assert t.registers.ff[6].q 0
assert t.registers.ff[7].q 0
system "echo '[3] first writing done'"
system "echo '----------------------------------------------------------'"
set-qdi-channel-valid "" 5 16
# 16 -> 10000 -> reading mode, address 00, word 00 (word doesnt needed here)
assert t.registers._clock_temp_inv 1
assert-qdi-channel-valid "t.out" 4 3
set t.out.v 1
set t.out.a 1
assert t.registers._clock_temp_inv 1
assert 1
set-qdi-channel-neutral "" 5
assert t.registers._clock_temp_inv 1
assert t.registers._clock_temp_inv 1
assert t.registers.ff[0].q 1
assert t.registers.ff[1].q 1
assert t.registers.ff[2].q 0
assert t.registers.ff[3].q 0
assert-qdi-channel-neutral "t.out" 4
system "echo '[4] reading done'"
system "echo '----------------------------------------------------------'"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user