wired up most of the stuff in encoder (missing dual rail tree)
Obv not simulated yet and not sure all wires are correct. still need to repass through them
This commit is contained in:
@ -212,9 +212,15 @@ namespace tmpl {
template<pint N, pint M, pint ACK_STRENGTH>
defproc encoder2D(a1of1 x[N]; a1of1 y[M] ;avMx1of2<X> addr; bool! out_a; power supply)
template<pint N, pint M,pint address_size, pint ACK_STRENGTH>
defproc encoder2D(a1of1 x[N]; a1of1 y[M] ;avMx1of2<address_size> addr; power supply; bool reset_B)
// Reset buffers
bool _reset_BX,_reset_BXX[H];
BUF_X1 reset_buf(.a=reset_B, .y=_reset_BX,.vdd=supply.vdd,.vss=supply.vss);
sigbuf<2*address_size+3> reset_bufarray(.in=_reset_BX, .out=_reset_BXX);
// Arbiters
a1of1 _out_arb_x,_out_arb_y;
a1of1 _x_temp[N];
@ -227,6 +233,7 @@ namespace tmpl {
arbtree<N> Xarb(.in = _x_temp,.out = _out_arb_X,.supply = supply);
arbtree<M> Yarb(.in = _y_temp,.out = _out_arb_Y,.supply = supply);
// Sigbufs for strong ackowledge signals (note that the sigbuf needs to be changed)
sigbuf<ACK_STRENGTH> x_ack_arb[N];
sigbuf<ACK_STRENGTH> y_ack_arb[M];
@ -240,6 +247,100 @@ namespace tmpl {
y_ack_arb[i].supply = supply;
// This block checks that the input is valid and that the arbiter made a choice
// Then activates the ack of the arbiter
bool _x_v,_in_x_v;
A_2C2P_RB_X1 Y_ack_confirm();
Y_ack_confirm.p1 = _x_v;
Y_ack_confirm.p2 =_in_x_v;
Y_ack_confirm.c1 = _out_arb_Y.r;
Y_ack_confirm.c2 = _x_a_B;
Y_ack_confirm.y = _out_arb_Y.a;
Y_ack_confirm.vdd = supply.vdd;
Y_ack_confirm.vss = supply.vss;
Y_ack_confirm.reset_B = _reset_BXX[0];
// This block checks that the input is valid and that the arbiter made a choice
// Then activates the ack of the arbiter
A_2C_RB X_ack_confirm();
X_ack_confirm.c1 = _out_arb_X.r;
X_ack_confirm.c2 = _x_a_B;
X_ack_confirm.vdd = supply.vdd;
X_ack_confirm.vss = supply.vss;
X_ack_confirm.reset_B = _reset_BXX[1];
//X_REQ validation
bool _x_req_array[N],_x_v,_x_v_B;
(i:N:_x_req_array[i] = x[i].r;)
ortree x_req_ortree(.in = _x_req_array,.out = _x_v,.supply = supply);
INV_X1 not_x_req_ortree(.in = _x_v,.out = _x_v_B);
A_2P3P1C2N_RB_X4 x_ack();
x_ack.p1 = _in_x_v;
x_ack.p2 = _x_v_B;
x_ack.p3 = _in_x_v;
x_ack.p4 = _in_y_v;
x_ack.p5 = _x_v;
x_ack.c1 = _en
x_ack.n1 = addr.v
x_ack.n2 = _in_x_v;
x_ack.y = _x_a;
x_ack.vdd = supply.vdd;
x_ack.vss = supply.vss;
x_ack.reset_B = _reset_BXX[2];
INV_X1 not_x_ack(.in = _x_a,.out = _x_a_B);
A_1C2P enabling(.p1 = addr.a, .p2 = addr.v, .c1 = _x_a, .y = _en, .vdd = supply.vdd, .vss = supply.vss)
avMx1of2<N> _in_x;
dualrail<N> _in;
_in_x.d = _in.d;
_in_x.v = _in_x_v;
A_2C2N_RB buffer_func_s_f[address_size];
A_2C2N_RB buffer_func_s_t[address_size];
sigbuf<address_size> en_buf_t(.in=_en, .out=_en_X_t, .supply=supply);
sigbuf<address_size> en_buf_f(.in=_en, .out=_en_X_f, .supply=supply);
INV_X1 out_a_inv(.a=addr.a,.y=_out_a_B);
sigbuf<address_size> out_a_B_buf_f(.in=_out_a_B,.out=_out_a_BX_t, .supply=supply);
sigbuf<address_size> out_a_B_buf_t(.in=_out_a_B,.out=_out_a_BX_f, .supply=supply);
buffer_func_s_f[i].c1 = _en_X_f[i];
buffer_func_s_f[i].c2 = _out_a_BX_f[i];
buffer_func_s_f[i].n1 = _in_x.d.d[i].f;
buffer_func_s_f[i].n1 = _in_x.v;
buffer_func_s_f[i].pr_B = _reset_BXX[i+3];
buffer_func_s_f[i].sr_B = _reset_BXX[i+3];
buffer_func_s_f[i].y = addr.d.d[i].f;
buffer_func_s_t[i].c1 = _en_X_r[i];
buffer_func_s_t[i].c2 = _out_a_BX_t[i];
buffer_func_s_t[i].n1 = _in_x.d.d[i].r;
buffer_func_s_t[i].n1 = _in_x.v;
buffer_func_s_t[i].pr_B = _reset_BXX[i+3+address_size];
buffer_func_s_t[i].sr_B = _reset_BXX[i+3+address_size];
buffer_func_s_t[i].y = addr.d.d[i].t;
bool _addr_v
vtree addr_validity(.in = addr,.out = _addr_v);
sigbuf<4> addr_validity_x(.in = _addr_v,.out = addr.v);
addr_validity.supply = supply;
addr_validity_x.supply = supply;
Reference in New Issue