start working on simulating averages & the miccai challenge: h5.gz > npy, build hists in parrallel
This commit is contained in:
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
# path_b800 = '/data/pca-rad/sfransen/UMCG_009.nii.gz'
# path_seg_noise = '/data/pca-rad/sfransen/seg_umcg_0003.nii.gz'
path_b800 = '/data/pca-rad/sfransen/b800_003.nii.gz'
path_seg_noise = '/data/pca-rad/sfransen/segment_003.nii.gz'
#load image/seg_signal/seg_noise
b800_img = sitk.ReadImage(path_b800, sitk.sitkFloat32)
b800_arr = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(b800_img)
noise_img = sitk.ReadImage(path_seg_noise, sitk.sitkFloat32)
noise_arr = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(noise_img)
noise_list = np.matrix.flatten(np.multiply(noise_arr,b800_arr))
#calculate standard deviation
values = [i for i in np.matrix.flatten(np.multiply(noise_arr,b800_arr)) if i > 0]
std_old = np.std(values)
print('std old',std_old)
A1 = 12
A2 = 4
#calculate new std
std_new = np.multiply(std_old,np.divide(np.sqrt(A1),np.sqrt(A2)))
print('std new',std_new)
# std_2 = np.divide(std_1,np.sqrt(2))
std_noise = np.sqrt(np.abs(np.power(std_old,2)-np.power(std_new,2)))
# std_noise = np.multiply(std_1,std_2)
noise = np.random.normal(0,std_noise,np.shape(b800_arr))
b800_arr_noise = np.add(b800_arr,noise)
values_check = [i for i in np.matrix.flatten(np.multiply(noise_arr,b800_arr_noise)) if i > 0]
std_new_check = np.std(values_check)
print('std new check',std_new_check)
b800_img_2 = sitk.GetImageFromArray(b800_arr_noise)
sitk.WriteImage(b800_img_2, f"../test_4.nii.gz")
b800_img = sitk.ReadImage(path_b800, sitk.sitkFloat32)
sitk.WriteImage(b800_img, f"../test_true.nii.gz")
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
from traceback import FrameSummary
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
from os import listdir
from pip import main
from scipy.fftpack import fftshift, ifftshift, ifftn
from umcglib.utils import apply_parallel
import time
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
mypath = f'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/untarred'
files = [f for f in listdir(mypath)]
dict = {
'background': [],
'femoral_cartilage': [],
'tibial_cartilage': [],
'patellar_cartilage': [],
'femur': [],
'tibia': [],
'patella': []
for file_idx in range(300):
seg = []
patient_id = files[file_idx]
seg = np.load(f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_seg.npy')
# # 0: background; 1: femoral cartilage; 2: tibial cartilage; 3: patellar cartilage; 4: femur; 5: tibia; 6: patella.
dict['background'].append(np.sum(seg == 0))
dict['femoral_cartilage'].append(np.sum(seg == 1))
dict['tibial_cartilage'].append(np.sum(seg == 2))
dict['patellar_cartilage'].append(np.sum(seg == 3))
dict['femur'].append(np.sum(seg == 4))
dict['tibia'].append(np.sum(seg == 5))
dict['patella'].append(np.sum(seg == 6))
print('done:',file_idx,' ',f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_seg.npy')
for keys in dict:
data = dict[f'keys']
plt.title(f"historgram of {keys}")
plt.savefig(f"../{keys}.png", dpi=300)
print('done ',keys)
# print(f.keys())
# print(np.shape(f['us_mask'][()]))
# print(type(f['us_mask'][()]))
# quit()
# seg = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(seg))
# sitk.WriteImage(seg, f"../test_seg_2.nii.gz")
# img_s = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(image))
# # img_s.CopyInformation(seg)
# sitk.WriteImage(img_s, f"../test_image_3.nii.gz")
# img_s = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(coil_image))
# # img_s.CopyInformation(seg)
# sitk.WriteImage(img_s, f"../test_last_coil_image_2.nii.gz")
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
from os import listdir
from pip import main
from scipy.fftpack import fftshift, ifftshift, ifftn
from umcglib.utils import apply_parallel
import time
mypath = f'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/untarred'
files = [f for f in listdir(mypath)]
# save_file = files[1]
# seg = np.load(f'{mypath}/{save_file}/{save_file}_seg.npy')
# kspace = np.load(f'{mypath}/{save_file}/{save_file}_ksp.npy')
def k2p_to_img(kspace_single_coil):
kspace_padded = np.pad(np.squeeze(kspace_single_coil[:,:,:]),[(128,128),(128,128),(0,0)],'constant')
coil_image = np.abs(fftshift(fftshift(ifftn(ifftshift(kspace_padded)),axes=0),axes=1))
return coil_image
def img_from_ksp(
kspace: np.array):
kspace = np.transpose(kspace, (2, 0, 1, 3))
coil_images = apply_parallel(kspace, k2p_to_img, 12)
image = np.round(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(coil_images,2),0)))
image = image[:,:,2:-2]
image = image[:,:,::-1]
return image
for file_idx in range(167,300):
image_recon = []
kspace = []
save_file = []
save_file = files[file_idx]
kspace = np.load(f'{mypath}/{save_file}/{save_file}_ksp.npy')
image_recon = img_from_ksp(kspace)
print('done:',file_idx,' ',f'{mypath}/{save_file}/{save_file}_rss_recon.npy')
# quit()
# seg = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(seg))
# sitk.WriteImage(seg, f"../test_seg_2.nii.gz")
# img_s = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(image))
# # img_s.CopyInformation(seg)
# sitk.WriteImage(img_s, f"../test_image_3.nii.gz")
# img_s = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(coil_image))
# # img_s.CopyInformation(seg)
# sitk.WriteImage(img_s, f"../test_last_coil_image_2.nii.gz")
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
from os import listdir
from pip import main
from scipy.fftpack import fftshift, ifftshift, ifftn
from umcglib.utils import apply_parallel
import time
import h5py
mypath = f'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/untarred'
files = [f for f in listdir(mypath)]
KSPACE_U_PATH = f'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/R_8_mask.h5'
f = h5py.File(KSPACE_U_PATH,'r')
kspace_mask = f['us_mask'][()]
def k2p_to_img(kspace_single_coil):
kspace_padded = np.pad(np.squeeze(kspace_single_coil[:,:,:]),[(128,128),(128,128),(0,0)],'constant')
coil_image = np.abs(fftshift(fftshift(ifftn(ifftshift(kspace_padded)),axes=0),axes=1))
return coil_image
def img_from_ksp(
kspace: np.array):
kspace_masked = np.multiply(kspace, kspace_mask)
kspace_masked = np.transpose(kspace_masked, (2, 0, 1, 3))
coil_images = apply_parallel(kspace_masked, k2p_to_img, 12)
image = np.round(np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(coil_images,2),0)))
image = image[:,:,2:-2]
image = image[:,:,::-1]
return image.astype(np.float32)
for file_idx in range(187,300):
image_recon = []
kspace = []
save_file = []
save_file = files[file_idx]
kspace = np.load(f'{mypath}/{save_file}/{save_file}_ksp.npy')
image_recon = img_from_ksp(kspace)
print('done:',file_idx,' ',f'{mypath}/{save_file}/{save_file}_rss_recon_usampled.npy')
# img_s = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(image_recon))
# sitk.WriteImage(img_s, f"../job_test_undersampled_{save_file}.nii.gz")
# print(f.keys())
# print(np.shape(f['us_mask'][()]))
# print(type(f['us_mask'][()]))
# quit()
# seg = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(seg))
# sitk.WriteImage(seg, f"../test_seg_2.nii.gz")
# img_s = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(image))
# # img_s.CopyInformation(seg)
# sitk.WriteImage(img_s, f"../test_image_3.nii.gz")
# img_s = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(coil_image))
# # img_s.CopyInformation(seg)
# sitk.WriteImage(img_s, f"../test_last_coil_image_2.nii.gz")
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
from multiprocessing import set_start_method
import numpy as np
from umcglib.utils import apply_parallel,print_stats_np
from os import listdir
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# mypath = f'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/untarred'
# patient_id = 'pat00123'
# seg = np.load(f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_seg.npy').astype(int)
# print(np.shape(seg))
# print_stats_np(seg,'seg_sdgsd')
def load_seg(file,mypath):
patient_id = file
seg = np.load(f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_seg.npy').astype(int)
background = np.sum(seg == 0)
femoral_cartilage = np.sum(seg == 1)
tibial_cartilage = np.sum(seg == 2)
patellar_cartilage = np.sum(seg == 3)
femur = np.sum(seg == 4)
tibia = np.sum(seg == 5)
patella = np.sum(seg == 6)
output = [background,femoral_cartilage,tibial_cartilage,patellar_cartilage,femur,tibia,patella]
# print('background',background)
return output
def calculate_hist(segs):
background = np.sum(segs == 0)
femoral_cartilage = np.sum(segs == 1)
tibial_cartilage = np.sum(segs == 2)
patellar_cartilage = np.sum(segs == 3)
femur = np.sum(segs == 4)
tibia = np.sum(segs == 5)
patella = np.sum(segs == 6)
output = [background,femoral_cartilage,tibial_cartilage,patellar_cartilage,femur,tibia,patella]
# print('background',background)
return output
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = f'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/untarred'
files = [f for f in listdir(path)]
print('files length',len(files))
# For multiprocessing
print('spawn done')
# segs_list = apply_parallel(files, load_seg, 4, mypath = path)
segs_list = apply_parallel(files, load_seg, 12, mypath = path)
print('done loading 50')
# segs_list_100 = apply_parallel(files[50:100], load_seg, 4, mypath = path)
# print('done loading 100')
# segs_list_150 = apply_parallel(files[100:150], load_seg, 4, mypath = path)
# print('done loading 150')
# segs_list_200 = apply_parallel(files[150:200], load_seg, 4, mypath = path)
# print('done loading 200')
# segs_list_250 = apply_parallel(files[200:250], load_seg, 4, mypath = path)
# print('done loading 250')
# segs_list_300 = apply_parallel(files[250:300], load_seg, 4, mypath = path)
print('done loading 300')
# segs_list.extend(segs_list_100)
# segs_list.extend(segs_list_150)
# segs_list.extend(segs_list_200)
# segs_list.extend(segs_list_250)
# segs_list.extend(segs_list_300)
print('segs_list is done')
output = np.stack(segs_list, axis=0)
# print('load done',np.shape(segs_n))
# output = apply_parallel(segs_list,calculate_hist,4)
print('hist calc done',np.shape(output))
# print(np.stack(output)[:,0])
dict = {
'background': np.stack(output)[:,0],
'femoral_cartilage': np.stack(output)[:,1],
'tibial_cartilage': np.stack(output)[:,2],
'patellar_cartilage': np.stack(output)[:,3],
'femur': np.stack(output)[:,4],
'tibia': np.stack(output)[:,5],
'patella': np.stack(output)[:,6]
for keys in dict:
data = dict[f'{keys}']
plt.title(f"historgram of {keys}")
plt.savefig(f"../{keys}.png", dpi=300)
print('done ',keys)
@ -1,27 +1,178 @@
from scipy import stats
from traceback import FrameSummary
import numpy as np
# siemens_froc = [1.68,1.81,1.44,1.55]
# b400_froc = [3.4,3.93,2.82,]
# b800_froc = [1.58,1.99,1.36,1.6]
# siemens_roc = [0.782, 0.732, 0.775, 0.854]
b400_roc = [0.746, 0.814, 0.789, 0.763]
b800_roc = [0.786, 0.731, 0.67, 0.782]
# stat_test = stats.wilcoxon(siemens_froc,b800_froc,alternative='less')
# print('froc stats siemens > b400',stat_test)
# print(' Mean and std siemens froc:', np.mean(siemens_froc),'+-',np.std(siemens_froc))
# print(' Mean and std b400 froc:', np.mean(b400_froc),'+-',np.std(b400_froc))
# print(' Mean and std b800 froc:', np.mean(b800_froc),'+-',np.std(b800_froc))
# print(' Mean and std siemens roc:', np.mean(siemens_roc),'+-',np.std(siemens_roc))
print(' Mean and std b400 roc:', np.mean(b400_roc),'+-',np.std(b400_roc))
print(' Mean and std b800 roc:', np.mean(b800_roc),'+-',np.std(b800_roc))
import SimpleITK as sitk
from os import listdir
from pip import main
from scipy.fftpack import fftshift, ifftshift, ifftn
from umcglib.utils import apply_parallel, print_stats_np
import time
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from multiprocessing import set_start_method
import gzip
import os
# The test has been introduced in [4]. Given n independent samples (xi, yi) from a bivariate distribution
# (i.e. paired samples), it computes the differences di = xi - yi. One assumption of the test is that the
# differences are symmetric, see [2]. The two-sided test has the null hypothesis that the median of the
# differences is zero against the alternative that it is different from zero. The one-sided test has the
# null hypothesis that the median is positive against the alternative that it is negative
# (alternative == 'less'), or vice versa (alternative == 'greater.').
mypath = f'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/untarred'
files = [f for f in listdir(mypath)]
for file_idx in range(188):
image_recon = []
save_file = []
save_file = files[file_idx]
image_recon = np.load(f'{mypath}/{save_file}/{save_file}_rss_recon_usampled.npy').astype(np.float32)
print('done:',file_idx,' ',f'{mypath}/{save_file}/{save_file}_rss_recon_usampled.npy')
mypath = f'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/untarred'
patient_id = 'pat00335'
seg = np.load(f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_seg.npy')
image = np.load(f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_rss_recon.npy')
image_u = np.load(f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_rss_recon_usampled.npy')
seg = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(seg))
sitk.WriteImage(seg, f"../test_seg_335.nii.gz")
image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(image))
sitk.WriteImage(image, f"../test_image_335.nii.gz")
image_u = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(image_u))
sitk.WriteImage(image_u, f"../test_image_u_335.nii.gz")
# ROOT_H5_GZ = r'../../../../../scratch/p290820/MICCAI/TBrecon-01-02-00335.h5.gz'
# SAVE_TO_DIR = r'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/untarred/pat00335'
# unzipped =,'rb')
# h5_file = h5py.File(unzipped,'r') # Keys: kspace, kspace_info, seg, seg_info
# # ksp_n = h5_file['kspace'][()] #np.complex64
# seg_n = h5_file['seg'][()].astype(np.float32) #np.float32
# # fname_ksp = os.path.join(patient_path, f"pat{pat_num}_ksp.npy")
# fname_seg = os.path.join(SAVE_TO_DIR, f"pat00335_seg_test.npy")
# #, ksp_n)
#, seg_n)
def inladen(patient_id,mypath):
seg = np.load(f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_seg.npy').astype(int)
return seg
def load_seg(file,mypath):
patient_id = file
seg = inladen(patient_id,mypath)
return seg
def calculate_hist(segs):
background = np.sum(segs == 0)
femoral_cartilage = np.sum(segs == 1)
tibial_cartilage = np.sum(segs == 2)
patellar_cartilage = np.sum(segs == 3)
femur = np.sum(segs == 4)
tibia = np.sum(segs == 5)
patella = np.sum(segs == 6)
output = [background,femoral_cartilage,tibial_cartilage,patellar_cartilage,femur,tibia,patella]
# print('background',background)
return output
if __name__ == '__main__':
path = f'/data/pca-rad/datasets/miccai_2022/K2S_MICCAI2022_GRP/train/data/TBrecon1/train/untarred'
files = [f for f in listdir(path)]
print('files length',len(files))
# For multiprocessing
print('spawn done')
segs_list = apply_parallel(files[:100], load_seg, 4, mypath = path)
print('done loading 100')
segs_list_200 = apply_parallel(files[100:200], load_seg, 4, mypath = path)
print('done loading 200')
segs_list_300 = apply_parallel(files[200:300], load_seg, 4, mypath = path)
print('done loading 300')
segs_n = np.stack(segs_list, axis=0)
print('load done',np.shape(segs_n))
output = apply_parallel(segs_list,calculate_hist,4)
print('hist calc done',np.shape(np.stack(output)))
# print(np.stack(output)[:,0])
dict = {
'background': np.stack(output)[:,0],
'femoral_cartilage': np.stack(output)[:,0],
'tibial_cartilage': np.stack(output)[:,0],
'patellar_cartilage': np.stack(output)[:,0],
'femur': np.stack(output)[:,0],
'tibia': np.stack(output)[:,0],
'patella': np.stack(output)[:,0]
# for file_idx in range(300):
# seg = []
# patient_id = files[file_idx]
# seg = np.load(f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_seg.npy')
# # # 0: background; 1: femoral cartilage; 2: tibial cartilage; 3: patellar cartilage; 4: femur; 5: tibia; 6: patella.
# dict['background'].append(np.sum(seg == 0))
# dict['femoral_cartilage'].append(np.sum(seg == 1))
# dict['tibial_cartilage'].append(np.sum(seg == 2))
# dict['patellar_cartilage'].append(np.sum(seg == 3))
# dict['femur'].append(np.sum(seg == 4))
# dict['tibia'].append(np.sum(seg == 5))
# dict['patella'].append(np.sum(seg == 6))
# print('done:',file_idx,' ',f'{mypath}/{patient_id}/{patient_id}_seg.npy')
for keys in dict:
data = dict[f'{keys}']
plt.title(f"historgram of {keys}")
plt.savefig(f"../{keys}.png", dpi=300)
print('done ',keys)
# print(f.keys())
# print(np.shape(f['us_mask'][()]))
# print(type(f['us_mask'][()]))
# quit()
# seg = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(seg))
# sitk.WriteImage(seg, f"../test_seg_2.nii.gz")
# img_s = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(image))
# # img_s.CopyInformation(seg)
# sitk.WriteImage(img_s, f"../test_image_3.nii.gz")
# img_s = sitk.GetImageFromArray(np.squeeze(coil_image))
# # img_s.CopyInformation(seg)
# sitk.WriteImage(img_s, f"../test_last_coil_image_2.nii.gz")
Reference in New Issue
Block a user