2022-09-15 13:19:22 +02:00

153 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable File

import argparse
from os import path
import SimpleITK as sitk
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model
import numpy as np
import os
from sfransen.utils_quintin import *
from sfransen.DWI_exp import preprocess
from sfransen.DWI_exp.helpers import *
from sfransen.DWI_exp.callbacks import dice_coef
from sfransen.DWI_exp.losses import weighted_binary_cross_entropy
from sfransen.FROC.blob_preprocess import *
from sfransen.FROC.cal_froc_from_np import *
from sfransen.load_images import load_images_parrallel
from sfransen.Saliency.base import *
from sfransen.Saliency.integrated_gradients import *
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Calculate the froc metrics and store in froc_metrics.yml')
help='Title of experiment')
parser.add_argument('--series', '-s',
metavar='[series_name]', required=True, nargs='+',
help='List of series to include')
args = parser.parse_args()
## info: adjust number of interpolation steps to 10 in scr/**/saliency/
######## CUDA ################
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "2"
######## constants #############
SERIES = args.series
series_ = '_'.join(args.series)
EXPERIMENT = args.experiment
fold = 0
# img_idx = 371
img_idx = 634
predictions_added = []
segmentations_added = []
MODEL_PATH = f'./../train_output/{EXPERIMENT}_{series_}_{fold}/models/{EXPERIMENT}_{series_}_{fold}.h5'
YAML_DIR = f'./../train_output/{EXPERIMENT}_{series_}_{fold}'
IMAGE_DIR = f'./../train_output/{EXPERIMENT}_{series_}_{fold}'
# MODEL_PATH = f'./../train_output/{EXPERIMENT}_{series_}/models/{EXPERIMENT}_{series_}.h5'
# YAML_DIR = f'./../train_output/{EXPERIMENT}_{series_}'
# IMAGE_DIR = f'./../train_output/{EXPERIMENT}_{series_}'
DATA_DIR = "./../data/Nijmegen paths/"
TARGET_SPACING = (0.5, 0.5, 3)
INPUT_SHAPE = (192, 192, 24, len(SERIES))
DATA_SPLIT_INDEX = read_yaml_to_dict(f'./../data/Nijmegen paths/train_val_test_idxs_{fold}.yml')
N_CPUS = 12
print(f"> Loading images into RAM...")
image_paths = {}
for s in SERIES:
with open(path.join(DATA_DIR, f"{s}.txt"), 'r') as f:
image_paths[s] = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
with open(path.join(DATA_DIR, f"seg.txt"), 'r') as f:
seg_paths = [l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]
num_images = len(seg_paths)
images = []
images_list = []
segmentations = []
# Read and preprocess each of the paths for each series, and the segmentations.
# print('images number',[TEST_INDEX[img_idx]])
img_s = {f'{s}': sitk.ReadImage(image_paths[s][img_idx], sitk.sitkFloat32) for s in SERIES}
seg_s = sitk.ReadImage(seg_paths[img_idx], sitk.sitkFloat32)
img_n, seg_n = preprocess(img_s, seg_s,
for seq in img_n:
images = []
images_list = np.transpose(images_list, (0, 2, 3, 4, 1))
print('>>>>> size image_list nmr 2:', np.shape(images_list), '. equal to: (5, 192, 192, 24, 3)?')
########### load module ##################
print(' >>>>>>> LOAD MODEL <<<<<<<<<')
dependencies = {
'dice_coef': dice_coef,
reconstructed_model = load_model(MODEL_PATH, custom_objects=dependencies)
# reconstructed_model.summary(line_length=120)
# make predictions on all TEST_INDEX
print(' >>>>>>> START prediction <<<<<<<<<')
predictions_blur = reconstructed_model.predict(images_list, batch_size=1)
############# preprocess #################
# preprocess predictions by removing the blur and making individual blobs
print('>>>>>>>> START preprocess')
def move_dims(arr):
# UMCG numpy dimensions convention: dims = (batch, width, heigth, depth)
# Joeran numpy dimensions convention: dims = (batch, depth, heigth, width)
arr = np.moveaxis(arr, 3, 1)
arr = np.moveaxis(arr, 3, 2)
return arr
# Joeran has his numpy arrays ordered differently.
predictions_blur = move_dims(np.squeeze(predictions_blur,axis=4))
segmentations = move_dims(segmentations)
# predictions = [preprocess_softmax(pred, threshold="dynamic")[0] for pred in predictions_blur]
predictions = predictions_blur
print("the size of predictions is:",np.shape(predictions))
# Remove outer edges
zeros = np.zeros(np.shape(predictions))
test = predictions[:,2:-2,2:190,2:190]
zeros[:,2:-2,2:190,2:190] = test
predictions = zeros
######### Build Saliency heatmap ##############
print(' >>>>>>> Build saliency map <<<<<<<<<')
ig = IntegratedGradients(reconstructed_model)
saliency_map = []
for img_idx in range(len(images_list)):
# input_img = np.resize(images_list[img_idx],(1,192,192,24,len(SERIES)))
print("size saliency map",np.shape(saliency_map))'{YAML_DIR}/saliency_new23',saliency_map)'{YAML_DIR}/images_list_new23',images_list)'{YAML_DIR}/segmentations_new23',segmentations)'{YAML_DIR}/predictions_new23',predictions)