This commit is contained in:
jeremias 2020-11-25 16:55:41 -03:00
parent ccf35cea16
commit ae04e3d0cc
4 changed files with 138 additions and 45 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
mesh: '/home/yeye/Desktop/kalman/meshes/coaortaH1.h5' mesh: './meshes/coaortaH1.h5'
# Physical parameters of the fluid # Physical parameters of the fluid
fluid: fluid:
density: 1.2 density: 1.2
@ -112,20 +112,20 @@ linear_solver:
estimation: estimation:
boundary_conditions: boundary_conditions:
- -
id: 2 id: 4
type: 'dirichlet' type: 'windkessel'
parameters: 'U' parameters: 'U'
initial_stddev: 1 initial_stddev: 1
measurements: measurements:
- -
mesh: '/home/yeye/Desktop/kalman/meshes/coaortaH1.h5' mesh: './meshes/coaortaH1.h5'
fe_degree: 1 fe_degree: 1
xdmf_file: 'results/aorta/measurements/u_all.xdmf' xdmf_file: 'results/aorta/measurements/u_all.xdmf'
file_root: 'results/aorta/measurements/u{i}.h5' file_root: 'results/aorta/measurements/u{i}.h5'
indices: 0 # indices of checkpoints to be processed. 0 == all indices: 0 # indices of checkpoints to be processed. 0 == all
velocity_direction: ~ velocity_direction: ~
noise_stddev: 3.5 # standard deviation of Gaussian noise noise_stddev: 1.5 # standard deviation of Gaussian noise
roukf: roukf:
particles: 'simplex' # unique or simplex particles: 'simplex' # unique or simplex

kalman/aorta_neumann.yaml Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
mesh: './meshes/coaortaH1.h5'
# Physical parameters of the fluid
density: 1.2
dynamic_viscosity: 0.035
write_path: 'results/aorta/'
path: '' # './projects/nse_coa3d/results/test_restart2/'
time: 0
write_xdmf: True
write_checkpoints: True
write_hdf5_timeseries: False
write_velocity: 'update' # tentative
id: 1
type: 'dirichlet'
value: ['0','0','0']
id: 2
type: 'dirichlet'
value: ['0','0','-U*sin(DOLFIN_PI*t/Th)*(t<=Th) + (Th<t)*(-3.67949466208*U*sin(9*DOLFIN_PI*t/Th)*exp(-t*10))']
U: 30
Th: 0.35
t: 0
id: 3
type: 'neumann'
value: 0
id: 4
type: 'neumann'
value: 0
id: 5
type: 'neumann'
value: 0
id: 6
type: 'neumann'
value: 0
velocity_pressure_coupling: 'fractionalstep' # monolithic, fractionalstep
timescheme: 'gmp' # generalized midpoint, steady FIXME TODO
theta: 1 # 1: Euler, 0.5: implicit midpoint rule (one-legged)
method: 'constant_extrapolation' # constant_extrapolation, linear_extrapolation, newton, picard, snes
maxit: 20
init_steps: 30
use_aitken: 1 # 0: False, 1: Picard only, 2: all
report: 1 # 0: None, 1: residuals, 2: residuals and energy (inflow/driving/forcing via ESSENTIAL Dbcs!)
atol: 1.e-6 # note: dot required!!
rtol: 1.e-16
stol: 0.0
scheme: 'CT' # CT, IPCS
coupled_velocity: False # False faster, True needed if robin_bc implicit
robin_bc_velocity_scheme: 'implicit' # explicit, semi-implicit, implicit
transpiration_bc_projection: 'robin' # robin, dirichlet
flux_report_normalize_boundary: 1
T: 0.8 # end time
dt: 0.01
write_dt: 0.04
checkpoint_dt: 0.04 # <= 0: only last; else value + last
report: 1 # 0: print nothing, 1: print time step and writeout, 2: 1 + flux
# solver setup
velocity_space: p1 # p1 p1b/p1+ p2
pressure_space: p1 # p1 p0/dg0 dg1
strain_symmetric: False
convection_skew_symmetric: True # aka Temam term
enabled: True
boundaries: [6]
gamma: 10
backflow_boundaries: [3,4,5,6]
enabled: False
parameter: 'standard' # standard, shakib, codina, klr
length_scale: 'metric' # average, max, metric
parameter_element_constant: True
Cinv: ~
infsup: 'pspg' # pspg, pressure-stabilization
graddiv: False
consistent: False
pressure_stab_constant: 1.
fix_pressure: False
fix_pressure_point: [0., 0. , 0.]
method: 'lu'
id: 2
type: 'dirichlet'
parameters: 'U'
initial_stddev: 1
mesh: './meshes/coaortaH1.h5'
fe_degree: 1
xdmf_file: 'results/aorta/measurements/u_all.xdmf'
file_root: 'results/aorta/measurements/u{i}.h5'
indices: 0 # indices of checkpoints to be processed. 0 == all
velocity_direction: ~
noise_stddev: 1.5 # standard deviation of Gaussian noise
particles: 'simplex' # unique or simplex
observation_operator: 'postprocessing' #state or postprocessing
reparameterize: True

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
mesh: '/home/yeye/Desktop/kalman/meshes/channel2d.h5' mesh: './meshes/channel2d.h5'
# Physical parameters of the fluid # Physical parameters of the fluid
fluid: fluid:
density: 1.2 density: 1.2
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ estimation:
measurements: measurements:
- -
mesh: '/home/yeye/Desktop/kalman/meshes/channel2d.h5' mesh: './meshes/channel2d.h5'
fe_degree: 0 fe_degree: 0
xdmf_file: 'results/channel2d/measurements/u_all.xdmf' xdmf_file: 'results/channel2d/measurements/u_all.xdmf'
file_root: 'results/channel2d/measurements/u{i}.h5' file_root: 'results/channel2d/measurements/u{i}.h5'

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
mesh: '/home/yeye/Desktop/kalman/meshes/channel3d.h5' mesh: './meshes/channel3d.h5'
# Physical parameters of the fluid # Physical parameters of the fluid
fluid: fluid:
density: 1.2 density: 1.2
@ -14,41 +14,6 @@ io:
write_hdf5_timeseries: False write_hdf5_timeseries: False
write_velocity: 'update' # update or tentative write_velocity: 'update' # update or tentative
type: 'manual'
# read XDMF files from external solver
read_checkpoints: False # True, False
# path where displacement files are stored
# origin mesh path
# fem space of solution files
fem_type: p1
# Settings of the time integration method
# Time step for reading the input file
read_dt: # 0.05
# function spaces for the displacement
# options available: p1 p2
displacement_space: p1
type: 'elastic_element' # 'harmonic', 'elastic', 'elastic_element'
# when chosing 'harmonic', no parameters required (ignored)
# otherwise, they must be specified below.
mu: 0.0 # float value e.g. 1., 0.1, 0.01
# deformations will be read whenever chosen 'manual'
# if chosen 'external' then deformations list will be OMITTED!.
# The dashes separate the list entries
id : 1
type: 'dirichlet'
value: ['0.', '0.', '0.']
boundary_conditions: boundary_conditions:
@ -70,7 +35,6 @@ boundary_conditions:
value: '0' value: '0'
timemarching: timemarching:
velocity_pressure_coupling: 'fractionalstep' # monolithic, fractionalstep velocity_pressure_coupling: 'fractionalstep' # monolithic, fractionalstep
@ -141,7 +105,7 @@ estimation:
measurements: measurements:
- -
mesh: '/home/yeye/Desktop/kalman/meshes/channel3d.h5' mesh: './meshes/channel3d.h5'
fe_degree: 0 fe_degree: 0
xdmf_file: 'results/channel3d/measurements/u_all.xdmf' xdmf_file: 'results/channel3d/measurements/u_all.xdmf'
file_root: 'results/channel3d/measurements/u{i}.h5' file_root: 'results/channel3d/measurements/u{i}.h5'