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2022-04-13 15:22:45 +02:00
c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[4].y c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[4].y c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[6].bufchain[12].y c.c2_nrn_r[56] c.c1_nrn_r[82] c.c1_nrn_r[40] c.c2_nrn_r[10] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[29] c.c._bd2qdi._reqXX[0] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[27] c.c1_syn_a[42] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[11].bufchain[13]._y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[30] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[1].bufchain[1].y c.c1_nrn_r[55] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[0].bufchain[7]._y c.c1_syn_a[87] c.c1_syn_a[44] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[10] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[7].bufchain[0]._y c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[11].bufchain[4]._y c.c._bd2qdi.dly.mu2[3]._s c.c1_syn_a[69][27] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[13].bufchain[1].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_nrn_r[17] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[6] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[1] c.c1_nrn_r[38] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[68] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[7].a c.c1_syn_a[33] c.c._bd2qdi.dly2.out c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[2].bufchain[10]._y c.c2_nrn_r[25] c.bd_dly_cfg[2] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[10].bufchain[5].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[3] c.c1_nrn_r[85] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[56] c.c._bd2qdi.dly2.dly[0].bufchain[10].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[22] c.c1_nrn_r[44] c.c2_syn_a[81] c.c2_syn_a[35] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[11].bufchain[8].y c.c2_nrn_r[49] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[14].bufchain[5].y c.c1_syn_a[53] c.c2_nrn_r[58] c.c1_nrn_r[23] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[7].bufchain[4].y c.c._loopback_dropper.and_f[0].b c.c2_syn_a[79] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[4].bufchain[7]._y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[5] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[7] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[14].bufchain[11]._y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[99] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[5].bufchain[13]._y c.c1_nrn_r[74] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[64] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[4].bufchain[14].y c.c._qdi2bd.buf._out_a_BX[0] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[1] c.c1_nrn_r[75] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[6].bufchain[11].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[96] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[0] c.c._bd2qdi.dly2.dly[2].bufchain[14].y c.c2_nrn_r[32] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c2_nrn_r[80] c.c2_nrn_r[0] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[8] c.c1_syn_a[64] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[0].bufchain[0].y c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[11].bufchain[1].y c.c2_syn_a[63] c.c1_nrn_r[78] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[12].bufchain[3].y c.c1_nrn_r[16] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[39] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[61] c.c2_nrn_r[84] c.c1_syn_a[4] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[91] c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c2_nrn_r[60] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[11].bufchain[11].y c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[1].y c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[11].bufchain[11].y c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[10].bufchain[0].y c.c._bd2qdi._req_slowfall c.c.core1.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c2_syn_a[57] c.c1_nrn_r[72] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[7].y c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c._bd2qdi._inB[30] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[3].bufchain[10].y c.c1_syn_a[74] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[4].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[32] c.c._bd2qdi.dly._a[2] c.c1_nrn_r[51] c.c1_nrn_r[14] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[100] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[70] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[13].bufchain[11]._y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[25] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[3].y c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[13].bufchain[6].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[1] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[8].bufchain[2].y c.c2_syn_a[7] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[10].bufchain[10].y c.c1_syn_a[88] c.c1_nrn_r[19] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[0].bufchain[12]._y c.c2_syn_a[13] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[85] c.c1_syn_a[10] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[15] c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c2_syn_a[8] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c1_syn_a[29] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[91][18] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[3].y c.c1_nrn_r[35] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[69] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[92] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[48] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[14].bufchain[1]._y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[63] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[32] c.c1_nrn_r[70] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c1_nrn_r[9] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[5] c.c2_nrn_r[88] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[10].bufchain[0].y c.c1_nrn_r[17] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[84] c.c1_nrn_r[20] c.c._bd2qdi.dly2.mu2[1]._y c.c1_nrn_r[65] c.c1_syn_a[31] c.c2_nrn_r[7] c.c2_nrn_r[40] c.c2_nrn_r[67] c.c1_nrn_r[29] c.c2_nrn_r[76] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[49] c.c1_nrn_r[8] c.c._bd2qdi.dly2.dly[1].bufchain[14]._y c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[4].bufchain[3].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c2_nrn_r[48] c.c2_nrn_r[44] c.c._qdi2bd.dly.dly[8].bufchain[12].y c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[63] c.c1_syn_a[3] c.c2_nrn_r[15] c.c2_nrn_r[51] c.c._bd2qdi.dly.dly[4].bufchain[8].
c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[4].y c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[29] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[27] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[30] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[10] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[6] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[1] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[68] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[3] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[56] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[22] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[5] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[7] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[99] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[64] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[1] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[96] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[0] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[8] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[39] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[61] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[91] c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[1].y c.c.core1.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[4].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[32] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[100] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[70] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[25] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[1] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[85] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[15] c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[91] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[3].y c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[69] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[92] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[48] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[63] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[32] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[5] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[84] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[49] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[63] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[14] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[0] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[65] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[0] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[101] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[67] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[52] c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[5].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[73] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[30] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[28] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[31] c.c.core1.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[1].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[58] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[2] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[45] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[41] c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[6].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[7] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[82] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[51] c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[1].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[56] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[43] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[7] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[12] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[40] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[71] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[9] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[57] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[1].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[6] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[59] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[61] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[48] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[16] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[4] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[61] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[90] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[37] c.c.core1.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[3].y c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[1] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[72] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[25] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[39] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[24] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[68] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[62] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[0] c.c.core1.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[1] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[89] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[67] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[33] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[38] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[37] c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[3].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[72] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[54] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[72] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[35] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[102] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[6] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[74] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[11] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[6] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[79] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[50] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[75] c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[4].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[55] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[60] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[19] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[33] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[23] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[6].y c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[71] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[5].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[8] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[92] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[41] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[60] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[24] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[46] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[39] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[66] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[58] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[69] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[10] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[45] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[73] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[3] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[23] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[5] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[0] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[51] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[36] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[104] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[4] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[22][6].buf12._y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[48] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[78] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[98] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[20] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[12] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[77] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[58] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[48] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[104] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[17] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[15] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[54] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[1] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[64] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[11] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[32
[] Set reset 0
c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[4].y c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[29] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[27] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[30] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[10] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[6] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[1] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[68] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[3] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[56] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[22] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[5] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[7] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[99] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[64] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[1] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[96] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[0] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[8] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[39] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[61] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[91] c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[1].y c.c.core1.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[4].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[32] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[100] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[70] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[25] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[1] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[85] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[15] c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[91] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[3].y c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[69] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[92] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[48] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[63] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[32] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[5] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[84] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[49] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[4] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[63] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[14] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[0] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[65] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[0] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[101] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[67] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[52] c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[5].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[73] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[30] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[28] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[31] c.c.core1.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[1].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[58] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[2] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[45] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[41] c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[6].y c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[7] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[82] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[51] c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[1].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[2] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[56] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[43] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[7] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[12] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[40] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[71] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[9] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[57] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[1].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[6] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[59] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[61] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[48] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[16] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[4] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[61] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[90] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[37] c.c.core1.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[3].y c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[2].y c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[1] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[72] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[25] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[39] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZO[3] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[24] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[68] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[62] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZO[0] c.c.core1.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[0].y c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[1] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[89] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[67] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[33] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[38] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[37] c.c.core2.syn_x_AMZI_tbuf[3].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[72] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[54] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[72] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[35] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[102] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[6] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[74] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[11] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZO[6] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[79] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[50] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[75] c.c.core2.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[4].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[55] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[60] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[19] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[33] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[23] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[6].y c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[71] c.c.core1.nrn_x_AMZI_tbuf[5].y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[8] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[92] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[41] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[60] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[24] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[46] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[39] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[66] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[58] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[69] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[10] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[45] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[73] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[3] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[23] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[5] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZO[0] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[51] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[36] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[104] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[4] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[22][6].buf12._y c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[48] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[78] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[98] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[20] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[12] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[77] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[58] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[48] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[104] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[17] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[15] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[54] c.c1_nrn_mon_AMZI[1] c.c1_syn_mon_AMZI[64] c.c2_nrn_mon_AMZI[11] c.c2_syn_mon_AMZI[32
[] Writing 30 to core 1 address 2
[] Removing input
[] Reading core 1 address 2
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 30 from core 1 register 2
[] Writing 6408920 to core 0 address 0
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3765103 to core 0 address 1
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1599066 to core 0 address 2
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6209994 to core 0 address 3
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3869017 to core 0 address 4
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4194016 to core 0 address 5
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4328621 to core 0 address 6
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1261935 to core 0 address 7
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2000611 to core 0 address 8
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3302177 to core 0 address 9
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1844302 to core 0 address 10
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1045614 to core 0 address 11
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2086984 to core 0 address 12
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6215204 to core 0 address 13
[] Removing input
[] Writing 299518 to core 0 address 14
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6307472 to core 0 address 15
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4523524 to core 0 address 16
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7832943 to core 0 address 17
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6747353 to core 0 address 18
[] Removing input
[] Writing 524742 to core 0 address 19
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3424695 to core 0 address 20
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4441827 to core 0 address 21
[] Removing input
[] Writing 94091 to core 0 address 22
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5799164 to core 0 address 23
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3352912 to core 0 address 24
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6181841 to core 0 address 25
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5915273 to core 0 address 26
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7910415 to core 0 address 27
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5461476 to core 0 address 28
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6198901 to core 0 address 29
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2681558 to core 0 address 30
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2011100 to core 0 address 31
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1766022 to core 0 address 32
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4777116 to core 0 address 33
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7332919 to core 0 address 34
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7881362 to core 0 address 35
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3352305 to core 0 address 36
[] Removing input
[] Writing 708607 to core 0 address 37
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7852776 to core 0 address 38
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4654042 to core 0 address 39
[] Removing input
[] Writing 8047941 to core 0 address 40
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2356710 to core 0 address 41
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1490805 to core 0 address 42
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5840107 to core 0 address 43
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4612067 to core 0 address 44
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2356890 to core 0 address 45
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4150607 to core 0 address 46
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3677767 to core 0 address 47
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5610065 to core 0 address 48
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2716239 to core 0 address 49
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5394492 to core 0 address 50
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4937489 to core 0 address 51
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4304831 to core 0 address 52
[] Removing input
[] Writing 8092217 to core 0 address 53
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1796782 to core 0 address 54
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3704126 to core 0 address 55
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7019592 to core 0 address 56
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7008470 to core 0 address 57
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2845373 to core 0 address 58
[] Removing input
[] Writing 356722 to core 0 address 59
[] Removing input
[] Writing 276406 to core 0 address 60
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1238748 to core 0 address 61
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4618950 to core 0 address 62
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7728738 to core 0 address 63
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1504173 to core 1 address 0
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1021893 to core 1 address 1
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7109610 to core 1 address 2
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6937942 to core 1 address 3
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1852966 to core 1 address 4
[] Removing input
[] Writing 8349090 to core 1 address 5
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1472410 to core 1 address 6
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1733791 to core 1 address 7
[] Removing input
[] Writing 279622 to core 1 address 8
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4203827 to core 1 address 9
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7147640 to core 1 address 10
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2315900 to core 1 address 11
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5885805 to core 1 address 12
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5676797 to core 1 address 13
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3693747 to core 1 address 14
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1619171 to core 1 address 15
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3919645 to core 1 address 16
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1708825 to core 1 address 17
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2975396 to core 1 address 18
[] Removing input
[] Writing 753463 to core 1 address 19
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6866223 to core 1 address 20
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1508957 to core 1 address 21
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6659664 to core 1 address 22
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6874607 to core 1 address 23
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5711803 to core 1 address 24
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5145132 to core 1 address 25
[] Removing input
[] Writing 190818 to core 1 address 26
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7760922 to core 1 address 27
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5670224 to core 1 address 28
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1313371 to core 1 address 29
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1161556 to core 1 address 30
[] Removing input
[] Writing 8366148 to core 1 address 31
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6860350 to core 1 address 32
[] Removing input
[] Writing 88361 to core 1 address 33
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5554412 to core 1 address 34
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3327330 to core 1 address 35
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2792301 to core 1 address 36
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7291409 to core 1 address 37
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5442962 to core 1 address 38
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3090484 to core 1 address 39
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3677305 to core 1 address 40
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1931800 to core 1 address 41
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4647837 to core 1 address 42
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2748771 to core 1 address 43
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1853701 to core 1 address 44
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7542420 to core 1 address 45
[] Removing input
[] Writing 4701564 to core 1 address 46
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7150520 to core 1 address 47
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2436447 to core 1 address 48
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2974030 to core 1 address 49
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2999015 to core 1 address 50
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6741461 to core 1 address 51
[] Removing input
[] Writing 6473162 to core 1 address 52
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1045613 to core 1 address 53
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3002225 to core 1 address 54
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5399719 to core 1 address 55
[] Removing input
[] Writing 559188 to core 1 address 56
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3622321 to core 1 address 57
[] Removing input
[] Writing 2330967 to core 1 address 58
[] Removing input
[] Writing 1861155 to core 1 address 59
[] Removing input
[] Writing 5442382 to core 1 address 60
[] Removing input
[] Writing 8112402 to core 1 address 61
[] Removing input
[] Writing 3261765 to core 1 address 62
[] Removing input
[] Writing 7896780 to core 1 address 63
[] Removing input
[] Reading core 0 address 0
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6408920 from core 0 register 0
[] Reading core 0 address 1
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3765103 from core 0 register 1
[] Reading core 0 address 2
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1599066 from core 0 register 2
[] Reading core 0 address 3
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6209994 from core 0 register 3
[] Reading core 0 address 4
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3869017 from core 0 register 4
[] Reading core 0 address 5
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4194016 from core 0 register 5
[] Reading core 0 address 6
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4328621 from core 0 register 6
[] Reading core 0 address 7
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1261935 from core 0 register 7
[] Reading core 0 address 8
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2000611 from core 0 register 8
[] Reading core 0 address 9
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3302177 from core 0 register 9
[] Reading core 0 address 10
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1844302 from core 0 register 10
[] Reading core 0 address 11
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1045614 from core 0 register 11
[] Reading core 0 address 12
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2086984 from core 0 register 12
[] Reading core 0 address 13
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6215204 from core 0 register 13
[] Reading core 0 address 14
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 299518 from core 0 register 14
[] Reading core 0 address 15
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6307472 from core 0 register 15
[] Reading core 0 address 16
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4523524 from core 0 register 16
[] Reading core 0 address 17
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7832943 from core 0 register 17
[] Reading core 0 address 18
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6747353 from core 0 register 18
[] Reading core 0 address 19
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 524742 from core 0 register 19
[] Reading core 0 address 20
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3424695 from core 0 register 20
[] Reading core 0 address 21
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4441827 from core 0 register 21
[] Reading core 0 address 22
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 94091 from core 0 register 22
[] Reading core 0 address 23
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5799164 from core 0 register 23
[] Reading core 0 address 24
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3352912 from core 0 register 24
[] Reading core 0 address 25
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6181841 from core 0 register 25
[] Reading core 0 address 26
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5915273 from core 0 register 26
[] Reading core 0 address 27
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7910415 from core 0 register 27
[] Reading core 0 address 28
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5461476 from core 0 register 28
[] Reading core 0 address 29
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6198901 from core 0 register 29
[] Reading core 0 address 30
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2681558 from core 0 register 30
[] Reading core 0 address 31
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2011100 from core 0 register 31
[] Reading core 0 address 32
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1766022 from core 0 register 32
[] Reading core 0 address 33
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4777116 from core 0 register 33
[] Reading core 0 address 34
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7332919 from core 0 register 34
[] Reading core 0 address 35
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7881362 from core 0 register 35
[] Reading core 0 address 36
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3352305 from core 0 register 36
[] Reading core 0 address 37
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 708607 from core 0 register 37
[] Reading core 0 address 38
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7852776 from core 0 register 38
[] Reading core 0 address 39
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4654042 from core 0 register 39
[] Reading core 0 address 40
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 8047941 from core 0 register 40
[] Reading core 0 address 41
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2356710 from core 0 register 41
[] Reading core 0 address 42
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1490805 from core 0 register 42
[] Reading core 0 address 43
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5840107 from core 0 register 43
[] Reading core 0 address 44
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4612067 from core 0 register 44
[] Reading core 0 address 45
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2356890 from core 0 register 45
[] Reading core 0 address 46
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4150607 from core 0 register 46
[] Reading core 0 address 47
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3677767 from core 0 register 47
[] Reading core 0 address 48
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5610065 from core 0 register 48
[] Reading core 0 address 49
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2716239 from core 0 register 49
[] Reading core 0 address 50
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5394492 from core 0 register 50
[] Reading core 0 address 51
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4937489 from core 0 register 51
[] Reading core 0 address 52
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4304831 from core 0 register 52
[] Reading core 0 address 53
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 8092217 from core 0 register 53
[] Reading core 0 address 54
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1796782 from core 0 register 54
[] Reading core 0 address 55
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3704126 from core 0 register 55
[] Reading core 0 address 56
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7019592 from core 0 register 56
[] Reading core 0 address 57
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7008470 from core 0 register 57
[] Reading core 0 address 58
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2845373 from core 0 register 58
[] Reading core 0 address 59
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 356722 from core 0 register 59
[] Reading core 0 address 60
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 276406 from core 0 register 60
[] Reading core 0 address 61
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1238748 from core 0 register 61
[] Reading core 0 address 62
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4618950 from core 0 register 62
[] Reading core 0 address 63
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7728738 from core 0 register 63
[] Reading core 1 address 0
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1504173 from core 1 register 0
[] Reading core 1 address 1
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1021893 from core 1 register 1
[] Reading core 1 address 2
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7109610 from core 1 register 2
[] Reading core 1 address 3
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6937942 from core 1 register 3
[] Reading core 1 address 4
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1852966 from core 1 register 4
[] Reading core 1 address 5
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 8349090 from core 1 register 5
[] Reading core 1 address 6
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1472410 from core 1 register 6
[] Reading core 1 address 7
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1733791 from core 1 register 7
[] Reading core 1 address 8
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 279622 from core 1 register 8
[] Reading core 1 address 9
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4203827 from core 1 register 9
[] Reading core 1 address 10
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7147640 from core 1 register 10
[] Reading core 1 address 11
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2315900 from core 1 register 11
[] Reading core 1 address 12
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5885805 from core 1 register 12
[] Reading core 1 address 13
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5676797 from core 1 register 13
[] Reading core 1 address 14
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3693747 from core 1 register 14
[] Reading core 1 address 15
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1619171 from core 1 register 15
[] Reading core 1 address 16
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3919645 from core 1 register 16
[] Reading core 1 address 17
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1708825 from core 1 register 17
[] Reading core 1 address 18
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2975396 from core 1 register 18
[] Reading core 1 address 19
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 753463 from core 1 register 19
[] Reading core 1 address 20
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6866223 from core 1 register 20
[] Reading core 1 address 21
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1508957 from core 1 register 21
[] Reading core 1 address 22
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6659664 from core 1 register 22
[] Reading core 1 address 23
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6874607 from core 1 register 23
[] Reading core 1 address 24
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5711803 from core 1 register 24
[] Reading core 1 address 25
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5145132 from core 1 register 25
[] Reading core 1 address 26
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 190818 from core 1 register 26
[] Reading core 1 address 27
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7760922 from core 1 register 27
[] Reading core 1 address 28
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5670224 from core 1 register 28
[] Reading core 1 address 29
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1313371 from core 1 register 29
[] Reading core 1 address 30
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1161556 from core 1 register 30
[] Reading core 1 address 31
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 8366148 from core 1 register 31
[] Reading core 1 address 32
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6860350 from core 1 register 32
[] Reading core 1 address 33
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 88361 from core 1 register 33
[] Reading core 1 address 34
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5554412 from core 1 register 34
[] Reading core 1 address 35
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3327330 from core 1 register 35
[] Reading core 1 address 36
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2792301 from core 1 register 36
[] Reading core 1 address 37
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7291409 from core 1 register 37
[] Reading core 1 address 38
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5442962 from core 1 register 38
[] Reading core 1 address 39
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3090484 from core 1 register 39
[] Reading core 1 address 40
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3677305 from core 1 register 40
[] Reading core 1 address 41
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1931800 from core 1 register 41
[] Reading core 1 address 42
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4647837 from core 1 register 42
[] Reading core 1 address 43
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2748771 from core 1 register 43
[] Reading core 1 address 44
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1853701 from core 1 register 44
[] Reading core 1 address 45
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7542420 from core 1 register 45
[] Reading core 1 address 46
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 4701564 from core 1 register 46
[] Reading core 1 address 47
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7150520 from core 1 register 47
[] Reading core 1 address 48
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2436447 from core 1 register 48
[] Reading core 1 address 49
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2974030 from core 1 register 49
[] Reading core 1 address 50
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2999015 from core 1 register 50
[] Reading core 1 address 51
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6741461 from core 1 register 51
[] Reading core 1 address 52
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 6473162 from core 1 register 52
[] Reading core 1 address 53
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1045613 from core 1 register 53
[] Reading core 1 address 54
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3002225 from core 1 register 54
[] Reading core 1 address 55
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5399719 from core 1 register 55
[] Reading core 1 address 56
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 559188 from core 1 register 56
[] Reading core 1 address 57
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3622321 from core 1 register 57
[] Reading core 1 address 58
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 2330967 from core 1 register 58
[] Reading core 1 address 59
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 1861155 from core 1 register 59
[] Reading core 1 address 60
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 5442382 from core 1 register 60
[] Reading core 1 address 61
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 8112402 from core 1 register 61
[] Reading core 1 address 62
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 3261765 from core 1 register 62
[] Reading core 1 address 63
[] Removing input
[] Receiving output 7896780 from core 1 register 63