added initial version of actsim support
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,3 +40,6 @@ ASSURA/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Copyright (c) 2018 Rajit Manohar
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
SRCS= $(SHOBJS:.os=.c)
include $(ACT_HOME)/scripts/Makefile.std
$(ACT_HOME)/scripts/linkso $(TARGETLIBS) $(SHOBJS)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
begin sim
begin extern
string_tablex libs "test_bench_lib"
begin test_bench_lib
string path "$ACT_HOME/lib/"
string sim::testbench::fsource_init "source_init"
string sim::testbench::fsource_next "source_next"
string sim::testbench::fsource_get "source_get"
string sim::testbench::fcheck_out_of_order "check_out_of_order"
string sim::testbench::fcheck_in_order "check_in_order"
string sim::testbench::fcheck_next "check_next"
string sim::testbench::fdump_to_file "dump_to_file"
string sim::testbench::fcontrol_next "control_next"
string sim::testbench::fcontrol_next "control_get"
string sim::testbench::fcontrol_next "control_wait"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
* Copyright 2022 Ole Richter - University of Groningen
* Copyright 2022 Michele Mastella - University of Groningen
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
namespace sim::testbench {
function fsource_init(int verbose) : int;
function fsource_next(int id; int sim_step) : int;
function fsource_get(int id; int bit_width) : int;
function fcheck_next(int id; int sim_step) : int;
function fcheck_in_order(int id; int data) : int;
function fcheck_out_of_order(int id; int data) : int;
function fdump_to_file(int id; int sim_step; int data) : int;
template<pint BIT_WIDTH;pint ID>
defproc channel_source(chan!(int<BIT_WIDTH>) out; chan?(int) sim_step; chan!(int) done)
int current_step, t,data;
chp {
*[ sim_step?current_step; t := 1;
*[ t = 1 -> t := fchannel_source_next(ID,current_step);
[ t = 1 -> data := fchannel_source_get(ID,BIT_WIDTH); out!data ; log("send ", data, " on source ", ID)
[] else -> done!1
template<pint BIT_WIDTH;pint ID>
defproc channel_checker_in_order(chan?(int<BIT_WIDTH>) in; chan?(int) sim_step; chan!(int) done)
int current_step, t, check, data;
chp {
*[ sim_step?current_step; t := 1;
*[ t = 1 -> t := fcheck_next(ID,current_step);
[ t = 1 -> in?data; check := fcheck_in_order(ID,data);
[check = 1 -> log("[success] got ",data, " on check ", ID)
[] else -> log("[failure] got wrong ",data, " on check ", ID, " see log")
[] else -> done!1
template<pint BIT_WIDTH;pint ID>
defproc channel_checker_out_of_order(chan?(int<BIT_WIDTH>) in; chan?(int) sim_step; chan!(int<1>) done)
int current_step, t, check, data;
chp {
*[ sim_step?current_step; t := 1;
*[ t = 1 -> t := fcheck_next(ID,current_step);
[ t = 1 -> in?data; check := fcheck_out_of_order(ID,data);
[check = 1 -> log("[success] got ",data, " on check ", ID)
[] else -> log("[failure] got wrong ",data, " on check ", ID, " see log")
[] else -> done!1
template<pint BIT_WIDTH;pint ID>
defproc channel_dump(chan?(int<BIT_WIDTH>) in; chan?(int) sim_step)
int current_step, t;
chp {
*[ [ #sim_step -> sim_step?current_step
| #in -> t:=fdump_to_file(ID,current_step,in)
defproc control(chan(int) sim_step_source[NUMBER_SOURCE]; chan(int) sim_step_checker[NUMBER_CHECKER]; chan(int) sim_step_dump[NUMBER_DUMP]; chan?(int<1>) done_source[NUMBER_SOURCE]; chan?(int<1>) done_checker[NUMBER_CHECKER])
int current_step, wait;
int<1> t, success, failure_free;
chp {
*[ t = 1 -> current_step := fcontrol_get();
[ current_step = 0 -> skip; // reset here
[] else ->
(,:j:1..NUMBER_SOURCE: sim_step_source[j]!current_step),
(,:j:1..NUMBER_CHECKER: sim_step_checker[j]!current_step),
(,:j:1..NUMBER_DUMP: sim_step_dump[j]!current_step);
(:j:1..NUMBER_SOURCE: done_source[j]?success; failure_free := failure_free & success);
(:j:1..NUMBER_CHECKER: done_checker[j]?success; failure_free := failure_free & success);
wait := fcontrol_wait();
[ wait > 0 -> skip // exec cycle
[] else -> skip
[ HALT_ON_FALIURE & ~failure_free -> t := 0; log("stopped testbech because of failure")
[] else -> t:=fcontrol_next()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
* Copyright 2022 Ole Richter - University of Groningen
* Copyright 2022 Michele Mastella - University of Groningen
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
* this file contains all the helper fucntions to read the CSV test benches.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <act/actsim_ext.h>
* the arrays are staticly allocated, like how many sources aor checks there are, they can be easily increased and recompiled
* the defaults are thought to be fine for most smaller test benches
* also the standard file naming and that the csv is using a ; as seperator can be changed
#define MAX_SOURCES 100
#define MAX_CHECKERS 100
#define MAX_CHECKS 100000
#define MAX_DUMP 100
#define CSV_FORMAT "%u; %lu"
#define CSV_WRITE_FORMAT "%d; %d\n"
#define SOURCE_FILENAME "source_%d.csv"
#define CHECK_FILENAME "check_%d.csv"
#define DUMP_FILENAME "dump_%d.csv"
#define CONTROL_FILENAME "control.csv"
#define LOG_FILENAME "test_bench_helper.log"
* as the testbench is calling the functions, all state variables need to be static so they are the same state whenever called
// all opened files for the text bench
static FILE *source_file[MAX_SOURCES];
static FILE *check_file[MAX_CHECKERS];
static FILE *dump_file[MAX_DUMP];
static FILE *control_file;
// the data variable buffers, as we can only deliver one variable at a time,
// so first is there a variable and than the varibale itself
static unsigned int source_sim_step[MAX_SOURCES];
static unsigned int check_sim_step[MAX_CHECKERS];
static unsigned long source_data_buffer[MAX_SOURCES];
static unsigned long check_data_buffer[MAX_CHECKERS][MAX_CHECKS];
static unsigned short check_data_used[MAX_CHECKERS][MAX_CHECKS];
static unsigned int check_data_number[MAX_CHECKERS];
// as printing does not get dispayed in actsim, print to logfile
static FILE *logfile = NULL;
// show more info like words/tests read
static int verbose = 0;
// keep a memory at which simulation step we are in the files
static unsigned long last_sim_step = 0;
static unsigned int first_sim_step = 0;
static unsigned long current_sim_step = 0;
static unsigned long current_sim_wait = 1;
static unsigned int check_errors = 0;
* Init opens all the files and reads the control
* it requires one int:
* verbose: 0 for normal pinting, 1 for verbose printing
* it returns true on success
struct expr_res init (int num, struct expr_res *args)
struct expr_res t;
t.v = 0;
t.width = 1;
check_errors = 0;
logfile = fopen(LOG_FILENAME, "w");
if (num !=1 ){
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] wrong number of arguments in init"); fflush(logfile);
return t;
verbose = args[0].v;
fprintf(logfile,"==== initialising control ====\n"); fflush(logfile);
control_file = fopen (CONTROL_FILENAME, "r");
int success = 0;
success = fscanf(control_file, CSV_FORMAT, &first_sim_step, &last_sim_step);
if (success != 2) {
fprintf(logfile,"read error on control\n"); fflush(logfile);
return t;
else {
fprintf(logfile,"empty file for control\n"); fflush(logfile);
return t;
fprintf(logfile,"==== initialising source ====\n"); fflush(logfile);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i<MAX_SOURCES; i++){
source_sim_step[i] = 0;
char filename[255];
snprintf(filename, 255, SOURCE_FILENAME,i);
source_file[i] = fopen (filename, "r");
if (source_file[i]){
fprintf(logfile, "source id %d -> %s\n",i,filename); fflush(logfile);
fprintf(logfile,"==== initialising check ====\n"); fflush(logfile);
for (i = 0; i<MAX_CHECKERS; i++){
check_sim_step[i] = 0;
char filename[255];
snprintf(filename, 255, CHECK_FILENAME,i);
check_file[i] = fopen (filename, "r");
if (check_file[i]){
fprintf(logfile, "check id %d -> %s\n",i,filename); fflush(logfile);
fprintf(logfile,"==== initialising done ====\n"); fflush(logfile);
t.v = 1;
return t;
* check_next looks if there is an other check availible in that simulation step
* if a new simulation step is loaded all checks from this step will be cashed into the arrays
* it requires 2 int:
* id: the id of the checker
* simstep: the simulation step the next test to be loaded from
* it returns 1 if there is a check availible, 0 if not or an error occured
struct expr_res check_next (int num, struct expr_res *args){
struct expr_res t;
t.v = 0 ;
t.width = 1;
if (num !=2 ){
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] wrong number of arguments in channel_check\n"); fflush(logfile);
return t;
if (!check_file[args[0].v]) {
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] could not read check %d, file not open or does not exist\n",args[0].v); fflush(logfile);
return t;
int step_done = 0, i = 0;
unsigned int check_sim_step_file = 0;
unsigned long int sim_data_file = 0;
// check if we need to advnce one step
if (check_sim_step[args[0].v] != args[1].v){
// print all missed steps
for (i = 0; i < check_data_number[args[0].v]; i++){
if (check_data_used[args[0].v][i] == 0) {
fprintf(logfile,"[FAILURE] missed %d on check %d - %d for simstep %d; Error count: %d\n",check_data_buffer[args[0].v],args[0].v,i,check_sim_step[args[0].v],check_errors); fflush(logfile);
// load next step
check_sim_step[args[0].v] = args[1].v;
unsigned int count = 0;
// read next steps
while (!step_done){
int success = 0;
success = fscanf(check_file[args[0].v], CSV_FORMAT, &check_sim_step_file, &sim_data_file);
if (success != 2) {
if(ferror(check_file[args[0].v])) fprintf(logfile,"read error on check %d\n",args[0].v);
if(verbose) fprintf(logfile,"EOF on check %d\n",args[0].v); fflush(logfile);
step_done = 1;
else if (count >= MAX_CHECKS) {
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] checks for sim step %d on checker %d, exceed the maximum number of checks, increase and recompile\n",args[0].v); fflush(logfile);
else if (check_sim_step_file == check_sim_step[args[0].v]){
check_data_buffer[args[0].v][count] = sim_data_file;
check_data_used[args[0].v][count] = 0;
if(verbose) fprintf(logfile,"%d check %d on %d\n",count,check_data_buffer[args[0].v][count],args[0].v); fflush(logfile);
check_data_number[args[0].v] = count;
// check if any checks have not been used yet
for (i = 0; i < check_data_number[args[0].v]; i++){
if (check_data_used[args[0].v][i] == 0) {
t.v = 1 ;
i = check_data_number[args[0].v];
return t;
* check_in_order compares a word to the next avaible word in the csv,
* check_next has to be called before
* it requres 2 ints:
* id: the id of the checker
* word to check: the word to compare
* returns 1 on success and 0 on failure
struct expr_res check_in_order (int num, struct expr_res *args)
struct expr_res t;
t.v = 0 ;
t.width = 0;
if (num !=2 ){
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] wrong number of arguments in channel_check\n");
return t;
for (int i = 0; i < check_data_number[args[0].v]; i++){
if (check_data_used[args[0].v][i] == 0) {
if (check_data_buffer[args[0].v][i] == args[1].v){
fprintf(logfile,"[SUCCESS] got %d = %d on check %d - %d\n",check_data_buffer[args[0].v],args[1].v,args[0].v,i); fflush(logfile);
t.v = 1;
else {
fprintf(logfile,"[FAILURE] expected %d got %d on check %d - %d; Error count %d\n",check_data_buffer[args[0].v],args[1].v,args[0].v,i,check_errors); fflush(logfile);
t.v = 0;
check_data_used[args[0].v][i] = 1;
i = check_data_number[args[0].v];
t.width = 1;
return t;
* check_out_of_order compares a word to the all avaible word in the csv for that step,
* each word can only be used once.
* check_next has to be called before
* it requres 2 ints:
* id: the id of the checker
* word to check: the word to compare
* returns 1 on success and 0 on failure
struct expr_res check_out_of_order (int num, struct expr_res *args)
struct expr_res t;
t.v = 0 ;
t.width = 0;
if (num !=2 ){
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] wrong number of arguments in channel_check\n");
return t;
for (int i = 0; i < check_data_number[args[0].v]; i++){
if (check_data_used[args[0].v][i] == 0) {
if (check_data_buffer[args[0].v][i] == args[1].v){
fprintf(logfile,"[SUCCESS] got %d = %d on check %d - %d\n",check_data_buffer[args[0].v],args[1].v,args[0].v,i); fflush(logfile);
t.v = 1;
check_data_used[args[0].v][i] = 1;
i = check_data_number[args[0].v];
if (t.v == 0){
fprintf(logfile,"[FAILURE] could not find %d on check %d; Error count: %d\n",check_data_buffer[args[0].v],args[1].v,args[0].v,check_errors); fflush(logfile);
t.width = 1;
return t;
* source_next looks if there is an other word availible to be send in the current simulation step
* it loads that work into the buffer.
* if a new simulation step is loaded the file is read from the beginning again.
* it requires 2 int:
* id: the id of the source
* simstep: the simulation step the next test to be loaded from
* it returns 1 if there is a source word availible, 0 if not or an error occured
struct expr_res source_next (int num, struct expr_res *args)
struct expr_res t;
t.v = 0 ;
t.width = 0;
if (num !=2 ){
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] wrong number of arguments in channel_source_next\n"); fflush(logfile);
return t;
if (!source_file[args[0].v]) {
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] could not read source %d, file not open or does not exist\n",args[0].v); fflush(logfile);
return t;
int step_done = 0;
unsigned int source_sim_step_file = 0;
unsigned long int sim_data_file = 0;
if (source_sim_step[args[0].v] != args[1].v){
source_sim_step[args[0].v] = args[1].v;
while (!step_done){
int success = 0;
success = fscanf(source_file[args[0].v], CSV_FORMAT, &source_sim_step_file, &sim_data_file);
if (success != 2) {
if(ferror(source_file[args[0].v])) fprintf(logfile,"read error on source %d\n",args[0].v);
source_data_buffer[args[0].v] = 0;
if(verbose) fprintf(logfile,"EOF on source %d\n",args[0].v); fflush(logfile);
t.v = 0 ;
t.width = 1;
return t;
if (source_sim_step_file == source_sim_step[args[0].v]){
step_done = 1;
source_data_buffer[args[0].v]= sim_data_file;
if(verbose) fprintf(logfile,"read %d on source %d\n",sim_data_file,args[0].v); fflush(logfile);
t.v = 1;
t.width = 1;
return t;
* source get reads the buffer and returns the word that was placed by source_next
* it requires 2 int:
* id: the id of the source
* width: the number of bits the source word is supposed to have
* it returns the next word placed by source_next
struct expr_res source_get (int num, struct expr_res *args)
struct expr_res t;
t.v = 0 ;
t.width = 0;
if (num !=2 ){
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] wrong number of arguments in channel_source_get\n");
return t;
t.v = source_data_buffer[args[0].v];
t.width = args[1].v;
return t;
* dump to file writes every inforamtion it gets into a csv file.
* the file is created and opend on the first write, to not create a lot of empty files that are not required.
* it requires 3 ints:
* id: the id of the dump file
* simstep: the current simulation step
* word: the data word to be written
* it return 1 on success
struct expr_res dump_to_file (int num, struct expr_res *args)
struct expr_res t;
t.v = 0 ;
t.width = 1;
if (num !=3 ){
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] wrong number of arguments in dump_to_file\n");
return t;
if (!dump_file[args[0].v]){
char filename[255];
snprintf(filename, 255, DUMP_FILENAME,args[0].v);
dump_file[args[0].v] = fopen(filename,"w");
if (dump_file[args[0].v]){
fprintf(dump_file[args[0].v], CSV_WRITE_FORMAT, args[1].v, args[2].v); fflush(dump_file[args[0].v]);
t.v = 1;
return t;
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] writing failed, file not open for dump %d\n",args[0].v); fflush(logfile);
t.v = 0;
return t;
* control next hecks if there is a next simulation step to be loaded and if a delay needs to be triggered
* it requires 1 ints:
* ignored: cant have a function call without
* it returns 1 if there is a new step
struct expr_res control_next (int num, struct expr_res *args)
struct expr_res t;
t.v = 0 ;
t.width = 1;
if (num !=1 ){
fprintf(logfile,"[ERROR] wrong number of arguments in dump_to_file\n");
return t;
if (current_sim_step < first_sim_step) {
current_sim_step = first_sim_step;
t.v = 1 ;
else if (current_sim_step >= last_sim_step){
return t;
else {
t.v = 1 ;
int step_done = 0;
unsigned int sim_step_file = 0;
unsigned long int sim_data_file = 0;
while (!step_done){
int success = 0;
success = fscanf(control_file, CSV_FORMAT, &sim_step_file, &sim_data_file);
if (success != 2) {
if(ferror(control_file)) fprintf(logfile,"read error on contol\n");
if(verbose) fprintf(logfile,"EOF on ctl\n"); fflush(logfile);
current_sim_wait = 0;
step_done = 1;
if (sim_step_file == current_sim_step){
step_done = 1;
if(verbose) fprintf(logfile,"wait %d\n",sim_data_file); fflush(logfile);
current_sim_wait = sim_data_file;
return t;
* control_get returns the current time_step, to advance a step call control_next
* ignores all input
* returns the current simstep
struct expr_res control_get (int num, struct expr_res *args)
struct expr_res t;
t.v = current_sim_step;
t.width = 32;
return t;
* control_get returns the wait time required after the current time_step, to advance a step call control_next
* ignores all input
* returns the current wait time
struct expr_res control_wait (int num, struct expr_res *args)
struct expr_res t;
t.v = current_sim_wait;
t.width = 32;
return t;
@ -1 +1,117 @@
# function lib test bench
# lib test bench
is build to load test vectors from CSV files into your actsim or mixed signal simulation.
the library contains multiple source and check as well as dump helpers.
## The Concept
each test bench consists out of:
- a DUT - device under test
- multiple sources
- multiple checker or dumpers
- a controller - responcible for syncronising the release of test vectors
the execution order of the test bench is defined by the simulation steps and the order of the test vectors inside the simulation step
before the test bench proceeds to the next simulation step, it waits untill
- all sources have sent their test vectors
- all checkes have recieved all exspeced inputs
- the specified wait time for the simulation step has elapsed after the 2 conditions above have been satisfied.
the reason the test bench lib is splitt in components is that you can assable it to your need without writing it new for evert DUT
the reason to load a control file is that you can run different test suits with the same test
bench by changing the set of csv files.
### Limitations for verilog
Cadence AMS:
\- the test vector files can contain a maximum of 2.2M rows per simulation step, as they are cached for out of order checks
(`` `parameter integer MAX_CHECKS = 2200000; ``\`)
## The Control
a test bench includes one test bench controller that excecutes reset (verilog, prs), the
simulation step and the time out/end of the simulation (verilog)
because the controller sets the time out in verilog set your simulation time in your simulator to way more than needed, the TB will end the simulation for you!
this unit is called **control**, it reads a file with the name `control.csv`.
the csv format is, one line per simulation step:
``` first line: <start step>, <end step> all other lines: <simulation step>, <time to wait for> ```
step 0 is the test initialisation - so the reset sequence - and is always
executed, it can not be used in the test bench.
verilog: wait statements are in ns (default for candence AMS) but can be changed in the simulatior options.
actsim: 0 means no wait, any positive number is waiting untill all signals have settled "cycle" (@TODO not supported yet)
the controll needs to be connected to sources, checkers and dumps, with both sim_step and done (excep dump)
before the test bench proceeds to the next simulation step, it waits until
- all sources have sent their test vectors
- all checkes have recieved all exspeced inputs
- the specified wait time for the simulation step has elapsed after the 2 conditions above have been satisfied.
## The Sources
the async sources present a word and initiate a handshake.
the csv format is: ``` <simulation_step>; <data to send>```
the file name is `source_<ID>.csv`. the ID is a variable specified during the buiding of the test bench, the numbering does not have to be consecutive.
for the normal sources excl. fifo/serial, the maximum vector width is assumed with 64 bits, as limited by actsim plugin system
the simultaion_step has to be >= 1
## The Checkers
the testers compare the in coming data to the vectors written in the csv
there are different checkers:
- check in order: all vectors have to appear in the order of the file inside a simulation step
- check out of order: all vector can appear in random order, but each vector can only be used once.
the csv format is: ``` <simulation_step>; <data to send>```
the file name is `check_<ID>.csv`. the ID is a variable specified during the buiding of the test bench, the numbering does not have to be consecutive.
for the normal checkers excl. fifo/serial, the maximum vector width is assumed with 64 bits, as limited by actsim plugin system
## The Dumpers
the dumpers just write any incomming vector to file with format:
the csv format is: ``` <simulation_step>; <data to send>```
the file name is `dump_<ID>.csv`. the ID is a variable specified during the buiding of the test bench, the numbering does not have to be consecutive.
the maximum vector width is assumed with 64 bits, as limited by actsim plugin system
## CSV file stucture and location
currenty the files are read and searched in the excecution folder of actsim.
## running actsim
the config file has to be included to load the test bench,
call `make install`
and after you can run ``` actsim -cnf=$ACT_HOME/tech/generic/actsim_test_bench_lib.conf <act file> <process> ```
## outstanding features:
- [ ] sources with seperate address and data buses
- [ ] verilog files in oa structure - what to do with symbols?
- [ ] serial sources and checkers like scanchain/fifo/spi
- [ ] actsim PRS support (incl reset) as ref=1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user