### An [R package](https://www.r-project.org) to simplify the analysis and prediction of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and to work with antibiotic properties by using evidence-based methods.
This R package was created for academic research by PhD students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the [University of Groningen](https://www.rug.nl) and the Medical Microbiology & Infection Prevention (MMBI) department of the [University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG)](https://www.umcg.nl).
Matthijs S. Berends <ahref="https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7620-1800"><imgsrc="https://cran.r-project.org/web/orcid.svg"height="16px"></a><sup>1,2,a</sup>,
Christian F. Luz <ahref="https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5809-5995"><imgsrc="https://cran.r-project.org/web/orcid.svg"height="16px"></a><sup>1,a</sup>,
<sup>1</sup> Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands - [rug.nl](http://www.rug.nl) [umcg.nl](http://www.umcg.nl)<br>
<sup>2</sup> Certe Medical Diagnostics & Advice, Groningen, the Netherlands - [certe.nl](http://www.certe.nl)<br>
1. It **cleanses existing data**, by transforming it to reproducible and profound *classes*, making the most efficient use of R. These functions all use artificial intelligence to guess results that you would expect:
* Use `as.mo` to get an ID of a microorganism. The IDs are human readable for the trained eye - the ID of *Klebsiella pneumoniae* is "B_KLBSL_PNE" (B stands for Bacteria) and the ID of *S. aureus* is "B_STPHY_AUR". The function takes almost any text as input that looks like the name or code of a microorganism like "E. coli", "esco" and "esccol". Even `as.mo("MRSA")` will return the ID of *S. aureus*. Moreover, it can group all coagulase negative and positive *Staphylococci*, and can transform *Streptococci* into Lancefield groups. To find bacteria based on your input, it uses Artificial Intelligence to look up values in the included ITIS data, consisting of more than 18,000 microorganisms. It is *very* fast, see [Benchmarks](#benchmarks).
* Use `as.rsi` to transform values to valid antimicrobial results. It produces just S, I or R based on your input and warns about invalid values. Even values like "<=0.002; S" (combined MIC/RSI) will result in "S".
* Use `as.mic` to cleanse your MIC values. It produces a so-called factor (called *ordinal* in SPSS) with valid MIC values as levels. A value like "<=0.002; S" (combined MIC/RSI) will result in "<=0.002".
* Use `as.atc` to get the ATC code of an antibiotic as defined by the WHO. This package contains a database with most LIS codes, official names, DDDs and even trade names of antibiotics. For example, the values "Furabid", "Furadantin", "nitro" all return the ATC code of Nitrofurantoine.
* Use `first_isolate` to identify the first isolates of every patient [using guidelines from the CLSI](https://clsi.org/standards/products/microbiology/documents/m39/) (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute).
* You can also identify first *weighted* isolates of every patient, an adjusted version of the CLSI guideline. This takes into account key antibiotics of every strain and compares them.
* Use `mdro` (abbreviation of Multi Drug Resistant Organisms) to check your isolates for exceptional resistance with country-specific guidelines or EUCAST rules. Currently, national guidelines for Germany and the Netherlands are supported.
* The data set `microorganisms` contains the complete taxonomic tree of more than 18,000 microorganisms (bacteria, fungi/yeasts and protozoa). Furthermore, the colloquial name and Gram stain are available, which enables resistance analysis of e.g. different antibiotics per Gram stain. The package also contains functions to look up values in this data set like `mo_genus`, `mo_family`, `mo_gramstain` or even `mo_phylum`. As they use `as.mo` internally, they also use artificial intelligence. For example, `mo_genus("MRSA")` and `mo_genus("S. aureus")` will both return `"Staphylococcus"`. They also come with support for German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, French and Portuguese. These functions can be used to add new variables to your data.
* The data set `antibiotics` contains the ATC code, LIS codes, official name, trivial name and DDD of both oral and parenteral administration. It also contains a total of 298 trade names. Use functions like `ab_name` and `ab_tradenames` to look up values. The `ab_*` functions use `as.atc` internally so they support AI to guess your expected result. For example, `ab_name("Fluclox")`, `ab_name("Floxapen")` and `ab_name("J01CF05")` will all return `"Flucloxacillin"`. These functions can again be used to add new variables to your data.
* Calculate the resistance (and even co-resistance) of microbial isolates with the `portion_R`, `portion_IR`, `portion_I`, `portion_SI` and `portion_S` functions. Similarly, the *number* of isolates can be determined with the `count_R`, `count_IR`, `count_I`, `count_SI` and `count_S` functions. All these functions can be used [with the `dplyr` package](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/#usage) (e.g. in conjunction with [`summarise`](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference/summarise.html))
This package contains the **complete microbial taxonomic data** (with all nine taxonomic ranks - from kingdom to subspecies) from the publicly available Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS, https://www.itis.gov).
All (sub)species from **the taxonomic kingdoms Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoa are included in this package**, as well as all previously accepted names known to ITIS. Furthermore, the responsible authors and year of publication are available. This allows users to use authoritative taxonomic information for their data analysis on any microorganism, not only human pathogens. It also helps to quickly determine the Gram stain of bacteria, since all bacteria are classified into subkingdom Negibacteria or Posibacteria.
All stable versions of this package [are published on CRAN](http://cran.r-project.org/package=AMR), the official R network with a peer-reviewed submission process.
(Note: Downloads measured only by [cran.rstudio.com](https://cran.rstudio.com/package=AMR), this excludes e.g. the official [cran.r-project.org](https://cran.r-project.org/package=AMR))
This is the latest **development version**. Although it may contain bugfixes and even new functions compared to the latest released version on CRAN, it is also subject to change and may be unstable or behave unexpectedly. Always consider this a beta version. All below 'badges' should be green:
All functions checked on Linux | [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/msberends/AMR/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/msberends/AMR/commits/master) | GitLab CI [[ref 1]](https://gitlab.com/msberends/AMR/pipelines)
All functions checked on Windows | [![AppVeyor_Build](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/gitlab/msberends/AMR?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/msberends/amr-svxon) | Appveyor Systems Inc. [[ref 2]](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/msberends/amr-svxon)
This package contains two new S3 classes: `mic` for MIC values (e.g. from Vitek or Phoenix) and `rsi` for antimicrobial drug interpretations (i.e. S, I and R). Both are actually ordered factors under the hood (an MIC of `2` being higher than `<=1` but lower than `>=32`, and for class `rsi` factors are ordered as `S < I < R`).
Both classes have extensions for existing generic functions like `print`, `summary` and `plot`.
The `septic_patients` data set comes with antimicrobial results of more than 40 different drugs. For example, columns `amox` and `cipr` contain results of amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin, respectively.
It also supports grouping variables. Let's say we want to compare resistance of drugs against Urine Tract Infections (UTI) between hospitals A to D (variable `hospital_id`):
Is there a significant difference between hospital A and D when it comes to Fosfomycin?
check_A_and_D <-septic_patients%>%
filter(hospital_id %in% c("A", "D")) %>% # filter on only hospitals A and D
select(hospital_id, fosf) %>% # select the hospitals and fosfomycin
group_by(hospital_id) %>%
count_df(combine_IR = TRUE) %>% # count all isolates per group (hospital_id)
tidyr::spread(hospital_id, Value) %>% # transform output so A and D are columns
select(A, D) %>% # and select these only
as.matrix() # transform to good old matrix for fisher.test
# A D
# [1,] 24 33
# [2,] 25 77
Total sum is lower than 1,000 so we'd prefer a [Fisher's exact test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%27s_exact_test), not a [*G*-test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-test) (or its formerly used equivalent, the famous [Chi<sup>2</sup> test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chi-squared_test)):
Bacteria IDs can be retrieved with the `guess_mo` function. It uses any type of info about a microorganism as input. For example, all these will return value `B_STPHY_AUR`, the ID of *S. aureus*:
Base R lacks a simple function to create frequency tables. We created such a function that works with almost all data types: `freq` (or `frequency_tbl`). It can be used in two ways:
One of the most important features of this package is the complete microbial taxonomic database, supplied by ITIS (https://www.itis.gov). We created a function `as.mo` that transforms any user input value to a valid microbial ID by using AI (Artificial Intelligence) and based on the taxonomic tree of ITIS.
Using the `microbenchmark` package, we can review the calculation performance of this function.
In the next test, we try to 'coerce' different input values for *Staphylococcus aureus*. The actual result is the same every time: it returns its MO code `B_STPHY_AUR` (*B* stands for *Bacteria*, the taxonomic kingdom).
In the table above, all measurements are shown in milliseconds (thousands of seconds), tested on a quite regular Linux server from 2007 (Core 2 Duo 2.7 GHz, 2 GB DDR2 RAM). A value of 6.9 milliseconds means it will roughly determine 144 input values per second. It case of 39.2 milliseconds, this is only 26 input values per second. The more an input value resembles a full name (like C, D and F), the faster the result will be found. In case of G, the input is already a valid MO code, so it only almost takes no time at all (0.0001 seconds on our server).
To achieve this speed, the `as.mo` function also takes into account the prevalence of human pathogenic microorganisms. The downside is of course that less prevalent microorganisms will be determined far less faster. See this example for the ID of *Burkholderia nodosa* (`B_BRKHL_NOD`):
That takes up to 11 times as much time! A value of 158.4 milliseconds means it can only determine ~6 different input values per second. We can conclude that looking up arbitrary codes of less prevalent microorganisms is the worst way to go, in terms of calculation performance.
To relieve this pitfall and further improve performance, two important calculations take almost no time at all: **repetive results** and **already precalculated results**.
Repetive results mean that unique values are present more than once. Unique values will only be calculated once by `as.mo`. We will use `mo_fullname` for this test - a helper function that returns the full microbial name (genus, species and possibly subspecies) and uses `as.mo` internally.
What about precalculated results? If the input is an already precalculated result of a helper function like `mo_fullname`, it almost doesn't take any time at all (see 'C' below):
So going from `mo_fullname("Staphylococcus aureus")` to `"Staphylococcus aureus"` takes 0.0001 seconds - it doesn't even start calculating *if the result would be the same as the expected resulting value*. That goes for all helper functions:
Of course, when running `mo_phylum("Firmicutes")` the function has zero knowledge about the actual microorganism, namely *S. aureus*. But since the result would be `"Firmicutes"` too, there is no point in calculating the result. And because this package 'knows' all phyla of all known microorganisms (according to ITIS), it can just return the initial value immediately.
This R package is licensed under the [GNU General Public License (GPL) v2.0](https://gitlab.com/msberends/AMR/blob/master/LICENSE). In a nutshell, this means that this package: