186 lines
5.9 KiB
186 lines
5.9 KiB
from dolfin import *
import numpy as np
from common import inout
from pathlib import Path
import argparse
def get_indices_glob(path):
path_all = list(Path().glob(path.format(i='*')))
indices = sorted(int(str(s).split('/')[-2]) for s in path_all)
return indices
def find_checkpoints(options, path_checkpoint):
indices = options['estimation']['measurements'][0]['indices']
# look for u.h5 checkpoints
chkpt_root = str(Path(path_checkpoint).joinpath('{i}/u.h5'))
# if indices were given in input file, check if u.h5 checkpoints or X0.h5
if indices:
if not Path(chkpt_root.format(indices[0])).is_file():
chkpt_root = str(Path(path_checkpoint).joinpath('{i}/X0.h5'))
if not Path(chkpt_root.format(indices[0])).is_file():
raise Exception('No checkpoints found in folder ' + chkpt_root)
# get indices from folder names of u.h5 checkpoints
indices = get_indices_glob(chkpt_root)
# if no indices were found, look for X0.h5 files
if not indices:
chkpt_root = str(Path(path_checkpoint).joinpath('{i}/X0.h5'))
indices = get_indices_glob(chkpt_root)
# still no indices? raise Exception
if not indices:
raise Exception('No checkpoint indices found')
dt = options['timemarching']['dt']
times = dt*np.array(indices)
if MPI.rank(MPI.comm_world) == 0:
print('indices: \n')
print('\t', indices)
print('times: \n')
print('\t', times)
files = [chkpt_root.format(i=i) for i in indices]
# check if all files are found
for f in files:
if not Path(f).is_file():
raise FileNotFoundError(f)
return indices, times, files
def get_h5_fun_name(file):
if 'X0.h5' in file:
fun = '/X'
fun = '/u'
return fun
def filter_indices(ind1, ind2, files1, files2):
''' Filter indices and files such that only maching files and indicies
ind1 (list): list of indices of dataset 1
ind2 (list): list of indices of dataset 2
files1 (list): list of files of dataset 1
files2 (list): list of files of dataset 2
ind = []
files_filt1 = []
files_filt2 = []
for i in ind1:
if i in ind2:
return ind, files_filt1, files_filt2
def compute_errors(inputfile, path_checkpoint_1,
path_checkpoint_2, relative=False):
options = inout.read_parameters(inputfile)
indices1, times1, files1 = find_checkpoints(options, path_checkpoint_1)
indices2, times2, files2 = find_checkpoints(options, path_checkpoint_2)
indices, files1, files2 = filter_indices(indices1, indices2, files1,
fun1 = get_h5_fun_name(files1[0])
fun2 = get_h5_fun_name(files2[0])
# assert np.allclose(indices1, indices2), 'Indices do not match!'
# assert np.allclose(times1, times2), 'Time stamps do not match!'
mesh, _, _ = inout.read_mesh(options['mesh'])
if 'fluid' in options:
assert options['fem']['velocity_space'] in ('p1', 'p2'), (
'velocity space not supported, use p1 or p2')
deg = int(options['fem']['velocity_space'][-1])
elif 'material' in options:
deg = options['solver']['fe_degree']
V = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'P', deg)
u1 = Function(V)
u2 = Function(V)
err_l2 = []
err_linf = []
for i, (f1, f2) in enumerate(zip(files1, files2)):
# file_ref = str(Path(path_fwd_tentative_checkpoint).joinpath(
# '{i}/u.h5'.format(i=i)))
# file_roukf = str(Path(path_roukf_state_checkpoint).joinpath(
# '{i}/X0.h5'.format(i=i)))
t0 = inout.read_HDF5_data(V.mesh().mpi_comm(), f1, u1, fun1)
t1 = inout.read_HDF5_data(V.mesh().mpi_comm(), f2, u2, fun2)
assert np.allclose(t0, t1), ('Timestamps do not match! {} vs {} '
'(HDF5 files)'.format(t0, t1))
if relative:
u_l2 = norm(u1, 'l2')
u_linf = norm(u1.vector(), 'linf')
if u_l2 == 0:
u_l2 = 1
print('i = {} \t norm(u1) == 0, do not normalize!'.format(i))
if u_linf == 0:
u_linf = 1
print('i = {} \t max(u1) == 0, do not normalize!'.format(i))
u_l2 = u_linf = 1
err_l2.append(errornorm(u1, u2, 'l2', degree_rise=0)/u_l2)
err_linf.append(norm(u1.vector() - u2.vector(), 'linf')/u_linf)
print('i = {} \t L2 error: {} \t Linf error: {}'.format(i, err_l2[-1],
print('max L2 error: {}'.format(max(err_l2)))
print('max Linf error: {}'.format(max(err_linf)))
def get_parser():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
Compute errors between vector function checkpoints of two simulations.
Can be ROUKF checkpoints, but if forward and ROUKF
files are found in the same checkpoint folder (0/u.h5 and 0/X.5),
the forward file will be preferred.''',
parser.add_argument('inputfile', type=str, help='path to yaml input file')
parser.add_argument('path_checkpoint_1', type=str,
help='Path to checkpoints of simulation 1')
parser.add_argument('path_checkpoint_2', type=str,
help='Path to checkpoints of simulation 2')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--relative', action='store_true',
help='compute relative errors')
return parser
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = get_parser().parse_args()
compute_errors(args.inputfile, args.path_checkpoint_1,
args.path_checkpoint_2, relative=args.relative)